Chapter 10: The Second School Day

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Ein's POV:

As we walk to school I realized It was a little cold this morning with the start of Autumn coming soon. As we walk I see y/n shiver a little then look through her f/c backpack probably looking for her jacket. 

y/n: "dang it out of all the things I bring to and from school I forgot my f/c jacket, I guess I'll just deal with being cold for today." she says still shivering a little. I feel bad for her because I didn't want her to be cold all day and get sick from it.

 so I give y/n my blue hoodie that I carry around with me just incase I ever got cold which is very rare since I'm warm most of the time even in cold weather like right now its just the way I am.

Ein: "Here y/n take mine. You can keep it if you want. I don't want you to be cold all day and possibly get sick from it I care to much about you to let that happen." She just stairs me in the eyes for a little

y/n: "Aww Ein that's very sweet of you to do that for me, but won't you get cold? I don't want that to happen to you either you know." she says to me

Ein: "Heh, y/n I never get cold and when I do it's very rare. I'm always warm it's just the way I am. I just carry around a hoodie in case I do get cold which like I said is very rare when it happens. so please just take my hoodie. so you're at least warm." I reply with a smile

y/n: "Th-thank you Ein." she says and takes the blue hoodie from me putting it on. 

She looked really cute in it since it was just a little to big for her. I giggled a little to myself at seeing the somewhat shorter then me wolf girl in my blue hoodie.

Ein: "Your welcome" I say to her 

-Time Skip- 

We arrive at school about an hour before school started. There was only a few students here this early on so me and y/n sit by the water fountain in the front of the school and start chatting to each other for a while letting the time pass by

Until I see the same werewolf that beat me up the day earlier but I didn't see the others. He saw me with the Alpha he growled at me and came up to talk to her clearly to distract her from me. I couldn't help but listen in. 

werewolf boy: "hey alpha what are you doing hanging with him" he said trying to be friendly 

he clearly directed the statement towards me since he looked at me and growled the word him. when he said it.

y/n: "oh this is Ein I'm pretty sure you met him" she growled back at him to defend me

werewolf boy: "yeah I have, but why are you hanging out with this loser of an omega" he said

y/n: "Because he's my puphood friend that's why" she growled again

werewolf boy: "But you're  Alpha and he's Omega. The Alpha shouldn't be friends with a dumb Omega. you should come hang out with me and my friends and leave this omega alone like he should be" he growled at me but was blushing towards y/n.

This made me feel a mix of emotions for some odd reason as this werewolf boy continued to talk to MY y/n  I felt  anger,  jealousy, and Hatred.  I growled softly to myself as I saw him with y/n,  my senpai
(a/n: welp it looks like we have are first victim for Ein to kill off Mwahaha XD. also when Ein goes yandere when he sees someone else with you, he makes the same expression as the picture at the top that's why I used it)

y/n: "NO! I won't leave Ein to hang out with you!" "So what he's omega I can be friends with who I want I'm the alpha." she says in a sassy and angered way to him giving him her sass.

werewolf boy: Grrrr "But what if Ein tries to mark you and succeeds, then you would be Omega Female and no longer be Alpha Female" he says growling.

that made me blush slightly because I actually have thought of marking y/n but I don't want her to become an omega like me.

y/n: "Well actually I wouldn't mind if Ein tries and succeeds in marking me. Yes I would be an omega but at least he would still be my friend! I don't need werewolf friends like you to be happy! I would in truth only need Ein as my friend to be happy! And Thats That Ok! Tch....!" she said

y/n has definitely been hanging out with me for too long that she even picked up my "Tch..." line. I thought to myself then I was shocked at what she had just said once I realized it.

werewolf boy and Ein in sync: "WHAT?!" mine and the werewolf boy's eyes just widened at that statement y/n had just said and we both just stared at her wide eyed in complete shock. 

I was also being a total blushing mess at her statement. I thought what the werewolf boy said was bad but no y/n's made me blush even harder

y/n: "What guys? What I just said is totally true I'm not lying. I really wouldn't mind Ein marking me. I would be totally fine with it " she said while blushing now 

y/n: "Now if you could leave me and Ein alone now that would be nice" she said growling at him

werewolf boy: Grrr "Fine I'll Leave You Be Alpha, And Your Loser Omega Friend Too." he storms off 

Me and y/n staring and growling at him as he left however I was still giving him my death stare from talking to MY y/n as he left. I wanted to kill....him for liking my senpai  AND...I...WILL...KILL...HIM.


I know what your thinking "Oh come on what the heck Author~Chan why the cliff hanger? It was just getting good." Well my pups its because I'm Evil just like Ein~Senpai XD lol :p. Jk I'm not. but yeah I just want to make y'all wait, plus its getting late its 2:45am almost 3am at the time I'm writing this and well I'm tired so I'm going to bed I'm sorry my pups
Anyways until next time my pups Author~Chan Out ;)

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