Flirty douche bags

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Zoya, Pooja, Dipika and Bella were talking..

There were benches for two to sit in one . Because of some childish reason or we can say due to pleasure Zoya was sitting on top of bench where we keep our books for reading.. her feet was on the edge where we sit and Pooja was sitting on the side probably beside her for same reason or she said I'm always on my besties side.
Bella and Dipika were sitting on next one as second one in second row and both bffs were on the first one...

The teacher had not made an entry till now.. don't know maybe the classes were just begin to start..

Zoiiiii any boyfriend..


Hilarious , till now!!! Ohh god I think you have taken a vow to die without getting married..

Stop na Pooja I will get married .. when mamma will choose one for me..

Then your dream of getting married to charming prince will not be fulfilled cause your mother loves you so much that they can't let you go anywhere and....
Well she knows she had started getting  these dreams when she were 10 and in her 12 Pooja's father were transferred to Mumbai. Oh I didn't told yet Pooja and Zoya used to live in Dehradun together.

Bella interrupted...Oiii she will choose anyone she wants why r you forcing her.. if you wanna get pregnant then go to your so called ..

Hubby chubby boyfriend..
Bella and Dipika said in unison and started laughing...

Don't force her ... She is still young and innocent .. well I wonder and also I think her hubby will be a hot, sexy and stuffed with muscles.. can it not be.. Dipika spoke while imagining her own prince but she was reffering Zoya's.

Ignoring these , as Zoya can't take more of it imagining her dream boy with friends that she just made about thirty minutes ago was...... A bit awkward .. so she asked Pooja ...

You have a boyfriend Pooja...

Its not like that... He is not fully my boyfriend .. he never proposed me.. he just started roaming around and then kisses and then ... U know..and she blushed...

Hawwww.... Zoya mouth was wide open. She never expected this .. not from her bestie..

There's nothing to haww Zoya it's common thing here..Dipika exclaimed..

She will be losing her innocence here.. Bella giggled.

Right guys.. when I saw Zoya I just saw only innocence you know.. and I instantly liked her.. so I gave her a tour..said Dipika.

Hmm... I knew it , acha Zoya how is aunty doing??

When did this goes roshnaq to aunty haa,. You used to call her Roshnaq right??

In front of you..😁😁

Ok yeah mommy is good.

And Noor..

On clouds.. and Zoya giggled a little.

Omg her giggle is cute... Bella exclaimed out of adoration

Stop it yaaa... Zoya whined and a pink hues appeared on her face..

Zoiiii... I really missed to do like this ..
And she pinched her cheek and soon Dipika joined.. and Zoya pinched her eyes shut due to their torturous assaults they were giving her.

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