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4. Be nice with their friends. 

ㅡThey’ve probably had their friends longer than they’ve been your partner, and there’s a good reason they’ve chosen to keep them around. You don’t have to be friends with them too, but you shouldn’t be mean to them or ignore them. Definitely don’t try to break them up.

 Be. nice. with. their. friends.


The hell did this meant?! Don't tell him he's going to need to act buddy-buddy with that green-haired idiotic male who fucking looks like brussel sprouts?! HAH! He knew this website's useless as hell. He was a gooddamn fool for even relying on this piece of garbage!

He's going to die first before he can even stomach being around that little dimwit.



It was now lunchtime and it surprised you to say the least when Bakugou came up to your friend group, with him trying his hardest to not just blast Deku off of the fucking chair since he was seated so close next you. Did that nincompoop even think that he was on your level to try and even attempt to be near you?! Ha, well, that's unfortunate for fuckin' Deku since he was the lowest of the low and you were too far out of his league.

"Hey, fuckwad. Move," and Midoriya wasn't an idiot to try and defy his old childhood friend's orders and subsequently aggravate him. So without wasting even a millisecond, he scooted of to the side. To be truthfully honest, any more and he would've slid off the seat. But of course, he wouldn't even try to say that out loud.

"Hey, boom. Why'd ya sit here?" You asked him, mirth your e/c optics. "What? Am I fucking prohibited from being next to my girl?" He barked back at you and you only shrugged before taking a spoonful of your meal, soon answering him once you've gulped them all down.

"Well since he's here," you gestured to the greenette who looked like he might piss any moment now, "I'd assume that you would try to noe be graced by his presence," you finally concluded. "No offense, Izuku."

"None taken," Midoriya managed to mumble out.

What?! You're even on first name basis with this doofus?! He breathed in and out to try and control his incoming anger. He knew this was a bad idea. Uraraka and Tenya just kept their mouths shut, feeling quite unnerved with the dark aura that's radiating off of the newcomer.

Ochako somehow managed to muster enough confidence to spark up a conversation. "U.A's Sport's Fest is coming soon. Have you guys already started preparing for it?" Thank god for this round face distracting him from his thoughts that involved a certain boy who had successfully irked him just by breathing.

"Hm, not yettt. I'm still searching for a place to train. Mom's already scolding me for destroying our backyard," and you let out a breath once you reminisced all those days of her denouncing you non-stop for going all out and not controlling yourself. It's not like it was your fault or anything- how would you even get better if you wouldn't push yourself to the limits?

"Yes. I believe that honing my skills and my quirk far earlier than needed would prove to be nothing but beneficial for me." Said Iida, a hand placed on his chest as he put an end to his long-ass speech.

"N-Not yet.." Midoriya meekly said. If you were to ask him, he thought he's gotten out of that stuttering phase in his life. But he guessed that it was presumptuous for him to think that since he was now shaking a little lamb because of Bakugou's murderous side glances.

"Tsk. Oi, when do you think you'll start?" Humming in thought, you finally responded with a, "Prolly next week or so."

"About fucking time. Waitin' for you to finally get along with it is takin' far too long," he uttered under his breath with furrowed brows as he stabbed his fork into the salad he ordered. Poor salad, to be brutally pierced through like that by none other than Katsuki himself.

"You could've went on without me."

"Except I don't want to."

Uraraka was fangirling on the side as she watched the reaction of 1-A's newest couple. She knew that you two would work out well but she didn't know that Bakugou was 'this' whipped for you. 

Conversation between you five soon ensued, well, it was more like Bakugou butting in whenever he felt like it. Well, what more could you expect for him? He was trying his best and he hoped that you would pay attention to his effort in acting somehow decent with your friends. 

The bell finally rang signalling that it was time for the classes to start. Everyone was now filing out of the cafeteria, and you decided to walk with your significant other instead of the usual which was with your squad. 

"Don't tell me you're following another WikiHow article?" And he felt his blood run cold once you said that. Was he being too obvious?! He thought he had it all under control- Or maybe, you had a second quirk which was mind reading and you haven't told him about it yet?!

"Huh?! Who gave you that idea?" He clicked his tongue afterwards, hands shoved deep within the pockets of his pants, walking in that delinquent-like manner like he always did. "Just a guess." Well, that was a good fucking guess since you were spot-on. Not like he expected less from you or anything.

"Well then, you're an idiot for thinkin' that."

"Hmm, sure, sure. But I'm proud of you for trying your best to be affable with my pals."

He felt pride swelling up deep within his heart at your statement. It brought him agony to even stay within five feet from those extras, but seeing the bright and satisfied smile on your face made it seem like his suffering was all worth it if he got to see you like that. 

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