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THE SULTRY MOONLIGHT slipped in through the dark curtains that had long since been pulled closed, basking his his pale skin in a soft white glow as she stared into his hungry eyes. He looked almost ethereal, with a strong chiseled face and mismatched eyes, his body built like a warrior having endured years of training and sculpted muscles rippling as he placed his calloused hands on either side of her waist. He was strong, capable and cunning. A warrior on the battle field and a noble man in his village, as well as a passionate lover to her. He truly was remarkable.

Her hips moved slowly against his, almost shy as she tested these new waters, his clothed manhood pressed hotly against her through the flimsy fabric of her panties. She wanted him inside her, filling her up and fucking her relentlessly as she screamed her throat dry. By the look in his eyes and the way his jaw clenched she could tell he felt the same. Her thighs tightened their hold around his waist as she moved against him at a quicker pace, his hands guiding the movement of her hips and burning into the supple skin along her waist as he grabbed at the exposed flesh.

She wondered how she looked to him, almost completely naked and bare breasts bouncing with the movements of her hips as she moved herself along his clothed cock. God, did it feel good.

"Move faster sweetheart." He groaned, his voice husky and sounding almost desperate as his hips moved up to meet her own in an erotic dance. His hold on her hips tightened, his nails digging into the supple skin before quickly moving up and cupping her breasts.

She felt a soft blush dancing upon her cheeks as he watched her with hooded eyes, shy moans falling from her lips as he teased her nipples and bucked his hips into her at a much harsher pace. She wanted more. No, needed more.

"Kakashi," She softly hummed his name into the dark ceiling above, her hands moving feverishly towards his chest and tracing the grooves of his abs as they wandered further down towards the happy trail of dark hairs leading down into his pants. He was beautifully sculpted, not a single detail left untouched amongst his hardened body, her thoughts concluded that he must've been some gift sent from the gods. A blessing given to her for reasons she couldn't think of in the moment. 

In fact, she couldn't think much of anything in that moment. 

The reigns of lust took a desperate hold of her body and clouded her mind into an almost delirious state, not once did she resist.

Much to his surprise, she slowly scooted herself down towards his black pants, not giving it a second thought before running her hands along the hardened length through the flimsy fabric. Her core pulsed with an almost painful need as she watched him, never taking her eyes away as his mouth fell open.

He grit his teeth, his eyes falling closed as she gripped him through his pants before planting a lingering kiss against the rising tent. Her heated gaze met with his as his eyes fluttered open, and she couldn't help the confident smirk painting her lips as he once again screwed them shut when she leaned down and ran her tongue along the outline of his cock. 

"Hey, (F/n) you don't have to-" He hissed, groaning almost feverishly before his hands tangled themselves into her hair as she quickly pulled his pants off and gripped his hard member in her hand. She wasted no time, cheeks flushed and her body hot with need as she worked her hands along his thick shaft. It was no mystery to anyone with a pair of working eyes that she was, in fact, a complete and utter virgin when it came to anything even remotely sexual. Yet here she was, fully determined to satisfy Kakashi and seemingly successful seeing how his cheeks flushed red and his mouth let out the most sinful of sounds as she worked her way along his throbbing member, her lips dangerously close to swooping down and grabbing a taste. 

Sinful | K. Hatake Lemon Where stories live. Discover now