Easy Battle With Tough Trainers

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"No! Wait! Stop!" I heard the police yell as I ran. Just one block away. I'm gonna make it. I thought to myself. I looked back and saw that they started up the cop car, put on the sirens, and drove after me. I ran faster and the PokeCenter was just right ahead. I heard the sirens and car getting closer and closer but I didn't dare stop. Then the car stopped and I heard someone get out and run. No! He's right behind me! Gotta lose him. I swerved through the alleys of Fuschia, almost becoming lost, but kept the Pokemon Center somewhere in my sight. Finally when I turned around, he was getting farther away because he was slowing down, probably out of adrenaline. But after running a few blocks, I was too.
I walked down the rest of the alley and the PokeCenter was just one more block over, since I had to run in different directions I wasn't getting closer.
As I got to the door, a few blocks down the cop car was starting up. Great. Now Cole and I gotta head to a different town. I walked into our room and saw Cole listening to Something by Escape the Fate out loud. He looked at me and said,
"Got the pizza? I'm starving." I gave him our pizza box and put all my stuff on. Cole watched as I packed his stuff also.
"Whatcha doin? We can't be leaving yet. Can we?" Then he looked at me with a serious/shocked face.
"You didn't." I shook my head.
"I didn't do anything. But they did. Yup. The cops found us again. And they chased me here. So pack up the pizza and let's go." I took out a slice of pizza to eat and then put the rest in my backpack. I locked the door and took out Salamence's PokeBall. I opened the window and heard a knock at our door.
"Open up." He said. Cole and I threw our Pokemon's PokeBalls out the window and now the cop was banging on the door.
"Where to?" I asked Cole. We haven't used in awhile so we want to make sure we are going the right way. He took out the Tracker and said,
"Uh now it says just North. At some place called Mt. Moon." I took out the GPS and searched Mt. Moon. It was near the town called Pewter City, which has a gym.
I looked back at the door and the banging got louder and the police man was yelling now. Cole and I jumped onto Salamence and Flygon and flew off just as our door to our room had opened up and police were barging in.
We landed in the small town of Pewter City where we saw blonde woman with a black dress ran towards us. She stopped us from going anywhere and talked to us. "Hi." She said panting. "You two... must be...... Maria.... and Cole...... it's so nice.... to finally meet you." I looked at Cole. He gave me a shrug.
"Uhh yea. It's nice to meet you too lady." She flicked her long blonde hair out of her face and said,
"Oh. Sorry for the lack of introductions. My name is Cynthia. I'm from the Sinnoh Region. I-
"I know who you are. A few years ago, you were the Sinnoh Champion. And you weren't beat for quite a long time. But that Dawn has really powerful Pokemon so I can see why-
"Well, I didn't come here to talk about my past. I'm here for.... a battle." She held a LuxuryBall in her hand and threw it in the air. A shiny Manetric came out, sparks surrounding his fur.
"Uh okay. Let's battle. Go Dragonair!" My Dragonair came out and glared at Manetric. And the battle begun.
"Manetric, Thunder Bolt!"
"Use Psychic to turn it around!" Before the attack hit her, her eyes glowed blue and the attack turns towards the shiny Manetric and shocked him. It didn't do a lot cause it's not very effective. "Manetric, Shadow Claw!" "Counter with Dragon Tail." The two attacks hit each other, neither gaining. Then finally, Dragonair flew up and came back down with Aqua Tail. Manetric was caught off guard and was hit.
"Now! Finish it off with Dragon Tail!" After Manectric was hit, he fell to ten ground and had fainted.
"Return Manetric. My my, they were right about you Maria. You are one strong son of a bitch. Well, I'm gonna go see my little brother and tell him what just happened. Bye, for now. Can't wait to see you again." She turned around and walked down one of the streets of Pewter. I left the front of the PokeCenter and headed down the street. I didn't need care what Cole was gonna do, I just wanted to battle the gym leader.
I opened the gym door to see a short, tan-skinned boy with dark brown, spiky hair talking to Lairon. They both turned to me as I walked in.
"Hey." I said to the kid.
"I'm looking for the Pewter City's Gym Leader. Ya know where he is?" He scoffed and said,
"Well, you're talking to him. I'm James, the Pewter City Gym Leader and I like to train Rock types. And my father was the original gym leader, Brock, and I'm real good friends with Roark's son, who is also a gym leader but in Sinnoh. Roark-"
"Okay, okay, you're friends with Andrew, I get it. But I want to know is that if we can have a battle." He nodded and walked past his Aggron.
"You bet your life you're gonna get a battle from me. It's a four-on-four k'? Now let's begin, Aggron go!" His Steel-Rock type ran to the field and went into a battle position.
"Go Dragonair! Aqua Tail!"
"When it comes at you, use Mega Punch to knock it away!" Dragonair's Attack hit Aggron and he wasn't fast enough to counter. "Aggron, Earthquake!"
