2: Leon The Trouble Maker

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Hi, I've noticed my first chapter's been deleted, that's why it says it's the second instead of first, if you saw the first chapter then skip this long message, for all the people who don't know the first chapter, lemme catch you up real quick, Soya is happy living her life, she went drinking with Sana to cheer her up because her boyfriend Jase (they started dating a year back) cheated on her, then Sana drank till she was drunk, she showed Soya a picture of the girl he'd rather be with, she's a Latina and her name is Sydney, this was it:

Hi, I've noticed my first chapter's been deleted, that's why it says it's the second instead of first, if you saw the first chapter then skip this long message, for all the people who don't know the first chapter, lemme catch you up real quick, So...

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And blah blah blah, she puked from all the shots then Soya took her to her car and she said how she's been so good at her PC job that she got her pay raised three times in the past month, now she gets 500$ per week, and so she got herself a good car, a 2020 Honda, and this is the same exact model she got, the color and everything:

And blah blah blah, she puked from all the shots then Soya took her to her car and she said how she's been so good at her PC job that she got her pay raised three times in the past month, now she gets 500$ per week, and so she got herself a good c...

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And after existing the bar at 6pm they decided to go to Jin's Cuisine Finest, and that's where we are, and btw, since she's not a Prisoner anymore Jimin as her boyfriend changed the meaning behind the P, it now stands for Perfect Cop, so let's continue.

I held Sana up I then looked back over to Mr Barton, "where's Jin?" I asked, he then pointed to the kitchen in the back, but when I looked something else caught my attention, it was a little boy laughing and running around, waiters and waitresses ran after him trying to catch him, "who's the kid?" I asked, "Leon, he's 5, since it's a obvious fact that men can't produce children like women can, Namjoon and Jin decided as a Married couple, (and yes, they already had their wedding 2 months after I broke up with Hobi, which was 3 years ago)
that they wanted to adopt, so Jin and Namjoon got their Fostering License and they wanted to Foster some kids and pick who they want to adopt, but the kid the Fostering place gave them was that little brat, he runs like there's no tomorrow, poor Jin couldn't get a babysitter to watch Leon so he had to bring him to work, he's a trouble maker if you ask me, that kid won't be still for a second" Mr. Barton said and crossed his arms over his chest, I then sighed and sat Sana down on a chair then I waited with my arms wide open, the kid didn't realize and as he was running and laughing while looking back at the waiters and waitresses chasing him, he ran right into me, once he did I wrapped my arms around him, "gotcha" I said and he started whining, " let me go~.....PAPA, DADDY!!! " the kid whined, this kid already calls them Papa and Daddy?, but what if they don't want him?

soon Jin and Namjoon ran out, they looked speechless to see me, but they hurried over, Jin picked up Leon and made Namjoon hold him, "I'm so sorry Soya, it's been so long, I missed you, did Leon Burden you?" He asked with concern in his eyes, " of course not, I just saw so many people trying to catch him I thought I'd help so they can get back to their jobs☺" I said and smiled, "did you come here to eat?" Namjoon asked, I then nodded, " along with drunk Sana" I said and they looked over to the drunk Sana sitting down counting her fingers, "oh dear......come, follow me" Jin said signaling me and Sana to follow, I helped Sana up then we followed Jin behind the kitchen, we saw Chefs cooking and being so professional, everything they were making smelled so good, Jin then took us to a table he made us both sit down, once we did he talked to a chef and went back out with Namjoon and Leon, a chef walked over to us, "what would you like to eat?" He asked , I was confused but answered anyway, "just chicken and rice I guess" I said and Sana nodded, "uh, same for her" I said and he nodded and went off to cook it, soon our food arrived and we started eating, my phone then started ringing, I looked at the caller ID and it said Jimin, so I answered, "hello Jiminie?" I said with my cute voice, "hey, where are you now?" He asked , "Jin's Cuisine Finest with Sana, why?" I asked , "could you uh....come to the park at exactly 8pm and come alone?" He asked , "sure?, But why?" I asked absolutely confused, "I got a surprise for you, just come and don't ask questions" he said and hung up, I then put my phone down and continued eating, "that was weird" I said taking a bite of my chicken, Sana nodded and took a bite as well.

sorry if this chapter wasn't very long, I just wanted to make y'all wait for the surprise a bit more😏

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