Sleep Over With The Supreme Four

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"another day of school another day of brain explosion" valt shouts while walking to school "valt~" honcho my friend shouts hugging me from behind "honcho... Put meh down boi! Oh! Yeah! How's your date with wakiya at the festival~?" valt asks him and honcho blushes "it's great actually-" "but... I still kinda like you tho" honcho blushes harder and mumbles "pfft-" valt laughs and just said "what ever you say bud... 😂" valt was laughing so hard but then he stops because of the bell "c'mon valt! I'll carry you" "nooo!!! I'm a big boy! I don't need your help!!!" valt pouts which made honcho chuckle "don't be such a baby valt!" honcho carries valt piggie back style "so~ what did you do when we left you valt?" honcho asked "nothing much... Except maybe run into lui..." valt says sadly "lui?! 💢 I'll kill him if he hurts my bestfriend again! 💢" honcho said almost letting go of valt "honcho! You almost dropped me!!!" valt shouts "sorry... But I don't want you to be hurt by him again..." honcho said "mhhh-..." "fine... But don't worry honcho~ I'm fine being all alone... Well I'm not really alone! I mean I have nika, toko, dad, mom, and you right? So who needs a boyfriend!?!?" valt says proudly...

7 cruel head aching hours later...

Dear twinkle toes,
I would like to invite you with me and the supreme 4 in a sleepover tonight! Hope you can make it! Tata!

Zac the sunrise~

Valt's pov.
The supreme four wants to invite me... But... Shu and lui will be there but in the other hand zac and xander is also there but in the other other hand! I'll disappoint zac if I don't go... So should I go or not...? I won't go! I don't wanna see shu or lui!

2 hours later

"mom! I'm going to a sleepover!" valt shouts
"are you done with your homework?! Did you eat yet?! Did you clean your room?! Did you say goodnight to toko and nika?! Did you-" his mom stops
"yes mom! I did all of those already! And I'm already to go!!!"
"OK sweetie... You may go but be safe!" his mom gives him a kiss in the cheek and opened the door "OK! bye mom, toko, nika! Love you!"

When valt arrived at zac's huge mansion

With the supreme four
*knock* *knock*
Zac: looks like our final guest is here!
Shu: I thought there would only be four of us?! I didn't even expect lui to be here!
Lui: *growls*
Xander: *opens the door and sees valt without gel in his hair* valt?... *realizes* valt!!! Did you get a new hairstyle or something?!
Valt: nah~ I don't want my hair up at night cause I can't sleep if its up...
Zac: twinkle toes! Welcome! I love the new hairstyle 😉
Valt: this isn't a new hairst-
Zac: Come in! The two are in the living room... *whispers* if he does anything to you ill have to go there and kill him
Valt: o-OK... 💦
Xander: valt! Come with me in the living room!
Valt: 😅ok...

With shu and lui
"valt... Sit there, I'll just help zac with preparing the guest rooms" xander whispers to valt "ok..." valt quietly walks past the two but they noticed and looked up "oh... Hey valt" shu said waving his hand, valt turned around and stops sneaking "hey~?" valt says "valt aoi... So your the 'guest' Zachary invited" lui  says standing up from his seat going infront of valt only inches apart "mhm..." valt slightly blushes "valty~ I can't believe you still blush when I do this to you~" he kisses valt softly and a minuet later he pulled away leaving valt shocked "valty~ I miss kissing you~" lui says licking his lips and pulling valt closer to him  "lui! Just stop! Your scaring him💢!" shu shouts and grabbed valt's wrist and pulled him away "shu... Get your hands of him💢 his Mine and not yours!" lui growls "h- huh?!?!" valt blushes even more "hey you two! Leave twinkle toes alone!" zac shouts with xander beside him. They both stopped and growled at each other
Valt on the side still blushing and angry at the same time "twinkle toes are you alright?" zac asks "twinkle toes?" "twinkle toes?!" "twinkle toes!!!" he kisses valt on the lips which made valt flinch and blushes even more "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?! YOU MADE IT WORST ZAC!!! ARGH!!!" valt says covering his blushing face "heheheh... Sorry twinkle toes~" zac says scratching the back of his head "zac, you messed up this time bro" xander says patting his shoulder "yeah you did" lui and shu glared at him with anger
"ZAC!!!" valt chases him while zac was running around crying "I'M SORRY!!!"

12 minuets later
"you didn't have to slap me that hard..." zac says while valt is putting an ice pack in zac's cheek "I'm sorry! Ok!?!? Plus you deserve it ^////^"
"and this is *chu~* for helping me snap out of it" valt says kissing zac's cheeks "w- wha-" zac blushes and faints "zac?!" xander shouts "💦
Hehehe... D- did. did- I kill him?" valt's says "nahh~ he just passed out." "o-OK?" valt's says sitting down on one of the sofa "so~ who wants to play truth or dare? Xander... You in?" shu asks "I'm in if valt's in" "I'm in!" valt shouts "then I'm in too" xander says "tsk, whatever" Lui said "ok~ ill start then... Hey valt?" shu asks him "yes~?" valt says "truth or death?! I *ehem*
I- I mean truth or dare?" shu asks
"truth?" valt says "if you would go out  with anyone who would it be~?" shu asks putting his finger under his chin
"hmm... That's a hard decision... Hmm... I guess I would go out with either..."

"zac or honcho... And/ or maybe xander! Probably someone who likes me I guess" valt says "I would go out with you too valt but for now we should just stay friends" xander says patting valt's head and valt smiles...

While in the other side
Lui and shu was heartbroken because they both didn't get picked but on the other hand... They both like valt so technically valt will still date them since valt said he'll date anyone who likes him so they still have a chance "OK! So... Who's next?" valt asks "you pick twinkle toes~" zac says standing up, he's finally awake "OK... Hmm... Zac~!" valt points at zac while zac was surprised "me!?!?!" zac shouts "uh huh!" valt replies "so~ truth or dare"
Shu says "dare?" zac answers "OK then! I dare you too..."

Cliff hanger!

So what dare do you guys think suits zac? Comment and vote for the next chapter! You guys really liked this so I updated... So~ are you guys happy? I know you are😁 now please vote and comment what dare valt should give zac! Now bye~

I know you hate cliffhangers! But don't worry! I do too 😑

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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