All Alone

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2 weeks later after that happened

"nika! Toko! Wake up your brother!"
Chicharu shouted
"OK mom!" nika and toko shouted back while going up stairs to their brother's room "ready?" nika asked "yup!" toko replied while going in the room "3...2...1 go!!!" they both shouted jumping on the bed then suddenly valt woke up, jumping because he was surprised "ahhhh!!!" nika and toko shouted falling off their brother's bed "you win" toko said "heheheh... Sorry toko! Sorry nika!" valt shoutedAt school
Valt's pov
"I'm late again!!!" I shouted running faster and faster but I bumped into someone "s-sorry..." I said looking up
"o-oh! H-hey shu..." I said awkwardly and I must confess I was a little sad because of what happened 2 weeks ago "hey valt... Sorry, I didn't see you..." he said standing up and giving me a hand "o-oh... N- no! No... Its o-OK..." I didn't take his hand and just stode up "bye..." I said walking away
"bye valt" shu replied back sadly

At the school's rooftop
Daigo: valt!
Honcho: hey buddy!
Wakiya: why did I agree to go here? 😑
Valt: hey guys!
Daigo: hey valt! Thanks for encouraging me to confess to ukyo! Now we're together!
Valt: o-oh r-really?
Honcho: yup, and me and wakiya are together!
Wakiya: (ooh!!! that's why I came😐)

Daigo's pov
Valt doesn't look so happy... I think his faking his smile... "hey valt?" I asked him then he looked at me "y-yeah?" he questioned "what happened to your confession to shu?" I asked him worriedly "yeah! What did happen to your confession?" honcho asked valt two "h- he rejected me" valt said smiling and me, honcho and wakiya were surprised to hear that "oh! Valt! Why didn't you say so?! I'm sorry to remind you!!!" I shouted "no no! It's fine!-" he didn't continue what he was saying because there was a helicopter going down "hello twinkle toes and friends!!!" the helicopter got down and zac the Sunshine came out "zac!?" valt shouted " twinkle toes! I would like to personally invite you and your team at the festival!" he said "really!? When is it?!" valt asked "later this afternoon! Now dress nicely!" he said
"cool! Can we bring guests?" I asked him "sure! Now tata! I might have fans chasing after me! Now bye!"
"bye zac..." valt said

2 minuets later
"so are we going there?" valt asked
"yup" honcho said holding wakiya's hand
"why not?" daigo said

After school
Valt's pov
"mom!" I shouted
"yes valt?"
"may I please go to the festival with my friends?"
"I'll only allow you if you come back before 8:00" she said
"OK mom!" after that I changed into this (credits to the artist who made this)

"so mom? How do I look? 😉" I asked my mother and she looked at me "oh my! You look exactly like your father!" she said "really?" I asked "mhm! Now your better go! Your friends are waiting for you" she replied"OK! Bye mom, love you!" I went out an...

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"so mom? How do I look? 😉" I asked my mother and she looked at me
"oh my! You look exactly like your father!" she said
"really?" I asked
"mhm! Now your better go! Your friends are waiting for you" she replied
"OK! Bye mom, love you!" I went out and saw honcho and wakiya holding hands "you two can't stop holding hands?" I asked them teasingly then they both blushed "n-no!" they both shout back "hahaha! OK... If you say so... But where is daigo?" I asked
"he can't go... His brother is leaving the hospital today and he wants to be there for him" honcho said
"OK... I guess I'll accept being the third wheel~" I said still teasing them then they both blushed harder (if that's even possible!!!)
"l- let's just go!!!" wakiya shouted

At the festival
"So valt? wanna come with us?" honcho asks
"nah~ I don't wanna be third wheel no more peeps, soo~ I'm gonna walk around and see if there's any beybattles I can join" I said
"if you say so! See you later bud!" honcho said waving and being a clutz like I am I bumped in to someone and that someone is zac... Zac?!?!
Zac's pov
Twinkle toes bumped into me again and I do say... The clothes his wearing suits him, he's hair is down and his not wearing his headband
"sorry zac..." he said scratching the back of his head "no worry twinkle toes! So?... Did you come here alone?" I asked him "actually... No... Daigo has to be with his brother and wakiya and honcho are together so I don't wanna be the third wheel and left them😐" he replied "that's just sad twinkle toes... Do you wanna come with me?" I asked him as I give him a rose

"so do you agree to be my date for the festival? But as friends?" I asked him one again "😲 sure! Why not?" he replied "very nice! So? Do you, want some food or go into rides? Your pick twinkle toes~" I said "food please!!!" he had stars in his ey...

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"so do you agree to be my date for the festival? But as friends?" I asked him one again
"😲 sure! Why not?" he replied
"very nice! So? Do you, want some food or go into rides? Your pick twinkle toes~" I said
"food please!!!" he had stars in his eyes and I just chuckled "very well~"

(OK guys! Cliff hanger!!! I'll be posting The other page later cuz... Why not? Spoiler alert! Lui will be in the next one and shu two! Basically all the supreme four will be at the next one so... Yeah and don't forget to comment what you think of this one... Bye!)

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