Battle Training

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Izuku's pov

I got to class before anyone was there so I walked directly to my desk. I laid my head down on the desk and closed my eyes.

I woke up to purring and people talking about something cute. "Mhm hey guys whats the cute thing you're talking about?" I asked while rubbing my eyes. "Uh we weren't talking about you. It was all bakugou's fault he was saying how cute your purring was," Mina said quickly blaming Kacchan.

I blushed noticing that the purring was coming from me. "Will you guys shut up and go to your seats," Aizawa said. Everyone shuffled away to me and back to their seats. "Ok so you guys are choosing a class president so do it before english starts," Aizawa said while getting into his sleeping bag and laying down.

Everyone started to yell this like 'pick me' and 'you should choose me'. "How about we vote for a class president," Iida, or sonic wannabe, said just loudly enough for everyone to hear. "But everyones going to vote for themselves," Kaminari said, using his brain for once. "No if people vote for others then they believe in them," I said with my ears twitching a bit.

We all decided to vote. In the end I ended up getting 5 votes and Momo got 3 votes. I'm guessing that Kacchan and Sho voted for me because they each gave me a glance like I should repay them or something. "Good just in time," Aizawa said before Mic came into the room.

Today felt like a normal school day with english and stuff like that. "Hey Midoriya do you want to eat lunch," the sonic wannabe said. "Mhm yeah lemme see if Sho wants to eat with us," I said walking over to Sho. "Hey Sho do you wanna eat lunch with Sonic, Kirby, and me?" I asked. "Do you mean Iida and Uraraka?" Sho asked.I just nodded my head as a response. "Sure," he said, smiling a bit. I grabbed his arm dragging him out of his chair and over to Sonic and Kirby. "Ok let's go get lunch," I said smiling

Todoroki's pov

We were eating our lunch until Uraraka brung up what happened this morning with all of the news reporters trying to get in. have I ever mentioned how cute Zuku looks when he's confused. One ear goes down and the other ear stands up, kinda like he is a confused puppy. Also his hair looks so fluffy it takes all I can to try not to touch his hair.

I was brought out of my totally not staring at Zuku when an alarm went off. Zuku Quickly latched onto me frightened by everyone yelling and running. "Hey Zuku it's ok," I assured him while scratching behind his ears.

"Hey Zuku, use the special float move that you used to look outside," I told him. Zuku transformed into a kitsune and I climbed onto his back. He used his float move and floated over to the window. I looked outside to see it was just the media. "Zuku please yell that it's just the media," I told him. "GUYS IT'S JUST THE MEDIA SO CALM DOWN," Zuku yelled, calming everyone down.

Back in the classroom he was the center of attention because of the way he acted. "N-no Sho helped me out a bunch," he said while pointing at me. Now everyone started to compliment me for being brave. I looked over at Zuku for help. "Hey guys you should sit down and be ready for our next class," he said with a cute face, making everyone blush.

Everyone sat down waiting for our next class. "I am coming through the door like a normal person," All Might said while running in the classroom. As All Might I looked over at Zuku and watched how his tail was swishing side to side when he saw All Might. All Might mentioned something about hero suits and the wall turned into a place where our suits were being held.

3rd pov

Izuku walked into the changing room and started to take off his uniform. "Woah, look at those muscles," Kirishima whispered to Kaminari. "Dude, your gay is showing," Kaminari whisperd back while taking his uniform off. "Says the one who was drooling over him earlier," Kirishima retorted playfully. "How 'bout both of you stop drooling over him and get dressed," Bakugou said while making small explosions in his palms.

As everyone was getting dressed into their costumes Izuku ran up to Bakugou. "Hey Kacchan, do you like my hero costume," Izuku said while showing off his costume. Izuku's costume was a green hoodie with holes at the top so his ears could fit through. He had white paws with green pads, that looked like a cat's toe beans, and retractable claws. The shoes were basically the same thing but just read shoes. His pants were a darker green but had modification for his tail. Lastly he had a bell on his hoodie but it didn't make any noise.

"Y-yeah it looks cool," Bakugou said, trying to hide his blush. "Thanks Kacchan, now let's go outside," Izuku said, taking Bakugou's hand and leading him out of the locker room.

Izuku's pov

Once everyone was out All Might was explaining that we were doing something with heroes and villains. We all drew lots and I ended up getting Kacchan on my team. "Team A will be the villains and team D will be the Heroes," All Might announced. "Hey Kacchan were the heroes and Sonic and Kirby are the villains," I said walking up to him. Kacchan just nodded as the villains went into the building to hide the weapon and everyone else went to the viewing room.

"Hey, hey, hey, Kacchan, I got a plan," I said successfully getting his attention. Kacchan leaned down to my level as I whispered a plan into his ear. Kacchan just nodded and grinned.

Bakugou's pov

When All Might said go Izu transformed into a rat. He climbed up my and transformed me into one before he shifted back. He took my little mouse costume off so I looked like a normal rat. He ran into the building after giving me a nod. I scurried into the building using my rat abilities to find out where the fake weapon is. 'I found the weapon, use the cracks in the walls and climb up to the 4th floor. I'll be waiting to see if you need help," Izu said through the little devices.

Like Izu told me I used the cracks I could squeeze in to get to the 4th floor. When I made it there I could tell Izu saw me because he was holding back the urge to attack me, because he transformed me into a rat. I gave him a smile and ran towards round face to make a distraction. I made rat noises until she saw me. "OH SHIT A RAT," round face yelled terrified . Glasses came running over to see if it was Izu. This gave Izu the time to quickly run over and touch the weapon.

"The heroes win," we all heard All Might yell. "Huh," round face as she watched me run over to Izu. Izu chuckled while he put the tiny form of my hero costume on. He changed me back before he walked over to round face and glasses to apologize for scaring them.

Izuku's pov

When we got back to the viewing room everyone ran up to us and said how cool we were. I ended up being the MVP of the fight because I came up with a plan that me and Kacchan followed. All the other fights were pretty boring except for Sho's, where he just froze the whole building.

At the end of the day me and Kacchan were talking about renovating my house and getting more catnip until Kaminari came over to us. "I heard that you guys were talking about renovating a house and catnip," Kaminari said. "Yeah we were," I said confused why he was interested in what we were talking about.

"C-can I come with you guys and help out?" Kaminari asked. I chuckled while Kacchan was straight out laughing. "Yeah sure you can tag along," I responded. "Oh can I come too?" Kirishima while looking over Kaminari's shoulder. I nodded as we started talking about all the other cat things we might need to buy.

(1389 words)

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