two | fear

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(F/N) LEANT DOWN to grab a slice of carrot cake from within the display, carefully placing it inside a soft pink box before closing it and handing it over to a frowning woman clad in a traditional kimono—not to mention covered from head to toe. The woman gave her a once over, eyes narrowing at the exposed skin of her shoulder hiding behind the black apron she wore.

The bakery she worked at was small, a single floor with a backroom and soft pink walls to catch the customers eyes. What had previously been a small weapons shop before was now an often frequented bakery in the village of Konoha, though it was nothing to write home about. But nonetheless, she was proud of it and customers always came a second time.

Even the ones she preferred never coming back.

"You shouldn't dress like that." She criticized, her beady little eyes raking over her in distaste. "It's your place of work, how unprofessional."

Oh yeah, she remembered this one. A stick in the mud as Kurenai had so kindly put it, having had an interaction with the woman only once while stopping by to pay (F/n) a visit. The woman had thoroughly scolded Kurenai about her dress and unruly hair. According to her a lady should always have her hair neatly swept back, not a single hair out of place, especially for an honorary shinobi of the leaf.

(F/n) bit her tongue and turned away, cheeks flushed red with shame as she counted the money the woman gave her and muttered out a response. "I dress how I want, and I'm not breaking any rules of this bakery's dress code-here's your change, have a good day."

But the woman wasn't wrong, (F/n) honestly regretted even thinking to wear something so racy. Not like it worked in the first place but it had been too late for her to run back and change. But she'd be damned if she let someone else tell her how to dress.

"Oh, and who's rules are that?" The woman pandered on, ignoring the impatient huffs of another woman in like behind her. "Shame on you, you're a lady who shouldn't be dressing like a harlot."

Is that what Kakashi thought of her? Is that why he stopped so suddenly? She thought back to how his gloved hands retracted as if they'd been burned, and the disappointment in his eye had left her feeling embarrassed for even trying to seduce him. She looked so stupid, panting breathlessly with flushed cheeks, calling out his name as she clung desperately to his vest like a whore. He left after that, looking almost angry and apologising for not being able to take her to work and using the excuse that something came up.

It was the first time he blatantly lied to her like that.

"They're my rules, I'm the owner." She said defiantly, giving her a curt nod before motioning towards the next customer. "Next in line, please."

But regardless of what happened, she couldn't help but miss the feathery feeling of his fingers ghosting over her supple skin, a soft caress leaving her with the empty promise of a passionate night.

She wanted him to dominate her, have her begging for mercy as he pummeled into her like a crazed animal in heat. She wanted his steady hands to guide her hips into his, wrap around her throat and fuck her like no other man could ever do for her. She could only imagine the feeling of his hot breath hovering over her wet heat as her legs shook, feasting upon her as if his life depended on it.

Damn it, why did he have to leave. What was she doing so wrong?

Her daydream is all it would ever be, just a meager dream of relentless imagination.

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