"Not gonna work James. Go into the air and use Dragon Tail!" Dragonair flew over Aggron, hit him, and his attack did nothing because Dragonair was in the air, but I nearly fell over from the attack.
"Aggron, Hyper Beam!" I thought as fast as I could for a way to have Dragonair dodge but nothing came to mind until the last second.
"Dodge with Aerial Ace!" Dragonair weaved through the beam and hit Aggron, having him fall to the ground.
"Finish him with Aqua Tail!" Her tail hit him and he was knocked out. I returned my Pokemon as did James.
"I'm not done yet. Go, Graveler!" His Rock-Ground type took Aggrons's place and I sent out my next one.
"Go Salamence! Flamethrower!"
"Rollout through them!" Graveler rolled through the flames but Salamence dodged the attack. "Graveler, Rollout! Again!" "Counter with Zen Headbutt!" Both Pokemon came at each other but Salamence was faster, which did more damage to Graveler then he did to Salamence.
"Fly!" Salamence flew to the top of building, which actually was pretty high up, so he could dive and attack next turn.
"You won't be able to dodge this. Graveler, Sky Uppercut!" Right before Salamence could be hit, he halfheartedly dodged the attack. Graveler fell from the air, doing little damage.
"Now finish off your move!" Salamence flew down with extreme speed (not the move) and hit Graveler, doing a critical hit. Graveler lay on the ground, fainted. We returned our Pokemon to send out #3.
"Noivern!" The two winged Pokemon glared at each other, determined to not give up. Noivern's wing looked fully healed and looked like he would be able to fly, so I didn't worry at all. "Archeops use Rock Throw!" "Noivern dodge and use Thunder Fang!" Noivern swerved past the rock that was thrown at hit and bit electricity into one of Archeop's wings. Yes! I thought to myself. Now Archeops will have a hard time flying!
"Archeops, can you fly?" James asked his Pokemon. Archeops flew into the air a few feet but fell back to the ground.
"Good." I said, "Noivern, Flamethrower!" Archeops couldn't dodge and was hit by the flames right on. Archeops fainted from the critical hit. He returned his Pokemon and I could tell he was becoming angry.
"No! Almost no one ever makes it past Archeops! Let's win Rhydon!" He let his Pokemon out and I stuck with Noivern.
"Dragon Claw!" Rhydon was caught off guard and was hit by the attack,
"Now Flamethrower!" Rhydon was hit by another attack, unaware that he was in a battle.
"Wake up Rhydon! You're in a battle so battle! Use Metal Claw!" Rhydon ran exceedingly fast at Noivern and hit my Pokemon. I knew Rhydon was holding a Quick Claw cause bigger Pokemon like that can't move that fast.
"Aerial Ace! Then Dragon Claw!" Noivern vastly flew at Rhydon, hit him with Aerial Ace, than hit him again with Dragon Claw. Rhydon fell to the ground and fainted.
"Yes! We won! Woo-hoo! Great job Noivern!" I hugged my Dragon and then returned him for a rest. James returned his Rhydon, smiled at me, and then threw me the Boulder Badge.
"Good job on winning Maria. I hope to see you again." I put the badge into my pocket with the other badges and then asked him, "Hey. I didn't tell you my name. How did you now it?" He chuckled and said,
"News. You and you're friend Cole are all over the media." He walked into a different room and I left the gym back to the PokeCenter.
I walked happily back to PokeCenter cause I had 3 badges. Wow, this has been a really exciting month! I got three badges! Most kids don't get a badge until they are in high school but I got three and I'm only in Junior High! I got the Wave badge from Brian, the Wind badge from Harrison, and now the Boulder badge from James! I wonder what other types of badges there are... I thought to myself as I entered the PokeCenter. I saw Cole sitting on one of the chairs near the front desk.
"Maria! Where did you go? Seriously, you can't just leave. At least-"
"Well that girl I battled was Cynthia, you know Sinnoh's last Champion, and then I battled James, Pewter City's Gym Leader. So know I got 3 badges! What'd you do?" He just stared at me with his mouth gaped open.
"You battled Cynthia? The Cynthia? She got awarded for being the strongest trainer of Sinnoh last year! And you beat her? How?" He was very shocked that I beat the ex-champion but I seemed fine.
"Um well, it was just a one-on-one but she used her shiny Manetric and I used Dragonair and my girl beat Manetric, so yea, that's how." He was still shocked. "Her Manetric? She's had that Pokemon since her very popular and powerful Luxray left to start a family. And he was awarded Electric Pokemon of the Year two years ago. And you beat him? That's just.... I can't even..." I rolled my eyes and walked away from him to the cafeteria.
Cole happened to come with me anyways, but no one was there at the cafeteria. What the hell? It's only like 10:00. Where is everyone? I checked a nearby clock and was very surprised by the time. 12:30 a.m. Oh yea. I thought to myself. We had to leave Fuschia City. Now it makes sense why the only person I saw was Cynthia and why Rhydon was so tired. I headed back to the main entrance, went with me also, and laid down on one of the couches. And before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

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