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Izuku's pov

After passing out I woke up strapped on a metal table. I lift my head to see a crusty guy walk in the room. The crusty guy had a whole bunch of tools on a cart.

"Hello little neko my name is Shigaraki, but it's not like it matters because you will refer to me as master." the crusty guy now known as Shigaraki said. "Um M-mr I think you need chapstick. Have you ever heard of it," I said quietly, but just loud enough for him to hear.

Apparently I wasn't supposed to say something because he grabbed a knife and cut my arm. "You refer to me as master and, yas I have heard of chapstick," Shigaraki said angrily. Shook my head up and down with tears in my eyes.

"Good," Shig- master said as he left the room. I took this time to look around but all that was in the room was knives and other sharp things. I also noticed that I can't transform into any animal so I couldn't escape.

A while later a guy with a mask came in the room. "Hello tiny neko I am All for One (AFO) and I have a little gift for you, so just stay still." AFO said. I tilted my ears back and hissed at him as he reached his hand closer to my head.

He didn't take that as a warning and proceeded to put his hand on my head. "This will hurt but it will hurt less if you don't move a lot," AFO stated. Suddenly I felt a bunch of pain go throughout my body, but I only flinched and bit down on my lip to keep me from screaming.

AFO chuckled at my reaction and walked out of the room. Again after a while my crusty master, god I hate calling him master, came in and unstrapped me. He led me to a smaller room and shoved me inside.

I came face to face with a giant black creature. "Ok neko all you have to do is defeat it with your quirks," my crusty master said. 'Hm when did I have more than one quirk,' I thought.

I was brought out of my thinking by the black creature grabbing me. I transformed into a mouse quickly and ran up its arm. While I was on its head I saw my tiny mouse hands glow green so I put them on the creature and it turned into a mouse.

I transformed back and looked at the tiny black mouse. "Good job neko, you defeated that nomu," I looked at my crusty master, "You mean I did that," I asked confused. My crusty master just chuckled and took my hand with four of his fingers.

He led me back to the room and picked me up. I tried to get out of his grasp but he quickly strapped me down to the metal table. He walked around the room and grabbed some sharp things. "Ready to have fun little neko" my crusty master said with a creepy grin.

Aizawa's pov

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR GIVING UP ON THE CASE!" I yelled. "We have looked everywhere we can't find where he went," Tsukauchi tried to reason with me. At this point Mic was holding me back "No I am not giving up on problem child, I promised I would find him," I said with my voice shaking. "But-," "No shut up I'm going to find Izuku," I said while storming out of the room,"

____Time skipu____

It has been 4 years since Izuku was kidnapped, but today we found where he was taken. "Ok we attack at 12: P.M. so get ready," Nezu said. Finally I can rescue the neko I have been caring for. All of the heroes in the room rushed to get ready.

Izuku's pov

How long has it been since I last saw everyone I knew. All my life now is torcher, fights, scraps of food, sleep and then the whole process over again. I guess the one good thing that has happened to me is that I can now turn people into animals and change them back. I can also mix animals but that takes a bunch of stamina.

Today was a fairly normal day, master put a collar on me so I could only stay in my cat form, we got the worst over at the beginning of the day, which was the fighting and torcher. Right now I was on the floor eating scraps that Kurogiri was giving me.

The only nice person in this hell hole was kurogiri. At night when we all were supposed to be sleeping he took that time to teach me, so he's the only one I can stand.

I finished my tiny pieces of fish I got today until I heard counting












Then the door suddenly burst open. I couldn't believe it when the heroes came to save me. Master quickly disintegrated my collar and I quickly shifted into my normal form. "Kill them right now I don't care how you do it, just kill them," master ordered me.

I could see that Aizawa was surprised that master was ordering me around like I was his little toy. I grinned at Aizawa using one of his amazing grins. Aizawa knew what this meant and he told all the heroes to stop fighting.

"Ha you thought Shigaraki but you're not my master. Oh and you should invest in some chapstick you chapped, crusty, musty guy," I said smugly then turned him into a cat. I stuck up my middle finger at him and walked towards the heroes.

"Ok we can go now you rescued me," I said before passing out.

Aizawa's pov

I quickly caught Izuku stopping him from falling on the ground. "Well stop standing there we have to get Izuku to the hospital," I said while running out. We were lucky we brought an ambulance with us in case this happens. I watched as the paramedics took Izuku away and drove him to the hospital.

"Hun the villains got away," Mic said as he put his hand on my shoulder

"It's ok I'm happy as long as we got Izuku," I replied.

(Woooo 1016 words! This is the longest chapter I have ever done and I feel pretty accomplished)

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