We Meet Again

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(this chapter is sponsored by
Mc Donalds)


(this chapter is inspired by Star-Chan5's, I'll be there for you! Check it out later if you guys have time)

Shu's pov.
I was walking in the festival knowing that zac invited me, and I don't mind going there on my own but suddenly I see zac with valt, I have to admit that I was having this feeling...  feelings that made my heart hurt, but why?
“so twinkletoes? Do you want to get food or go on rides?" I heard zac say
"food please!" valt said happily while jumping up and down excitedly then zac chuckled "very well! What type of food tho twinkletoes?" asked
"ice cream!!!" valt shout running at the ice cream stand "hahaha!!! Oh twinkle toes!" zac said
Grrrr!!! Seeing valt with zac makes me so mad!!! Why didn't valt asked me to go with him?!💢💢💢
(wth shu?! You rejected him! Why would he ask you?!?!💢)

No one's pov
Valt and zac were having fun and shu just following them like a creepy yandere stalker (why?😑) but suddenly! (dun! Dun! Duuunnnnn!!!) valt being his clumsy self, he fell... (ha! Jk, ill tell you what really happened)

Valt and zac were walking then zac noticed that valt had a little ice-cream on his cheek so he told him "hey twinkle toes, you have a little ice-cream on you cheek" "huh?" valt rubbed off the ice cream but missed "is it still there?" valt asked then zac chuckled "mhm! Here let me get it for you" zac used his thumb to rub off the ice-cream from valt's cheek and valt had a tint of red brushed across his face "t- thanks..." valt looked away still blushing
Zac's pov. (short)
Valt is so adorable when he blushes... Wait! What am I thinking?!

Valt was always adorable😊

No ones pov.
When zac and valt were walking valt accidentally bumped into some one
"valt are you okay?!" zac asked
"y- yea-" valt was cutt off
"watch where your going next time you idiot! 💢" a deep scary voice said
"... L-lui!..." valt shouted, frightened and shocked
"lui?!" zac said thenui turns around and sees valt
"valt..." lui said with sadness
"zac...lets just go... Please..." valt said hugging zac's arm
"sure..." zac blushed and just walked away and both of them just sat on a bench

The Bit- I mean Lui's pov.
"Valt..." I thought as I almost have tears in my eyes
So... Heres the deal... Valt and I used to date... But I don't know what happened... He just left me one day...and I never knew why...

With zac and valt
"so twinkle toes? Why did you want to get away from lui?" zac asks
"p- promise you won't laugh..." valt said
"I promise!" zac shouts raising his right hand
"s- so... I'm gay... A-and l-lui is well... m-my... ex.." valt sighs sadly then zac stands there blinking rapidly
"what?..." zac asks in suprisement
"m-mhm... I'm gay and lui was my ex but I broke up with him..." valt sadly replies
"but why? Is he a boring boyfriend?!" zac said "no... He was fun... We used to bake together and he would always buy me stuffed animals because he knows how much I love them..." valt starts to tear up remembering all those memories that him and lui had... (lui: ha! I win shu!) then valt starts to cry on zac's shoulders "then why did you broke up with him?" zac asked "he- *sobs* he- *sobs* he cheated on me!!!" valt cries and said "he also cheated on me with the opposite gender!!!" valt hugs zac tighter and zac blushed and was kinda angry too "shh... Its OK valt... I'm here if you need me... I'll never let that idiot midget jerk shark hurt you again..." zac's said like he was he's boyfriend or something "ill never let him touch you twinkle toes~..." zac hugs valt back "thanks zac..." valt mumbled sleepishly before he fell asleep on zac's chest then zac blushed crimson red and whispered "your welcome twinkle toes~❤️" zac kisses valt's forehead and waited there for a couple of minuets admiring valt's adorable sleeping face.

Shu's pov.
I heard what valt said... That him being Lui's ex is very very heartbreaking especially when I saw my valty~ I mean valt! cry... Xander is maybe right... I think I will regret what I did to valt... Especially when I see an image of him liking another person and not me... Maybe I am gay!!! Or maybe not!!! Or am I? I shouldn't have rejected valt!!! Now he's there sleeping on zac's chest on the bench!- wait... Zac?!?! 💢💢💢 Him again?!?!💢 why can't he just step away from valt?!?! 💢💢💢 *sighs* valt... I would like to see you with me... sleeping on my chest... Like what you did with zac, why did I reject a person like you? You are the kindest, sweetest, most incredible person I have ever met❤️... I regret everything I've done... Everything...
Lui's pov.
I decided to follow Zachary and my boyfriend on there 'hangout' If you even call it that and a 10 minuets Later I heard why valt broke up with me... "he cheated on me with the opposite gender!!!" the sentence just keep on repeating on my head! I regret everything I did to him...
"I've always loved you valt... I'm sorry I cheated on you... " I say in my thoughts while tears are running down my cheeks seeing valt with zac... I remember when valt and I used to do that
(flash back)
"Valt! It's OK valty~ I know it hurts but... You know I'll always be there for you..." lui says hugging valt while valt was crying because his dad (kento aoi) died on an airplane crash "l-lui?*sobs*" valt asks "promise you won't leave me too?..." valt said "I promise valt.. I love you~" lui kisses valt on the forehead then valt softly smiled and said "I love you too sharky~"
(end of flashback)

Valty~ I miss you~and ill do anything to get you back!~ anything~... Hahaha! Hahahahahhahah!! Hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaahahahahhaahahahahahahh!!!!!!!!!!!
*maniacally laughs* anything~...

Soo~??? How'd I do?
Lui: terrible
How dare you!!!
Shu: it's true! Why would you make zac fall in love with valt?! I already have so many competitors for his heart then your gonna add him?! And oh! Yeah! This story isn't original! You just copied it from the other story I was into with valt! But no- instead of me!!! You choose him
Valt:*doesn't want to get up from the bench and likes being snuggled by zac*
Zac: *blushes and hugs valt*
Free:hey you! *points at zac* get away from my precious cinnamon roll!!!💢
Zac: ehh... No thanks... I think my twinkle toes likes being snuggled by me!
Akira: zac!!!💢*jealous*
Zac: what?!
That's all folks! Byeee~

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