{11} Someone To Blame.

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Daryl, Rick, and I follow Sophia's trail. While Jodie, Shane, and Glenn went back to the highway to inform the others.

The three of us work together, taking down one nearby roamer. See if it had a little girl for lunch today, but nothing. Nothing but disgust and puke.

The sun slowly sinks even lower behind the trees, and time is running out quickly. Daryl spun around with a look of anger, rubbing his thumb against his brow quite roughly.

He is tired, annoyed, and out of leads. So are we.

"We can't keep goin'," Daryl says with a sigh.

I perk up, uncrossing my arms, "No. We gotta keep looking. We can't just leave. It will be night soon and she ... she needs us."

"Daryl's right." Rick shook his head, bloody hands on his hips. "We won't be able to see much once the sun goes down. She needs us, but she needs us alive to find her."

"But what do we tell Carol? That we gave up? That I-" My mouth becomes dry, "- That I lost her?"

"Yes. We have to. We have to tell her the truth." Rick replies, "We'll continue tomorrow at dawn."

To think about a twelve-year-old girl, alone in the woods at night is disheartening.  With no one to look out for her. No source of food, no warmth, nothing.

"Besides you look like shit. Best ya get back and get some rest," Daryl says from beside Rick, wiping roamer blood from off his hands onto his jeans.

"I'll be fine! This is Sophia we are talking about. Who we need to worry about. How could we just give up?" I snap at Daryl.

Daryl, unhappy by my response,  moves up to me with his mouth tight and his dirty face harsh. I step up to him unable to back down. Towering over me, his finger points at my face.

"Look'a here, princess. I ain' given' up! And I ain' worried about you! I'm just statin' facts. You wanna stumble roun' in the damn dark, go ahead. Fine by me."

Daryl pushes past me, grumbling underneath his tongue.

The little connection we had back at the river fades away. To think we could be civilized for one day.

Rick looks over at me, unable to read his expression, he follows behind Daryl. I rub my forehead with the back of my hand and I too follow behind regretfully. My head is low, fingers rolled up in a tight fist. I can't face Carol without Sophia. This will be the death of me. All of this, all of the running, hiding, searching - what was it for?

By the time we make it back to the highway, the others managed to push more of the abandoned vehicles out of the road; but not enough to drive through. That will take days, if not weeks to clear.

Everyone stood close to each other, anticipating our arrival with Sophia in hand.

After walking a mile with my head low, I raise it slowly only to see Carol standing at the edge of the road. Her silver eyes search in between us, trying to find Sophia. Realizing she is nowhere in sight, her expression turns desperate, and tears slowly start to fall down her flushed cheeks. I duck my gaze with shame, attempting to hide my figure behind Daryl's.

"You couldn't find her?" Carol cries out.

"Her trail went cold," Rick informs the worried mother and those who were willing to listen. "We'll press on at first light."

"You can't just leave my daughter out there on her own. To spend the night alone in the woods." Carol's voice quivers as she shifts her weight between both legs, holding the lip of her worn shirt.

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