Going to the battlefield

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Hello... So here is the first chapter


Zoya's pov

Zoya... Zoya look here...

I looked around to see nothing I looked in front of me to see mount Fuji.. Oh my god ...
I always wanted to come here..

Zoya.... Then again a soft and soothing voice reached my ears. It seemed like it's a male being voice from human species. But seemed like a very rare one...

I looked to my right to see different colours of flowers. I run through between them and what I saw then was .... Shocking..
Omg... Disney castle.. aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.... O my god I'm here I'm here...

I looked to my left to see a pool full of pure light blue water...

I dropped my hand in it
it was so cold..

Then a manly figure with big white feathers fly through the water sprinkling some water on me and then it came in front of the sun .
Due to light from backside from the sun his face and body looked black means shadowing his face.

And suddenly a cold hand touched my neck setting my hairs on one shoulder and something soft touched my neck and I scrunched my shoulders at the impact..

Zoya... Came the husky voice and I gulped ...
And a hand travelled from stomach to reach my waist and turned me so that I can face the ..... I don't know..

Now all I can see is lips .. I started nearing them .. just then it was going to touch my lips they stopped and started moving saying...

Zoya wake up...


I opened my eyes to see my sister's face..

Aaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Scream left my mouth ...

What happened appi!!

Wh...what are you doin' here??

I came to wake u up but seemed like you were kissing your prince charming ..and she smirked.

What!! Yes.. i mean no it was not like that..

Then what It was supposed to be like!! She asked wriggling her eyebrows ..

Stop it with ur blabbering!!

And I smacked the pillow in my hands on her face and went to washroom...


Noor went downstairs to see her mother cooking..

Did you wake her up Noor ??

Yeah ammi.. seemed like she was a bit busy,.

In what???

In kiiii.....--

And a hand slapped her mouth that stopped her from speaking..

See ammi I'm ready.. Zoya's voice chirped through the room..

Oh beta you came..

Good morning ammi!! Zoya hugged her mother tightly...

Morning beta and sit here.. I made your favourite aaloo pratha..

Yeahhh!!! Aallloooo ke paraathheeee!!!!

And yeah both sisters are crazy about chapatis stuffed with mashed potatoes...

Licking her lips Zoya said..

Ammi brilliant!! Really so tasty!!

Yessss ammi very tasty... U really did a great job... Noor khush hui(Noor is very happy with ur work)

Chal hatt !! It's called gabbar..

Di seriously I'm not gabbar..

You are , right ammi?? I think she should be a boy .. all traits represent she is a boy but really god played with her and give her a body of a girl.. so sad.. Zoya said with her lower lip pout.. (if that's a word 😁)

Appi .. I'm a girl ..

No you are not and I'm really sad I really wanted a baby brother..

Appi iii... Okay then .. find a brother for yourself ... And Noor turned to other side faking anger..

Aww .. my boy is upset with me ... And let me tell you something ... I love my baby brother like sister and you are even not less than a brother...

Appii... And she hugged her big sister..

And roshnaq their mother who was chuckling all this time interrupted then...

I really don't want to interrupt in as I'm really liking this but I have to as you both will get late...

Yess ammi.. ..

Okay beta take care of yourself as u both are going to your new schools right??

Yess ammi!!

And did you both packed your bags??

Yass ammi...

All your thing are ready??

Yess ammi...

Have a good day ..

Yes ammi... And both the girls saluted their mother..

Roshnaq smiled at them and hugged them..

My boys..

Huhh!! Noor's title is also now given to me ..


Haaa... And Zoya started laughing...

Roshnaq bid them good byes at the entrance and entered the house again..

Akhir woh din aa hi gaya ( so the day has come)

Both sisters exclaimed the same time..

Let's go appi..

Yeah let's go to the battlefield..

Referring their schools as battlefield they got into their car.


Hope u like it guys...
And share.....

Your one and only




♥️Harshad Chopra ♥️

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