Part 1

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Cyrus Akron.

Cyrus. The name sounds like a man. She looks like a man too. She's tall and muscular and the daughter of Akron, a psycho criminal that's been slaughtering mob bosses who have stood in his way. Akron is a wealthy crazed maniac that has trained Cyrus to kill people, for his own sick and twisted amusement. Don't misunderstand, although Cyrus does most of Akron's dirty work (which she doesn't mind at all) Akron is more than capable of killing and torturing. His daughter was innocent as far as the law was concerned, but only because they didn't know Cyrus. They didn't know her dad had only gotten his hands dirty for one person who was Cyrus's mother. They didn't know Cyrus was more of a psycho than her father. They didn't she was a murderer. The public thought Cyrus as the unfortunate daughter of Akron, who was innocent and left in the dark and hid from the public. Now her father was in jail and all his money was now hers. 

Cyrus had an IQ of 200 although she never went to school. Her father didn't want a stupid daughter so he schooled her at home. After Akron was caught she was allowed to visit him only once and when she did, her father talked. He said he had a plan, a plan to escape but it wouldn't happen anytime soon because the security was 24/7 because he killed three men on the way there. He said it would be soon and he had said to go to school and fit in with the other kids and be normal. She honestly didn't want to. What a waste school would be when she could learn at home, what good would it do to try and fit in when people knew who she was. They would definitely avoid her, not that she minded it, she wasn't fond of socializing anyway. 

She easily got into Royal High that was meant for the rich and smart. It had a very rich education system with classes like fencing and horseriding for the rich snobs that got in with their daddy's money. Although Cyrus herself was rich she got in by taking the test. Cyrus had a deep resentment for people who showed their money off. They could use it for more important and useful things like weapons, or putting people in their place or killing people but the snobs use it to buy clothes and shoes and the newest phones. 

She pulled up in a BMW and walked through the school. That was the only clue she was rich. Otherwise, you could never tell. Her father didn't raise her with the best morals but he sure as hell raised her to not be a show-off and respect others who earned it.

She walked into the school. It was the middle of the year but she just started, so she got stares walking through the school. She wore a plain black long-sleeved tank with camo pants and hiker boots, but hers were dusty and made for actual hiking rather than for fashion.

She walked into the principal's office for a schedule and the principal gestured for her to sit down. She silently refused and held her hand out. Cyrus didn't want to talk and she didn't plan on doing so for the entire time she was here unless absolutely necessary. 

Another reason was she absolutely did not want to hear whatever it was the principal was going to say. To her, it was a waste of time. She didn't need pity, she didn't care about the people that were nice to her or the ones that snicker or cowered behind her back, what she needed was her boss (father) back, so she could go back to her old life but that wouldn't happen for a while and it was driving her insane. 

Normally she wouldn't be bothered to go to something as pathetic and wasteful as school, but Akron had ordered it, told her to fit in, and try going to a school. So, she chose the best of the best. Although the people would be a bother, at least she would enjoy the work and the brain stimulation. Her father had a life sentence, but he had a plan to get out but he wouldn't be able to yet.

The principal sighed but handed Cyrus her schedule nonetheless and smiled faintly.

There it was again. Pity. Pity for the girl who was innocent, the girl that her father neglected, and the girl that was kept in the dark and off the records and had no idea her father was a psycho killer, but she wasn't that girl.

Cyrus walked around trying to find Room 2020 when she heard a flirtatious voice ask "Need help?"

She turned around to find a gorgeous girl who had on a blue bra and brown pants and black heels, her clothing revealing a bit too much of everything.

"Ugh- never mind-" the girl said turning around annoyed and disappointed.

Cyrus grabbed her arm and spun her around, and looked her up and down.

"What the-"

"D-do you know where room 2020 is?" Cyrus said, her voice sounding similar to Darth Vader's.

"Umm- figure it out yourself," she said and tried to get her arm free but Cyrus held on. "What the hell!?"



That was unheard of. Normally Cyrus would've been in rage mode if someone had been rude to her like that. Cyrus had worked years to gain her father's respect so for her, disrespect was punishable by death, but instead, she just gave the girl puppy eyes without realizing it.

(A/N: When I said puppy eyes I didn't mean she was being whiny or making a face, I just meant her eyes looked very hopeful that the girl would say yes.)

"Jeez, you're a nuisance, follow me," she muttered showing evident annoyance, but Cyrus just followed her happily and you could practically see puppy ears and a wagging tail sprout from her. 

The girl and Cyrus walked into the class and there were a handful of murmurs, most of them wondering who the new girl was.

The teacher quieted down the class and proceeded to drag Cyrus to the front to introduce her.

"This is the new student who will be in our class now. She is new to the school and you all rascals will make her feel welcome. Understood?" the teacher said. "Now Cyrus, introduce yourself."

"My name is Cyrus..." Cyrus debated on whether or not it would be wise to tell them her last name but keeping it from them forever was not possible. "Cyrus Akron."

There were gasps and even the teacher looked shocked. 

It seems she didn't read the attendance yet. 

Cyrus smirked inwardly and sent chills down everyone's spines without realizing it. She made her way to the farthest seat at the right which was far away from everyone but the teacher stopped her.

"Cyrus, you will sit next to Hailey at your far left." the teacher said pointing to the girl who led her into the classroom. 

Every else was scared and those around The seat scooted away but Hailey just wore an annoyed look as if it were draining her energy just to look at Cyrus.

Cyrus was happy to be sitting next to the girl again, but her head drooped as soon as it was evident 'Hailey' was dead set on ignoring her.

A/N: Hope you guys like this and also shameless self-promo: check out my other book called "Something About You", if you can't find it just go to my account to see my works. Hope you like it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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