The Beach Battle

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We flew for about a half an hour and I couldn't stop thinking about what happened in Forelay.
What if they already have hurt everyone? No, I have to get these thoughts out of my head. I looked at my surroundings, but only saw the clouds right below me.
Man, it's so boring way up in the sky.
"Cole? When and where are we gonna land at?" I asked. He looked back at me and shrugged.
"I dunno. I was waiting for you to say when we should land cause you have the GPS." I nodded and took it out of my backpack. At least we were still heading North-West, but it said that Beach Town was a few miles ahead.
Never heard of the place. I started looking back to find Forelay City on the GPS but I didn't find it. I kept looking for it. No luck.
Well, what the crap? I typed Forelay in the search box and finally found it. It was almost 100 miles back! I was so shocked that I almost fell off of Reshiram.
"Cole, let's stop at Beach Town. I need a rest. This has been a crazy day and it just got crazier."
"How?" He replied.
"We've been flying almost 100 miles in 45 minutes! That means Reshiram has been flying about 150 miles per hour. That's pretty dang fast!" Cole was as shocked as I was.
"Holy smokes! You're right, that is pretty crazy!" We chuckled at his sarcastic, but true comment and then we descended under the clouds, spotting a town up ahead.
"There it is!" I said, "Resiram, land at the town ahead! That's Beach Town!" Reshiram nodded and less than a minute, we had landed in Beach Town.
Cole thanked and returned Reshiram and then asked me,
"I wonder why Reshiram obeyed you so easily." I hadn't thought of it and I didn't know either so I just shrugged it off.
We walked into to town, into the Pokemon Center, and I got Cole and I a room with two bunk beds we could stay in. Cole went to cafeteria to eat and I laid on the top bunk of one of the bunk beds, with my Noibat sitting by my feet. I saw Noibat fly around the room a little, seeming kinda antsy, but then I got an idea.
"Noibat, let's go practice! We'll go to one of the beaches and practice incase any trainers comes up, ok?" He nodded and then we left the PokeCenter and walked a few blocks, until we arrived at a beach. I read the sign that talked about the beach we were at.
'Callahan Beach. A popular beach with trainers of all types that the Gym Leader originated from.' It said.
The gym leader eh? I might have to have a talk with him or her to maybe get a battle from them. And there are trainers to practice with, so its perfect for me.
I put my stuff at a small picnic table and walked on the sand without my shoes. I looked on the Callahan Lake and watched as the Pokemon and people played in the water.
That's when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned my head around and a teenage boy with brown hair, who wore a light blue shirt and black shorts who was standing behind me.
"Hi, I'm Brian. I'm the lifeguard here at this beach. I noticed that this is your first time at Callahan Beach, because I've never seen you here. What brings you?" He asked curiously. I was suprised at how friendly this guy was.
"Well, I'm just gonna practice with my Pokemon. Do you know any good challengers here right now?" He scanned the beach and pointed over to a sailor staring at the lake. "He's pretty strong. I've battled him before and he only battles with 3 Pokemon." Said Brian, "My break is over now, so I'll see ya 'round!" I waved to him as he left, heading to the lifeguard stand.
I walked over to the sailor and asked him to battle.
"Hey. Okay, let's get to it! But first introductions. I'm George by the way, and all I need to battle with is these 3 Pokemon." He held up three PokeBalls.
"Well, I'm Maria and I'll use three Pokemon too. Go Noibat!" Noibat came out of his PokeBall, ready for battle.
"It won't take long for that Pokemon to faint. Go Charizard! Use Dragon Tail!" A Charizrd came out of its PokeBall, tail glowing blue.
"Noibat, dodge with Aerial Ace. Then attack it with Dragon Claw!" Noibat barely dodged Charizard's tail and then came up behind it with it's Dragon Claw. Charizard was hurt, but not by much.
"Charizard, don't let this pip-squeak get you! Seismic Toss!" Charizard grabbed Noibat and began to spin.
