11: His Number😅

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after I did he scoffed smiling, then he looked me up and down and he looked like he wanted to say something, but when he actually went to open his mouth the door opened, we turned to it and saw Jennie, this girl always wears heels🙄, you could hear the tapping against the floor as she walked to his car, she glared when she saw me, "Soya, what a surprise, you saw me talking to Jimin so you decide to come talk to Hobi?, do you really think it's appropriate?😕" she said sassy, "no, probably not, but Hobi needed me, he explained how you still have feelings for Jimin" I said lifting a brow, she looked speechless, I crossed my arms over my chest, "I um, my feelings for him stopped, I can't believe you don't trust me Baby~" she said to Hobi whining, "it's not that I don't trust you, but you even told me you still liked him" he said pouting, "I said I'll try to get over him🙄" she said annoyed. " Yeah, but what if TRYING isn't gonna work, huh? " Hobi said, she frowned and clicked her tongue, "we'll talk about this later" she said noticing I was still there listening, she then put her sunglasses on and got in the passenger seat, she looked straight ahead, we were still just sitting there, "well?, what are you waiting for?, Let's go😒" Jennie said Sassy as normal🙄 Hobi then nodded and waved bye at me, then he backed out and drove away, I sighed and went back inside.

4 hours later...

after hours of checking paperwork, I finely just wanted a bed, I sighed long and packed my stuff up, I grabbed my bag and went in the women's changing room, I changed into warm normal clothing, I put my uniform in my bag and after I was done I locked my changing locker, and once I turned around I jumped afraid, "you scared me😏" I said, it was Jimin, he was grinning at me, " sorry ma'am " he said grinning still, "it's the women's changing room Jimin, you can't be in here" I said kinda shy " I can, I'm the chief, also there's no women in here except you" he said, "yeah, but it's getting late, people want dinner and sleep, so they should be coming to change soon" I said putting my gun in my bag, that was on the changing bench, "come on~, I miss you😔" he said pouting, "I miss you too, but we're cops, we have a job to do" I said, he then sat on the bench and pulled my waist close to his, I then put my bag down, I sat on his lap facing him, I then wrapped my arms around him and kissed him, he was still gripping into my hips, we sat there kissing till I heard women giggles getting close, then a couple of women holding their bags came in, their jaws dropped seeing us kissing, we stopped and i stood up embarrassed, I licked my lips, "umm, see you at home" I said and kissed his cheek, I then picked up my bag and fast walked out, I went outside and clicked a button a unlock my car it beeped and I walked to it, I opened the passenger seat and put my stuff in it, I then shut the door and went to walk to the driver side when I heard a man's voice, "hey" I turned around and saw someone unexpected, "..............😮😧😦" was all I said😂 , he then smirked smiling, "y-you, Jail, how?" I said confused, " I showed good behavior and was aloud to leave, Taehyung wasn't so lucky" he said and chuckled "Yoongi, I don't want anything to do with you, your a criminal and I don't understand why you were aloud to leave, a-and you threatened my life, and i-i-i can't forget it an-" I was saying all this freaked out, I was breathing heavy like I was panicking, but he interrupted me, "hey, breathe okay?, calm down, I decided murdering and stealing wasn't a good life style for me, so I made a vow not to do those anymore" he said and placed his hands on my shoulders, I removed his hands, "what do you want from me?" I asked confused, "I wanted to apologize...and I wanted to start over and become friends, if you'll let me" he said playing with his fingers, "w-well, I don't see why not, I can't forgive you right away though, just give me some time, okay?, And, about the friend thing, I'll think about it" I said and opened the car door, "here, here's my number, contact me when you have decided" he said smiling, I nodded, took the piece of paper the number was in and I got in the car, I shut the door and rolled the window down, " I wouldn't have around the prison for long, Jimin should be coming out soon, he's the chief" I said and smirked, he chuckled and smirked back at me, I smiled an out my sunglasses on, I then rolled my window up and drove away, after I got to my house I stared at the number for a moment before sighing heavy and I got out of the car, I went inside and noticed Jimin wasn't home yet, I texted him and he said paperwork kept him behind and he'll be home an maybe an hour, I bit my lip and thought of an idea, "I'll just make us both dinner and tell him about Yoongi's number then......er...but what should I make?" I asked myself as I opened the fridge, there was a lot of options but I was very decisive, I then decided to make fried chicken and some side dishes, my belly rumbled just thinking about the delicious food, I then pulled out all the ingredients I needed for the meal, I then put my apron on and got down to business.

Half an hour later...

after 30 minutes this was my master piece:

there was way more chicken but I put one in each plate cause he doesn't eat a lot and chicken with three side dishes could fill anyone up, so after I was done I set the table and put the food on there, I took the apron off and sighed, I then texte...

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there was way more chicken but I put one in each plate cause he doesn't eat a lot and chicken with three side dishes could fill anyone up, so after I was done I set the table and put the food on there, I took the apron off and sighed, I then texted Jimin, he said he was pulling in the drive way in 20 minutes, so I waited till then, then once I saw headlights I got excited and walked outside, I saw him pulling in, I went to him and hugged him and kissed his cheek happy as I was🤗😚.

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