Chapter 5: Does She Really Care For Me? And True Feelings

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Ein's POV:

After y/n thanked me for calming her down. We then pull away from the hug and she stands up. So I try to do the same but fall back down and wince in pain letting out a little whimper like a wounded wolf or dog. 

"Damn it the fucking werewolves really did a bad number on me they hurt me pretty badly. Tch...why was I so fucking weak when that happend I could have totally beat them but no I was too fucking pathetic. Tch....whatever fuck my stupid weak omega side kicking in" I thought to myself. 

As I thought that I felt the back of my head start to bleed a little again from the small gash I got from my head hitting the lockers when I was thrown into them. But I didn't want y/n to worry too much about me so I tried to play it off cool even though the pain from my head and body was unbearable every thing just fucking ached and hurt like hell

y/n: "Ein are you sure you're  ok? Do you want me to take you to the Nurse's Office? Because I saw you stand up and then you just fell back down and I herd you whimper."

Ein: "hmm... oh yeah I'm fine y/n don't worry about me." 

I say trying to hide the pain in my voice. however y/n sees right through me and my lies she knows me way too well *sigh*

y/n: "Ein stop lying to me I know your hurt really bad. Here just let me help you." she says

Ein: *Sighs* "Fine y/n you caught me I'll give in and tell the truth since you already know I'm lying.  Look I'm really not ok, every thing fucking hurts like hell, the back of my head has a small gash that's bleeding, I have multiple fucking bad bruises and scratches, and I can't even fucking walk straight because of the pain which is causing my balance to be completely off."

I then think to myself "Damn it saying all that to y/n and letting her take care of me sounds so fucking pathetic I really am just a weak omega. My father and the werwolves were right I am just a fucking weak pathetic omega. Why is y/n even my friend she deserves better than me"  Thinking this made me want to cry I tried fight the tears back since I didn't want to cry in front of y/n the Alpha Female then I would really appear weak but it didn't work and I felt my face go hot and then felt tears stream down my face staining my cheeks

y/n: "Aww Ein don't cry I'll always be here for you" she said wiping away my tears 

Ein: "Why though I'm just a fucking weak and stupid omega I don't deserve you as my friend and you don't deserve me,  you deserve some one who's fucking better then me." I say still crying

y/n: "Ein what are you saying. Of course I deserve you and you deserve me. There is no one in the world who deserves me as a friend then you."

Ein: "y/n why do you care so much about me when no one else cares fucking shit about me? And why am I so fucking Irene damn important to you. Your a strong Independent Alpha. And I'm just a fucking weak pathetic Omega."
(A/N: yes it does sound like that I did purposely make Ein super depressed because he actually could very well be depressed in Aph's rps so yeah)

y/n: *sighs* "I guess I'll tell you I would have to tell you anyways. Ein the reason why I'm the way I am for you is because in truth ever since middle school I've developed feelings for you like I mean more than just a friend. Ein what I'm saying is that...I-I Love You."

She was blushing hard core as she confessed to me.

Ein: "Rea-"  I was cut off by y/n kissing me. I was shocked at first blushing 10 times harder then her but then realized and I couldn't help but shut my eyes and return the kiss since I felt the same way but for her since middle school as well. That's when I asked, Still A blushing mess after what she did.

Ein: "H-hey y-y/n I was w-wondering since I felt the same w-way since middle school. I-I was w-wondering if you w-would like to be my g-girlfriend? I-I know its n-not the best scene or t-time to ask b-but still, w-what do you say?" When I said this to y/n she then became a blushing nervous mess with me.

y/n: "Y-yes E-ein I would love to be your g-girlfriend!"

Ein: "But y/n can we keep this a secret until I'm truly ready I don't want to rush things and have every one know that the Alpha is dating the fucking Omega." I say

y/n: "that's understandable will just act like friends for now until we are both ready. Now come with me and let me take you to the Nurse's Office before your injuries get worse. I mean your head's gash and deep scratches are still bleeding."

Ein: "Tch...Ok fine y/n."


Hey my pups I hope you liked this chapter. I mean wow only 5 chapters in so far and you already got Ein~Senpai to fall for you hehe... Making Ein~Senpai become your boyfriend and you become his girlfriend. Anyways until next time my pups Author~Chan out Nya~ I mean Bork Im a werewolf not a Meif'Wa lol ;)

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