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⚠ self-harm

In all seriousness, Kongpob doesn't have an actual lead.

The truth is, aside from the creepy story of those two identical kids from the orphanage whom Sister Thawon said aren't twins, odd, Kongpob has no lead at all. It's a dead-end lead with Sister Thawon not knowing where the hell those kids are now while insisting the other's dead and Sister Thawon always busy she doesn't have the time to entertain Kongpob's questions, Kongpob doesn't know where the hell he's going to find an Oon and a Phan.

If only he could call those names out in the open and suddenly, they would magically appear, then yes, he has a lead.

Kongpob had thought he would have to go back to square one but the heavens open up for him.

It's morning- since it's Arthit's day off and there's no new case for Kongpob, currently, they're having breakfast together, the first time in a long time.

Arthit gives his boyfriend a bright smile, lips around the rim of his glass of pink milk, Kongpob could tell he's in a particularly good mood today but before he could tease Arthit about it, his phone reverberates from his pocket.

Kongpob pulls it out and reads the messages. It's an anonymous crime tip report- an eyewitness claiming he saw a good profile of the cola psycho but he has some deals of his own, he's probably a drug dealer on parole, so until Kongpob meets up with him, he doesn't want to tell anything.

Although anonymous, Kongpob can track the sender. It brings him to an address near an open field if this guy is what he claims to be then all Kongpob needs is the best sketch artist in town and he can finally end everything. His jaw tightens, he's going to make sure to put that deranged guy in an Asylum. He's going to make that psycho suffer.

Now, Kongpob's the one in good mood.

Kongpob quickly grabs his jacket and key, he's so excited about the information he received he almost forgot his boyfriend.

"Where are you going Kong?"

"Someone just messaged me. Said he has some lead about the major case I'm working on."

Arthit's eyes widen. "What if that's the psycho, Kong?"

"Then that's better! We can be face to face but I don't think it's him, this is probably some criminal on parole."

"What if it's just a prank?"

Kongpob sighs. "I can't base this on what-ifs baby. If I go and meet this guy and it turns out as a prank, I'm going to lose nothing but if I don't go there-" Kongpob nervously looks at his watch, if he doesn't move now, the killer surely will- the bastard will eventually find out and dispose of what could be his only witness. Kongpob is on borrowed time.

"I'll go, I'll come back later. We'll continue this later... Sorry love."

Arthit stands up as well. "Wait Kong, I'll go with you."

Kongpob gives Arthit an odd look. Since when Arthit wants to go with him to his work? "No, no, you stay here. It's dangerous, okay?"

"I don't want you to get hurt, Kong. Please let me come with you, please?"

Kongpob softly smiles at Arthit and walks towards him to drop a kiss on his forehead. If Arthit's there with him, he's just going to be overprotective of him, he's going to give his sole focus on him. Arthit's going to be a huge distraction for him but he won't tell his boyfriend that.

"I can handle this myself, I promise, okay? I'll call a backup if things went awry. But you, you stay here."

"Promise me to come back here alive?"

Psycho • CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now