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Amelia sighed as she walked downstairs. She saw Kim sitting there. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Ella didn't come home again. Graham is out looking for her. I can't find her anywhere and now I'm getting worried," Kim said.

Amelia smiled. "She probably stayed with some friends. I think she'll come back soon."

"I hope so. I want her close to me. Especially since she told us what happened," Kim told Amelia.

"You're a good mum Kim. You've had your challenges. But you've made up for it. Ella adores you."

Amelia was in the shop when Cain walked in. She sighed. "This isn't appropriate is it? You know. Bumping into each other."

"Well it's a public shop so we're bound to see each other," Cain said as he looked at her. He knew she could have had his baby inside of her and she didn't know he felt about that."

Amelia rolled her eyes. "Jamie has said that he'll take responsibility for the baby. He knows what happened and he wants to raise the baby. It makes it easier."

Cain looked at her. "We need to talk about this. Meet me later."

Amelia didn't know if she should. She didn't want to damage her relationship further. She felt lucky that Jamie had forgiven her. She nodded. "Okay. But it can't be near the village. I don't want Jamie to see us."

Jamie looked up as Amelia walked into the vets. She smiled. "So I'm off to do some shopping in Hotten. I could always pick up some new lingerie and surprise you?" She asked.

"Oh yes please."

Amelia straddled Jamie while he was sitting down. She began to grind against him. "Oh my god."

Amelia jumped a mile when she saw Vanessa standing there. She blushed. "Erm. So this isn't what it looks like. Jamie was just..."

"Trying to make me a grandma? I'm too young for that," Vanessa said. She could see how happy her daughter was. But she wished that she could spend time with her.

Amelia sighed. She kissed Jamie. "I'll see you later."

Amelia got to Hotten. She saw Cain standing there. She got into his car and sighed. "Let's make this quick. I have a date with Jamie tonight."

"I don't know how I feel about him raising my baby."

Amelia sighed. "Look. You're with Moira. I'm with Jamie. I love Jamie. He loves me."

"Yes. But that's my baby."

Amelia got back to Home Farm. She couldn't believe she had sex with Cain in the back of his car. She felt like an idiot for ruining their relationship.

Amelia looked up as Ella walked in. She had a black eye. "What's happened?" She asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine. I walked into a door."

Amelia could tell that Ella was lying. She sighed. "Does your mum know?"

Ella rolled her eyes and sighed. "I'm already enough of a disappointment to her. She deserves a better daughter."

"That's not true. You're perfect."

Ella looked at Amelia and smiled. "My brother is lucky to have you. Don't let him hurt you ever."

Amelia smiled and nodded. But she was the one hurting him. Deep down, Amelia didn't know if she could keep away from Cain. And she didn't know how she felt about it.

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