2 Pairs Of Twins

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"No! I went left! I should live!!" "Maria! Calm down! It's okay, you're awake." I sit up and look around. Cole was sitting in front of me, Noivern lay twenty feet away, fainted with a badly damaged wing, and Cole's Dragon Pokemon caring for him.
"Oh. Well hi. We need to go to Kanto. Come on, let's go." I stood up and stretched to see the city just as normal as ever.
"Are you kidding me?" Said Cole in an almost angry tone.
"No. We are gonna rest here for awhile. You almost died! It's you that needs a rest. I'm gonna go to the Pokemon Center to get us a room-"
"No." I said, interrupting him. "The more we stall, the more time Team Destrike gets to use the Diamond before we obtain it. Plus, I don't ache anywhere so I'm good. I'd tell you if I was in pain." I walked over to Noivern to see how he was doing. I returned him to his PokeBall and ran to the Fuchsia City PokeCenter to heal him. I gave Nurse Joy his PokeBall for him to be healed.
Cole arrived at the PokeCenter a few minutes later, huffing and puffing.
"Hey. Is... Noivern... healing?" He asked between breathes. I nodded.
"So where's all the cops Cole?"
"I took care of them. I'm not weak ya know." I nodded and walked up to Nurse Joy.
"Uh Nurse Joy? How long do you think it'll take for Noivern to heal so we can keep traveling?" She took a glance at her computer and typed something in.
"The condition Noivern wasn't good to have. Any longer he didn't receive help, he could have died. But he is healing fast so in a few hours, he should be ready to leave." I thanked her and sat down on one of the comfy chairs in the waiting room. I checked my phone to see if anyone texted me. 2 messages it said on the top of the screen.
'Where are you? Did you leave New Pallet?' From Judy.
'We're leaving New Pallet to go back home. Hopefully see you in Minneto soon.' From Judy. Oops. I forgot to tell Judy and the boys that I was leaving there. I thought to myself. I texted Judy back. 'I'm leaving New Pallet and I'm heading to Kanto. See you guys back home soon.'
"Maria I'm gonna take a nap on one of the comfy couches. Wake me when Noivern heals, ok?" I nodded and Cole laid down on one of the sofas. I got up and headed outside. I walked around to see if any major damage was done the the island. None.
"Hey. Do you battle? My Pokemon needs one. How bout it? Two-on-two?" I turned around and saw a spiky, black haired boy with a white t-shirt and dark blue jeans holding two PokeBalls in each hand. I gave him a confused look. "Uh kid, I don't know you. Why would do-
"JUST SHUT UP AND BATTLE!! Go Yellow! Go Green!" He threw his PokeBalls into the air and a shiny Latios and shiny Latias came out. "Seriously? I have to battle? Fine by me. Go!" I threw two of my PokeBalls into the air. My Latias and Latios came out.
"Let's attack first guys. Both of you, use Dragon Claw!" The boy was too shocked to call out a move. The shiny Eon Twins were hit by Dragon Claw, doing lots of damage because it was super effective.
"Not gonna call out an attack yet? Fine by me. Dragon Pulse and DragonBreath!" The shiny Pokemon got hit again, taking a lot of damage again. The boy was still very shocked.
"What the hell is wrong with you kid!? Whatever. I'm finishing it off. Dragon Claw!" The moves knocked out his Pokemon that now laid on the ground. I returned mine and he returned his. He stood in the same spot, just staring at me.
"Well now that the battle is over, let's get introductions down. Hi, I'm Maria. And please don't tell anyone I have the Eon Twins. I would like to keep it a secret. Now you are?" He blinked himself back into reality.
"I'm.... I'm just Alex. But what I want to know is that...... my older sister told me there is only one legendary if each. But how is there two?" He said quietly. I shrugged at his question.
"I dunno. Maybe your sister lied to you. Who knows. And you're not just Alex. You have the Eon Twins too, so that makes you very special. It's very rare to have even one legendary Pokemon, let alone two. So what other Pokemon do you catch? I like my Pokemon dragons." His eyes widened and he gasped. "You're......... Maria....... this explains everything!" I tilted my head.
"Explains what?" He turned around and ran off.
"Bye! I gotta go tell my sister the good news! It was nice meeting you Maria!" He kept running through town.
"Can you explain what you're talking about?" I ran after Alex but when I turned the same corner as he did, he wasn't there. I looked around but gave up. I shrugged and headed back to the PokeCenter. I plopped myself down on a recliner to see Nurse Joy walking towards me.
"It's only been an hour but.... Noivern is much better. I think he can leave now." I followed Nurse Joy back to the room he was resting in. He was laying on the bed, looking at he ceiling. He looked at me when I came in. "Hey Noivern. How are you? Are ya ready to go buddy?" He smiled and nodded. I returned him to his PokeBall and thanked Nurse Joy.
"He's already been fed so he shouldn't be hungry for awhile." I looked at my PokeBalls, reminding myself.
"That reminds me. Is there a place where I can feed my Pokemon? Some are kinda big so...." She nodded and pointed to a door on the opposite need of the hallway.
"Outside that door is a big yard to feed Pokemon." I nodded and headed back to the waiting room. Cole was still asleep on the sofa so I took his seven and went outside to feed all the Pokemon. 
I walked back inside, having all the Pokemon fed outside. Cole was still asleep on the sofa and I was ready to go to Kanto. I put his Pokemon back on his belt and poked his face until he woke up. "Huh? Wha? Hey, stop poking me." I laughed and said that its time to head to Kanto because it was almost evening and I didn't feel like staying at one of the Orange Islands anymore.
We left the Pokemon Center, sat on Salamence and Flygon, and flew to Kanto.
We landed in one of the Kanto cities called Fuchsia City. We ordered a room at the Pokemon Center and threw our backpacks on our beds. We healed and fed our Pokemon and we almost fell asleep in the process. But we stayed up because our stomachs growled, reminding us that we were very hungry.
"Hey Cole I checked on the GPS and there's a pizza shop here in town. How bout I go there and bring back a couple of pizzas?" He agreed as he flopped down onto his bed.
I left the Pokemon Center and walked a few blocks to Flaming Pizza Shop and sat at one of the tables. A waitress with a Pansear on her shoulder came to my table and took my order; two small pepperoni pizzas. I looked onto the stage and saw a Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Chimchar, Tepig, and Fennekin playing tricks together. It was pretty entertaining. There was a sign in front of the stage that read Flaming Fire Tricks Tuesday. The six starter Pokemon finished at the time my pizza came to my table, served to me by a Charmeleon. I thanked it and it quickly ran to the stage where a Quilava, Combusken, Monferno, Pignite, and Braxien were playing tricks with each other now. I ate a slice of my pizza before I put it into a take out bag along with Cole's pizza.
I left the shop and headed down the street back to the Pokemon Center. I heard a car slowly driving behind me so I turned around. It was a police car.
"Maria Belac, please stop and put your hands in the air." Shoot! Does news really spread that fast? I turned my head back towards the way I was going. I could see the PokeCenter. It was only two blocks away. I wrapped the plastic bag's handles around my wrist and ran for it.

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