•••Cuteness overloaded•••

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Hey guys I'm back .... There was no internet in the phone which I always calls mine..😁😁🙄

Anyway..let's start.


The offer of going to hell together is still open by the way... Yash said with full flirtfull tone..

Flirty douchbag !!!

Hey you don't like it that I talk to you like this..!!  Girls die to hear this from me... This beautiful voice of mine.. Yash said with full proud look also with a bit of sarcasm as Zoya don't like it..

I even don't like a bit you type of guys and those girls would surely would be blind if they want you... And Zoya slightly moved aside her shoulder on which Yash was standing supporting himself  but Zoya movement made him almost fall but he gripped the bench tightly...  If you wanna be my brother then stay like that if you wanna stay like a flirtious and full of yourself then don't you show your face and go to hell that also alone......
Zoya said this looking into his eyes as he was bend down holding the bench and Zoya was sitting on the high bench..
Yash was stunned with her hatred towards flirty boys and he know she will also hate him if he continue this drama of his...

Okay sister now don't worry you will be protected by me from those flirtissss.... Okay... Zo...ya... Right??

See who is saying this??? Bella said and chuckled ..

You haven't seen my brother side still so don't you say anything you want...

Okaayyyy.. Bella said boringly ...

Zoya jumped at the sudden shrillling sound...

What's this....

Bell baby school bell...Pooja said..


Mine was the same expression first time..hahahahahaaDipika exclaimed laughing...

Hey let's go to canteen ..Zoya I'll stuff your this cute mouth with the delicious recipes of our canteen...

Can mouth also be cute!!🤔🤔 Zoya thought while standing up from the bench while with a confused look...

Just thennn....


Just thennn...

Her beautiful brown eyes met with the most sparkling deep brown greenish eyes of this universe..

Save Jesus Christ..how beautiful eyes..

And her jaw dropped before gulping...

She bit her lower lip when she found right that those beautiful eyes were staring back at her ....

Realising the realisation she turned and started walking behind her bestfriend ....


ThIS cHapTer iS dEdiCaTeD tO mY LoVe HARSHAD...


CeLebRaTe iT gUySsss....

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