"We can beat him Noibat! Zip out of his arms with Aerial Ace!" Noibat flew away from Charizard and recoil had affected the orange beast.
"Come on Charizard! Steel Wing!" Charizard came at Noibat with full speed, his wing glowing gray. It was too fast for Noibat to dodge!
"Noiba-" Noibat released flames from him at Charizard, which burnt him. I cheered as Noibat used Flamethrower. A new move was always good for Pokemon. When Noibat finished, he began to glow and when he finished glowing, he had now become a Noivern. The evolution shocked me a bit, so I just kinda stood there and stared.
I didn't command Noivern because he was already on the move. His mouth glowed with electricity and bit on Charizard, which caused him to faint. I jumped up and down as Noivern had learned another move, Thunder Fang.
I scanned Noivern with my PokeDex and his moves were Fly, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Thunder Fang and Aerial Ace. I was really happy for my Pokemon.
"Noivern you've used up a lot of energy. You need a good hard rest. Go Shelgon!" Shelgon watched as George released his Gyarados.
"Gyarados show 'em what you're made of! Surf!" A huge wave came at Shelgon.
"Let's use our special move Shelgon. Attack Gyarados through the water with your Zen Headbutt!" Shelgons head glowed blue as he flew through the wave, knocking Gyarados off the wave.
"Quick Shelgon, while he's down use Dragon Claw!" Shelgon ran at Gyarados and slashed him with his blue glowing claws.
"No, Gyarados! We can do this! Now it's time to use our special move. Hyper Beam attack!" An orange/yellow ray came at Shelgon, flying him into the air and falling down, fainted.
"Good job Shelgon. You deserve a rest. Let's go, Dragonair!" Dragonair flew into the air waiting for a command.
"I'm staying with Gyarados. Use Aqua Tail!"
"You too Dragonair!" Two tails covered in water came at each other, creating a huge slap as they hit each other. They pushed on each other, neither giving up.
"Dragonair, fly away with Aerial Ace, then attack Gyrados with Dragon Tail." Dragonair flew up too fast for Gyrados to act, and came down onto him with her tail growing blue, much stronger than the Aqua Tail.
"Let's twist some things up Dragonair. Twister!" Twister was created, but it was all sand. Dragonair had created a sandstorm! It hit Gyrados and threw him off to the side, which had fainted him.
"Good job Dragonair! Woo-hoo!" I ran over to her and hugged her.
"That battles not over Maria. Go, Golem! Use Rollout!" Golem came out of its PokeBall and rolled at Dragonair.
"In the air Dragonair!" She flew up, barely dodging him.
"Keep going Golem. Go in the air also!" Golem rolled into the air after Dragonair. It was faster and hit her, almost having her fall out of the air.
"Attack Golem while he's off guard! Aqua Tail!" She spinned in the air and hit Golem on his head with her Aqua Tail. It did a lot of damage because we had the advantage.
"Dragonair's right above you! Mega Punch!" Golem jumped into the air hitting her perfectly.
"Grab her with Seismic Toss Golem!" Golem jumped in the air heading for Dragonair.
"Look out Drag-" she flew straight up slipping out of Golems grip and turned around, eyes glowing blue. She levitated Golem in the air and threw him to the ground. Golem fell on the ground, fainted. I cheered as Dragonair had used her new move, Psychic. I checked her moves on the PokeDex and they were Dragon Tail, Aqua Tail, Twister, Psychic, and Aerial Ace.
I returned Dragonair and George congratulated me on my victory. He left the Callahan Beach and Brian walked over to me and said, "Hey, that was a pretty good battle. I watched you guys and I can't believe you're Pokemon are strong enough to take on his. Maybe you're worthy of battling me. When I battled him, I won, but just barely." I was surprised at what he was saying.
"Wait. You mean to tell me that you're a trainer too? How come you didn't tell me this before?"
"Well, technically I'm not. I'm Brian Hatch, water Gym Leader of Beach Town and I challenge you to a Pokemon battle."

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