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Izuku's pov

"Thanks for letting me stay the night Sho," I said. Right now me and Sho were walking to school. "It's no problem, but it's not like my old man and Aizawa sensei would let you leave with what happend," Sho responded. "Yeah but I have this awesome collar, so anyone would find me if I escaped," I said as I showed off my red collar. "What about your hero costume, are you going to keep the collar on?" Sho asked. "Yeah, when we choose our hero names I'll get a tag with my hero name on it," I answered.

We walked into U.A. quickly, not wanting to be late, and walked in our classroom. Kacchan ran over to me and picked me up, running back to his and setting me on his lap. "You're going to stay here so I can make sure no one touches you again," Kacchan said, wrapping his hands around my waist. "Hey that's no fair," Jiro said, twirling one of her earphone jacks. "I agree you should let Izuku sit at his own desk," Sonic added.

"Tch, I don't give a fuck, if they want to take Izu they're going to have to take me," Kacchan scoffed. "K-Kacchan Sonic does have a point. I can't work like this," I said. "No it's either a leash or this," Kacchan pouted, like a child wanting candy. "You just can't do that to Deku," Kirby said. "I'd rather be here than on a leash," I said before Kacchan could explode.

"What the heck is happening?" dad asked when he walked in the room. "Bakugou's hogging Midori," Pinky, or Mina, whined. "Well it's either this or a leash," Kacchan retorted. "Eh I don't care," dad said motiong for everyone, who was standing, to sit down. "So you guys need to do internships for someone who requested for you," dad said motioning to the chalkboard with our names and numbers next to them. "Look at that, even though Midori got kittynapped he has the most requests, ribbit," Kermit, or Tsu, pointed out.

"Yeah, as I was saying go through all these papers and suffer," dad said walking around and dumping stacks of paper on our desks. "I can't do all of this," I whined, fiddling with my tails. "Oh yeah about you, All might wants you to go Gran Torino," dad said, taking away my stack of papers. "Yes I don't have to go through a bunch of papers," A quietly cheered and shifted into a cat. "I'm taking a nap like," I told Kacchan, slowly falling asleep.

3rd pov

Izuku 'woke' up in Inari's dimension but this time instead of being dark he was in an alley. "Woah this is different," Izuku said out loud walking farther into the alley. Izuku heard someone shifting behind him and turned around to be greeted by Kirishima with black bird wings and a staff. "Wow Kiri, you look cool in that costume," Izuku complemented.

The strange Kirishima pointed behind Izuku to a Todoroki with cat ears. "Sho you look like me now," Izuku observed. Kirishima quickly hit Izuku on the back of his neck knocking him out. "Jeez you didn't have to be so rough," Todoroki said, holding Izuku bridal style. "Just hurry up and do what boss said,'' Kirishima said, disappearing in a tornado of feathers.

Todoroki teleported to the front of a shrine gate. He sat Izuku on the ground tapping Izuku's face lightly. When Izuku started to wake up Todoroki teleported away not wanting to be seen. "How did I get here," Izuku wondered out loud standing up and looking at the shrine gates. A red and white kitsune, that looked like Inari's kitsune form, walked down the steps , motioning for Izuku to follow them.

Izuku started to follow the fox as it ran up the steps. Once Izuku reached the top there was a flat stage with the fox standing there looking at him. The fox suddenly shifted into Inari's human form. "Did you cut your hair? It looks shorter," Izuku observed. Inari nodded and picked Izuku up. While holding Izuku, Inari jumped off the stage onto a bridge that looked like it was in a festival scenery.

"Look look, it's fireworks," Izuku said, bouncing up and down looking at the fireworks. Kirishima suddenly appeared and swung his staff, hitting Izuku and Inari with a bunch of feathers, transporting them to a different place. "Ah now we're in a purple grassland area," Izuku observed. The colors of the grassland changed as Inari made a metal candle holder, with a handle, in their hand. As a yellow sprout sprouted out of the holder the biome shifted into a swampy place. Izuku turned around to ask what was happening when Inari, purposely dropped the holder.

Once again the biome changed into a forest and there was a small plant where the holder landed. 'Inari is acting differently. She hasn't talked once since I got here, and she didn't even meet me like she usually does,' Izuku thought looking at Inari, who was picking a gold apple type fruit off of the plant. Inari stuck their hand out with the small, strange, fruit in it. "D-do you want me to eat it?" Izuku asked. Inari nodded their head in response. Izuku stretched his hand out until someone stopped them.

Izuku's pov

"THAT'S MY KIT NOT YOURS" Inari yelled, kicking the other Inari in the face before I could take the fruit. "Wait, if you're the Inari that always meets me then who is that Inari?" I asked, pointing at the fake Inari. "That is Ryujin, the sea god, or most known as the snake god," Inari said with venom laced in her voice. Ryujin 'melted' back into his original form, a guy with a snake bottom half. "Tch, why did you have to ssstop me?" Ryujin hissed. "You know very well that if my little bakeneko kit ate that small apple he would have been transformed into one of your kind as a kid with no memory," Inari said, picking me up.

"Wait I would have lost my memory," I said shocked. "Yeah and you would have been stuck here forever," Inari said, backing away from Ryujin. "Now go away and never come back," Inari snarled, as the snake god slithered away. "Thanks big sis, wait no I mean Inari," I said quickly, fixing myself and blushing. "No, call me big sis I like it," Inari responded. "And If I didn't save you, you wouldn't have woken up ever again, and also the readers would kill me if I didn't save you," Big sis proudly said, muttering the last part scared.

"Just one quiestion. Why didn't the cat god, Bakeneko, come and try to take me?" I asked letting one of my ears flop down. "Shhh we don't talk about him, let's just say he's a little crazy in the head," Big sis whispered in my ear. I laughed at what she said about the cat god. "Don't think I didn't notice that fabulous collar on you," Big sis said pointing at my collar. "Yeah I got it after I got saved," I bragged.

The whole dimension started to shake. "Looks like someone's trying to wake you up," Big sis said, creating a water ball in her hand. She quickly placed me down and flinged the water ball at me waking me up.

"Hey Izu, Aizawa sensei wants to see you," Kacchan said, placing me on the ground, letting me shift back into my normal form. "Oh ok, thanks," I said running out of the classroom.

( 1252 words )

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