How to Pray like a Heathen

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Ellie, aka DarkPH0T0N is a Protestant on this site who publishes on religion and politics. One of her books, titled No Apologies: Why I am a Christian was recommended to me once by a Protestant seeking to convince me to leave Catholicism. I had a look at it, and it only made me more Catholic than before.

This is a response to the chapter How to Pray Like a Heathen. Her words are in italics.

I'm going to start doing some chapters on Catholicism."

You should have said: I'm going to start doing some chapters on strawmen and pretend I know what I'm talking about. Many of the "doctrines" you so confidently refute are either based on a false premise or are not Catholic at all.

"I'm not doing this to bash all other denominations and promote my denomination as the "one true church.""

Well, you called the dogma of Transubstantiation "baloney", called most of our prayers "useless", intimated that God doesn't hear Catholic prayers, called the Mass unnecessary, said Catholicism "has a history of" endorsing idolatry, said Sacred Tradition has no authority or Divine origin, said the Catholic Magisterium has no authority, and then ended with the same old Protestant call for people (Catholics) to read their (your Protestant) Bibles and "judge the authority" for themselves according to "the (your Protestant) Scriptures".

In my humble opinion as someone with eyes, I'd say you did indeed bash Catholicism and promote your denomination as the "one true church". It doesn't hurt to be honest, Ellie : )

It also doesn't hurt to do an internet search before throwing stones at something you very clearly don't understand.

"I am picking Catholicism because it has turned away from the Bible in favor of man's traditions."

This is a very ironic statement considering Catholicism predates the compilation of the Bible by close to 400 years and most of the doctrines Protestants like you contest were well established by then. How do you "turn away" from a non existent Bible exactly?

It's also ridiculous to claim She has done so when your Protestant Bible is only 500 years old and your entire denomination is based on Martin Luther and John Calvin's personal "Bible alone" theology — ie a man made doctrine that was not authoritatively taught by anybody (INCLUDING JESUS) for the first 1500 years of Christianity.

"This is dangerous, and more often than not deceives good people and sends them to hell."

Ah, there we have it: Catholicism is deceptive and damns Her faithful. But remember, Ellie is not bashing anyone! She's just...whatever she's doing.

"So I know it's a harsh title. What? Am I calling Catholics heathens? No, I am not."

You said this was a chapter "on Catholicism" (a Church which supposedly sends people to hell) and your title is How to Pray like a Heathen. Again, Ellie, it doesn't hurt to be forthright.

"But the Bible is calling an action common to Catholicism heathenish."

No. Your Bible is saying one thing and you're arguing against a man of straw.

"Matthew 6:7
And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathens do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words.

"This is not just a Catholic problem,"

She's right. This "problem" is present in Orthodoxy as well — 75% of the world's Christians are lost and Ellie is one of the few who are privileged to see this.

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