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1. Take care of a sick partner

ㅡNo one likes being sick, but a cold can be made a bit better when someone you care about is there. 

.:courtesy of WikiHow:.

You were an idiot, that's for sure. You saving an innocent being cornered by some weird looking guy, yet the dude was smart. He caught you off guard and blasted his quirk on you-

and now, you were ill. You were hit by a fever and a cold, and mind you that you've never been sick before. That dude's prolly quite strong if he was able to take down your immune system with a single snap of his fingers

One thing though, you haven't told the previous events to your boyfriend. So here you are, groggily standing up, your whole body felt heavy and your head felt like it was being pricked by a couple of needles. Showering, putting on your uniform- you've decided to go to school even if you were in this state.

"Woah, Y/n-chan! Please go rest now.." Uraraka pleaded as she looked at you worriedly from head to toe, feeling concern for your overall wellbeing. And right she was. Even after putting all those efforts into washing yourself, you still looked like you've been hit by a train.

"I'm fine. Now, let's go to-" And you were put off of your feet, cutting your sentence off. Your eyes met red ones, and unsurprisingly, it mustered a glare. Yet not exactly like the ones he sent to others. It was more of a concerned gaze rather than an angry-filled one.

"You idiot, you aren't going anywhere besides lying on your fucking bed," he muttered before turning around and taking the stairs while carrying you. How he did though so easily was still a mystery to you. 

Uraraka was left alone with a smile on her face before shaking her head. "Ship."

"Damn good thing that they stocked medicine in the cabinets.." Bakugou mumbled before looking at your sleeping form before sighing, "I knew you're fucking reckless, but what the fuck did you do to get sick like this?"

He placed the bottles of medicines down on the bedside table. You looked so vulnerable, unlike the fierce looks you've had everyday. He leaned down, before kissing your forehead. "I'll be fucking right back during lunch, metal head."

And yes he did. Good thing that lunch lasts an hour, so he has plenty of time to take care of you. He was acting so out of character, that he knew. But yes, he's an asshole. Yet that doesn't mean that he can't fucking take care of his girlfriend. He loved her too much to do that, even if he wouldn't admit that out loud. For the meantime, his actions would speak for him.

Heading towards the kitchen, he took out the ingredients to make some kind of porridge. It was a good thing that these do not take that long for it to cook, and with the advancement of technology, it was ready to be eaten after only ten minutes.

Once he reached the door of your dorm room, he twisted the door knob, careful not to make any sound if you were sleeping. He'd just put a note later for you to read when you wake up. Yet once he entered, he saw you there, sitting up and using your phone. He could immediately feel annoyance starting to bottle up, why the fuck weren't you resting?! You were hella sick, so instead of using that device, you should be lying on your bed?!

His footsteps made you conscious of his presence and you twisted your head around to greet him, yet the look on his face definitely didn't look happy. Far from the aforementioned emotion, actually.

He placed the bowl down on your bedside table before grabbing you by the shoulders before pushing enough. Hard enough to make your head hit the pillow, but gentle enough that you didn't feel any pain. You didn't even argue back, for you were feeling quite wobbly as well. He took your phone from you and put it beside the bowl containing the porridge he cooked.

"What would it take for it to reach your thick-walled mind that you were damn sick and you need to get better soon?!" He nagged at you, and you only let an amused, yet tired-looking, smile crawl up your mouth.

"Relax Katsuki, I'm not that weak. And although I got hit by some villain's quirk, it doesn't mean that-"

Oh, if he was annoyed before, he was damn mad now. Not at you, but for himself. He wasn't strong enough, and if he was, he would've been able to protect you from harm's reach. 

"You- what?! Why haven't you told me this?!" You flashed a sheepish grin at him, already knowing that you were in the wrong. "Uh, surprise?"

"You- ugh, fuck. Whatever. I just want you to be back to your non-sick version as soon as possible," he said before grabbing the bowl and sitting beside you, his hand under the bowl, and a spoon on his hands before he scooped out a chunk. 

"Here, eat, doofus."

"You know I'm not disabled. I can fucking eat by mysel- omph!" Before you were even able to finish speaking, the spoon suddenly entered your mouth, and somehow, you were feeling quite lucky to not choke on it.

"I could've died, dumbass shit."

"Don't be such a fucking drama queen. Just continue eating or I shove this down your throat."

And after awhile, the bowl was completely empty. You were lying on the bed, snoozing, and Katsuki was on your right, spooning you. Your head on his chest and his arms wrapped around your waist. He knew better than to be so close next to someone's who's sick, but nah. He wasn't the worrying type anyways.

Aizawa came in to check his cousin, and probably reprimand Bakugo for skipping the classes after lunch time, yet once he saw the two sleeping soundly on your bed, he felt the sides of his mouth turning upwards.

"I'm gonna have to thank that boy from helping her recover."

☑️Take care of a sick partner.


"You idiot, you shouldn't have slept with me when I was sick."

"Don't fucking scold me from helping your weak-ass self!"

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