☕☕Coffee is *dangerous*sometimes☕☕

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Hellloooo guyyyyssss....

Plz plz plz read my other story....


Zoya walked forward in a stiff position ... Like a robot....only moving her legs....so that she can go wherever her best friend wants to take her....

Once they were settled in the cafeteria....Pooja started telling her the best beverages of their canteen.... To be completely unheard by Zoya ...

Not like she want to do it...but those eyes were taking her more than half of brain concentration... She knew Pooja was telling her something... But can't figure it out... Those brown greenish sparkling eyes were popping in her mind out of nowhere...

And to the top of it....she doesn't know from whom those orbs belongs to... Well to be frank..she really didn't see the face which has those eyes attached to his face frame... But sure those eyes is worth to die for...

She wondered how can someone has this beautiful pair of eyes...
She knew if back then she didn't had looked away from those ocean deep orbs... She would surely be drowned in them..
She knew it... It was like he was hypnotising her with only looking at her eyes... But was the intention good?? ...she didn't know..

Zoyyyyyaaaaaaaa..........  That's when Pooja screamed in her ear just to pull out her from her zoning out session...

What???? Why are you screaming.. Do you want your only friend to become deaf and not able to listen to anyone..

You were zoned out so I had to... Well can you tell...for whom you were zoning out??? Pooja asked wriggling her eyebrows with a sly smile playing on her lips...

No I will not tell...with a smirk Zoya said and further she added...and what will you do if I tell you...make a baby out of excitement...

Hawww.... Zoya you are saying this.... Oh god ...I'm ruined, first day of my innocent friend here and she becomes all a badass already... Pooja started throwing her over drama after listening the bold sentence from her bestie...she was shocked to the core... She never thought she will ever listen to something like that coming out of her friends mouth... And due to shock she started to do drama for a cover up to her shocked state..

Well. Saying the truth Zoya was not thinking straight and when Pooja asked her that... She was angry a bit and somehow told her what was on the tip of her tongue... She was also shocked to what she said and after realising that she became all red and banged her head on the table kept in front of her covering the embarrassment by hiding her face which she only do when she is embarrassed...

Dipika and Bella started laughing after seeing Zoya's reaction and on the top of that Pooja was still doing her overreacting which made them laugh more which don't go unnoticed by the people in the cafeteria ... Now Zoya was a famous person... For all she was so innocent to be in here...
And they admired this ability of her as no one was this innocent in here but to the jealous girls how can they tolerate someone getting attention without doing anything for them it was that she is doing this acting of being innocent.. but we can't hide from reality yeah....

Okay now Zoya Siddique get up and let me order a drink for you... Well it's really hard to believe that you said that... Pooja said while suppressing her laugh...

Zoya being shy didn't want to look up and hanged her head down hiding her face in her brown shiny beautiful hairs...

Oh come on Zoya.. now what is said , is said we can't return them to your mouth right... Now get out of your shyness and tell me what you want to drink...

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