5: Take Your Meds

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After eating most of our sweets, I was full, then I heard slow jazz playing in the distance then it kept getting louder and louder then it felt like we were in a loud ballroom, he stood up and offered his hand, "may I have this dance?" He asked , I chuckled and nodded, I took his hand and stood up, we then danced I rested my head on his chest as he hummed, I've always loved his singing, it was so wonderful to listen to, after awhile I closed my eyes and just danced as I was in his embrace, I then opened my eyes and heard birds chirping, I looked around and noticed I was in my bed in my pj's, I yawned then checked the time, it said 6:23am I sighed then stretched, I got up and went to the bathroom, my hair was all crazy, I had short pieces of hair that was in the front, kinda like bangs but they weren't, they were so knotted, I then picked my brush up off my sink and brushed the nest my hair has made, after I put it in a ponytail then went downstairs, I ate breakfast, just bacon and eggs, after eating i brushed my teeth, since my hair was already clean I wrapped my hair around the hairtie that was in my hair holding the ponytail, I then used a hairclip to hold my hair in place and I took a shower, so my hair didn't get wet, after the shower I changed into my new uniform they gave me, so now they actually take me seriously, I
still have to seduce men (and Lesbians if needed) of course, but my new uniform was a black jumpsuit but it had pockets where my weapons go, I needed it to look sexy but more covering then my others:

(Pretend on the belt was way more weapon pockets) and I learned how to fight and I was good at Gymnastics, so I was set, Jimin taught me how to shoot a gun if needed, I got ready, and as I was putting my weapons and things I might need that are ve...

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(Pretend on the belt was way more weapon pockets) and I learned how to fight and I was good at Gymnastics, so I was set, Jimin taught me how to shoot a gun if needed, I got ready, and as I was putting my weapons and things I might need that are very important in the pockets, I got a call, I answered it, "hello?" I asked the caller, "Officer Kim, there's a slight problem going on with Prisoner Manoban in cell #234 refuses to take her meds that was Recommended to her by her mental health Doctor, she said she won't do it for anything, and she keeps saying she's fine, but of course we know she's mentally ill, and I know you and her are close friends, so could you please come to the station?" He asked, the Prisoner he's talking about is Lisa, her last name is Manoban, so I agreed, " I'll be there soon" I said, once I hung up I hurried out the door, I got in my car and drove straight to the station, once I got there I hurried inside, "good morning Detective" a couple of women said and walked past me, I was known as a Detective and a cop, I nodded at them and as I walked a couple of cops greeted me the same words, once I got to the cells I heard yelling, I rushed and saw about 5 Officers trying to make Lisa take her pills, I freaked out and ran to her cell, her cell was open as they were holding her mouth open and a cop was about to place a pill in there, I then kicked the pill out of his hand, "are you crazy?!, We almost got her to take her pills!!!" A cop yelled, "are YOU crazy?!, This is harassment!!!, and it seems like forcing her to take her pills to me" i said kinda angry, "just go, let me speak with her" I said and they nodded as they walked out,

    she had tears in her eyes and her bottom lip was quivering, "Lisa, it's okay, I'm here" I said and sat beside her on her stone bed😒, she then broke into tears so now she was crying like a grandpa, I hugged her as she cried, "is there a reason why your not taking your medicine?" I asked, she sniffled, "w-well, everyone is treating me like I'm sick in the head, I'm not, I just had my heart broken by a douche bag, so i took my anger out in a really bad way, but I feel like if more women were getting their hearts broken they'd do the same thing" she said and wiped her tears, "trust me, more women then you know are getting their hearts broken, but they know their actions have consequences, so they don't murder" I said which she frowned to, "so your saying I don't understand the consequences?, Cause I do" she said offended, "then why did you do it?" I asked, "because, because.....i-i-i don't know, I guess I wanted to be in jail so I couldn't hurt people anymore?, I dunno" she said stuttering, "could you please go?, I want to be alone in my cell" Lisa said pushing me to the cage door, I then stopped myself, "okay fine, I'll only go if you agree to take your pills, or you'll have a new cellmate😏" I said which she rolled her eyes, " okay, yeah, whatever, just go" she said and I smirked as a guard came over and opened the cell for me, I got out then before I walked off I spoke, "she agreed to take her meds, give them to her please" I said and walked away, he nodded, I think he did, then he closed the cage again.

I'm so sorry this chapter was short, I have a lot to do considering I'm on vacation right now, and my sisters want me to watch  Twilight with them, so I'll make sure to try and make the new chapters longer😬

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