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Amelia woke to the sound of someone downstairs. She looked at the clock and saw it was 4:30am.

Amelia climbed out of bed and sighed. She made her way downstairs and looked around. She saw Ella sitting on the floor. "El? What are you doing? It's half 4," she said.

"D-Don't tell my mum. She'll kill me," Ella mumbled. She looked at Amelia. "I-I think I'm in trouble," she mumbled.

"What happened?"

"I-I think I ran someone over. I took my mum's car and... I think i hit someone," Ella sobbed.

Amelia paled. She looked up to see Kim. She didn't look happy. She looked at Ella. "Why did you take my car? Where the hell were you going?" She asked.

Ella said nothing. She looked at Amelia. Amelia sighed. "I think Ella has been struggling with a lot lately.

"That doesn't excuse the fact she stole my bloody car. Ella. Please. Tell me what's wrong. Please baby."

Ella looked at the two most important women in her life. She blinked a couple of times. "I-I was raped."

The next morning, Amelia hadn't slept. Jamie was snoring his head off next to her. She was feeling sick with the pregnancy already. She didn't think she could cope with it all.

Amelia walked downstairs and saw Kim. It was clear she hadn't slept. "Are you okay Kim?" Amelia asked.

Kim sighed. "She's my baby. She didn't tell me. She's been suffering alone with this and she didn't tell me."

"It's hard to tell someone it happened. Ella is only young and for her to even admit it at all, is hard," Amelia said.

Kim smiled slightly. "Well whoever it was. They're not getting away with it. No one hurts my babygirl and gets away with it."

Amelia walked into the village and saw Cain. She walked over to him and sighed. "We shouldn't have happened. It was wrong and it's not going to happen again. But... I'm pregnant. There's a very small chance that it's your baby. I just thought you deserved a right to know," she said.

"You what?"

Amelia nodded. "It's more than likely Jamie's baby. But in case it's yours, I wanted you to know."

Cain couldn't believe he had been so stupid as to have potentially gotten her pregnant. He was an idiot and he knew it. Moira was going to kill him.

Amelia was sitting in Home Farm when Ella walked in. Amelia smiled over at her. "How's my number one?" She asked.

"I'm okay. Where's my mum? I haven't seen her since this morning?"

Amelia shrugged. "I think she and Graham had something to do," she said. She saw the look on Ella's face when she mentioned Graham. "Is everything okay?"

Ella nodded. She turned and walked out. Jamie walked in. "I've been thinking. Even if the baby isn't mine, I want to raise it as mine. I'll be the father. No matter what."

Amelia smiled and nodded. She knew she had to try and keep Cain out of the loop. Especially if she didn't know who the actual father was?

But with everything in the village changing, could Amelia maintain her relationship with Jamie? Or would it all be ruined.

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