Chapter 8: Accidental Sleep Over?

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(a/n: Sorry to start off with an author's note I just wanted to say ive been editing my story in previous chapters like fixing things here and there while also adding things like I added more to the previous chapter that are new you can reread it if you want and well I kind of decided to make Ein a little bit Yandere if you didn't read the updated last chapter where I announced that and changed up the ending so i'll repost part of the chapter. you'll know when Ein's Yandere side kicks in because it will be bolded and have italics or also be underlined (Like This or This) I haven't though about Ein killing anyone for you yet but I might add that in for one or a few chapters but idk anyways on to the story)

PREVOUSLY on last chapter (at least a part of it):

Ein's POV:

y/n: "Ein do you mind if I snuggle you I mean we have been friends since we were both pups."

that made me have a light blush when y/n said that I of course say yes

Ein: "y-yeah sure. I w-wouldn't mind at all."

I move over slightly to make just enough room for her to lay down next to me and I also turn to my side to face her. she then lays right besides me

y/n: "T-thank you Ein"

Ein: "Your welcome y/n" and I kiss her forehead

She smiles at me and then snuggles into my chest and cuddles up as close as she possibly could to me. I could tell she was listening to the sound of my heart beat and breathing she soon became really relaxed and fell asleep to it. I couldn't help but to wrap both arms around her pulling her even closer to me resting my chin on her head. She's beautiful and perfect I think to myself. I then whisper into y/n's ear as she slept "I'll Always Love You Y/n, you WILL always be mine, I'll mark you one day my darling just you wait. Then you WILL be you mine FOREVER darling. And then no one else can EVER take you from me, my dear" after I whispered that to y/n I then chuckle a little evilly to myself while doing my classic evil smirk. I then to fall asleep as well

~Current time~

y/n POV:

- Time Skip -


Even though I was asleep I heard the bell ring for school to be out so I wake up but I don't get up or even move because I didn't want to wake the still asleep Ein who is holding me close to his body as if to never let me go. I really did miss this. Last time I was snuggled by Ein like this was when we were pups all those years ago. He still makes me feel just as warm and cozy just like he did all those years ago. I also still loved that scent of fresh pine he always smelled like it just made me feel calm like I was in a pine forest running free with the wolves. I thought to myself smiling. I then see the Nurse come in probably to wake us up

Ms Holly: "y/n, Ein the bell rang its time to get up."

y/n: "I'm awake but Ein is still passed out. But I'll wake him" I say to her 

Ms Holly: "Ok" she says to me and walks out

so I turn and try to get up but Ein is holding me quite tight so it was hard to move but I managed it

y/n: "Ein the bell rang we can go home" I say slightly nudging him only to receive a grunt by him and a annoyed response

Ein: "Mmph... just a little longer" he says 

y/n: "come on Ein" 

Ein: *whines* "Nooo" 

y/n: *sighs* "Ein you can sleep when you get home now get up"

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