Error Sans

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Error limped out of the portal he opened tiredly. "What happened to your leg?" Science asks. "I fell down a cliff..." Error moaned out. "Are you okay?" Night asks Error, poking her head out of her room. "Fine..." Error grumbles. Error moans painfully.

Nightmare looks at Error sternly before saying: "I can tell something is wrong. It's obvious, Error. Are you hungry? Are you feeling unwell?" Error smiles attempting to hide and mask his pain as well as he used to. Nightmare frowns, "Error I can see right through you. Speak to me... Please?" Error's smile fades instead, a tired look resided on his face. Nightmare teleports to Error and grabs his hand saying: "You need some rest and some green tea." Nightmare then helps Error walk over to her room. After a few minutes, she walks out of the room. "I finally got him to rest. After this, I'll let him sleep. Where is the green tea I prepared?" Nightmare asks.

"Green tea? Oh! It's in the kettle." Sci says. Nightmare then looks at Sci, saying: "You should also get some rest. Do you need any tea?"

"Sure." Sci gets up and walks to his room that he made in his lab in case he would have to sleep here. It's actually pretty peaceful without Ink bursting through your door every day for something. Speaking about Ink-

"SCI!!!" Ink screams running through Sci's front door startling Nightmare and Sci.

(If u r bored check out my friend LiarStaysALiar's story!)

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