Chapter 15 - To Loose Something You Can't Replace

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21st December 1970

The guests had begun to flood in and with them came their Aunty Walburga who was already complaining to her husband Orion.

"Honestly. She critiques my parenting and let's her daughter dress like that." Walburga said whist pointing at the oldest sister, obviously critiquing Bellatrix's dress. Their mother Druella had given up fighting over a dress for Bella and now that Bella was about to be married, she was probably old enough to make her own choices by now but Narcissa had begged to differ and so did Androemda, Narcissa had to admit that her sisters dress wasn't the most modest choice: it was rather short and was a navy blue colour. It wrapped around her thin figure but even though she was thin, it was nothing compared to Narcissa's feminine thin with soft curves. Bellatrix had a sort of jagged hourglass figure, Andromeda was the biggest of the three of them but wasn't fat; she just had a beautiful hourglass figure that was full and fruitful. But Narcissa was almost a starvation thin, she often wondered wether she had a curse on her. She was rarely that hungry and when she did eat, it never showed. Bella and Andie were always jealous but their mother always just put it down to stress and Narcissa constant urge and strive for perfection.

"Darling" said their Uncle Orion "Don't cause a scene tonight. We are here to celebrate our nieces birthdays."

Walburga just scoffed "I will do what I want. Aww Narcissa, Andromeda."

Their aunt did favour Narcissa and Andromeda over Bellatrix. Andromeda dressed in her usual fashion, this time she opted for a grey maxi dress with a diamond belt where as Narcissa went all out. She wanted to impresss her new fiancée Henry and also wanted to make a point. Lucius and his family had been invited to this event, as well as his fiancée. She had never let on that she was in love with Lucius but it pained her to see him with someone else. Her dress was a beautiful blue ball gown with an ivory white bodice. She topped it off with a white mask as this was after all a masquerade ball.

"You two look so beautiful. My Narcissa, you have grown up a lot, we haven't seen you in a while." Said Walburga, who was trying desperately to put on a straight face and pay her nieces a genuine compliment. This was proving to be difficult for her, being nice just wasn't in her DNA.

"That's because you aren't invited to anything!" Andromeda muttered, which only made Narcissa laugh. They knew better than to mock there aunt and show laughter and happiness at such a public event but they decided to take their chances, with there mother not being around to catch them. They both knew that if there mother was there that right this minute, Andromeda would be nursing a wound on her head where Druella would had hexed her, or even slapped her. It wasn't uncommon in pure blood families, especially the older ones, for the children to be physically abused like this. Their mother rarely ever hit them, neither did their father but if they did, you must have dome something pretty special and bad. Many said their parents didn't hit them because they loved them but it was more for Druella's reputation. She wanted many people to think she had the power to control her daughters, plus many people frowned upon the use of abuse on their children. They never voiced their discomfort, preferring a more passive approach with a disapproving shake of the head or tut.

"Yes Aunty Walburga. It's been a long time. I'm 15 now." Narcissa replied coyly

"Well you must be getting to that age where boys become part of the equation." Walburga enquired which only made Narcissa blush a brilliant shade of scarlet. She knew better than to blush like that in public, but felt humiliated that her aunt was discussing the subject of her marriage and fore-coming children in public. Orion was almost as embarrassed as Narcissa was.

"Where are Sirius and Regulas ?" Said Narcissa, who was desperate to change the conversation from her love life, or lack of one. She was one of the most popular girls in school and had been named one of the most beautiful witches, even being named in witch weekly as most beautiful young witch of the year for the past 2 years. She had been tested at St Minho's and was told that she had very strong Veela traits in her that had obviously been carried through the family. Their mother's side of the family were french bland had a family history for Veelas. Many boys had asked her father for her hand in marriage or courtship, and so far Henry had been the only who had been successful. Lucius had never asked Cygnus about courting Narcissa despite her wishing he had. But she had to put Lucius out of her mind and focus on her future with Henry. She did like the potter's and having James Potter as a brother in law couldn't be so hard and from what it looked like, James and Lily Eclvans were an item. Even though Lily was a muggle born, Narcissa didn't mind and even considered her a friend which was a big statement from someone who came from the oldest and one of the most prejudiced pure blood families ever. She wasn't as friend,y with muggles and muggle burns like her sister Andromeda but we all knew that Andromeda was almost put in Gryffindor. Narcissa was almost put in Ravenclaw which meant that she was smart enough to distant herself enough to give herself a reputation like Andromeda had.

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