Chapter 5~

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The next morning~ 
Chorong goes to school earlier and had breakfast at the canteen. She had simple breakfast, like bread & jam. She also pack some for recess. Chorong didn't want to tell her members about her problems so that they won't be too worried. At class, Chorong had her mind elsewhere. Yup, her place to stay. She doesn't want to burden Girls Day. Because of her mind is elsewhere, Bomi has to wake her up. 

"Rong, let's go to recess. Everyone had left the hall." -Bomi
Chorong nods and and follow Bomi but decide to go to the campus garden. She wants to go to the library afterwards. Bomi continue on after knowing her Unnie's plans. Chorong sit at a bench and eat her breakfast's leftovers. She plans to save extra money for POP university plus her needs. She munch on her lunch then a hand had cover her view. 

"Who's this?" -Chorong 

"Guess." -Anonymous 

"Yah, master Lu. I knew it's you." -Chorong 

"Aish, smart brain of you. What are you eating? Aren't you starve?" -Luhan 
Luhan point her lunch. Only bread & jam. 

"Ani, I'm on diet. Girls need to diet sometime." -Chorong 

"You're right. Anyways, you're growing fat too." -Luhan 
Luhan pokes her arm. Chorong whose annoyed, push his arm away. 

"What do you want? Have you eaten?" -Chorong 

"You think?" -Luhan

"Ah! Where's your money then?" -Chorong 

"As expected from a smart girl. Here's the money, buy me some kimbap & sandwiches." -Luhan 

"Araseo, Master Lu." -Chorong 

Chorong left the garden then proceed to the canteen. She pick 2 sandwiches and 3 triangular kimbap. After the ahjumma packs in a plastic bag, she goes to campus's garden. As she arrive, she could see that Luhan is surronded by girls. Maybe, fangirls. She didn't go near, but sit at a nearby bench. She thought that the girls will be jealous of her friendship with Luhan. Same with when she's at elementary school. Luhan sticks with her, she was FORCE to stick with him. That, makes the girls furious and no one made friends with her untill she ran from her family. Sojin Unnie help her, at that time she stop at a nearby bakery. 

Sojin Unnie ask her to sit down and explain to her about her condition. She explain to Sojin, then Sojin give her a place to stay. She apply for POP university, got a lot of jobs and move out since Sojin's rising another 3 kids, Girls Day. Her first friend in university is Eunji. Then, Eunji got her in Apink. From that, she's famous for Apink's Chorong. She wakes from her daydream and get near to Luhan since his fangirls are nowhere. 

"Why are you late?" -Luhan 

"Fangirls surrond you. I won't risk my life to duck through those fangirls." -Chorong 

"Psshh... anyway, thanks for the lunch! Hey, where are you going?" -Luhan 
Luhan notice that Chorong picks her books and proceed to go somewhere. Chorong say that she wants to go to the library. Luhan, being the bad boy tag along with his lunch in hand. 

"Why are you here? Don't you know the rules?" -Chorong

"Aww... you do care! Don't worry, I'll pass." -Luhan 
Chorong scoff and proceed to the library. Luhan picks Chorong's books and hid his lunch inside. Chorong just goes along and sit at a far end table at the back. 

"Okay, I'll borrow this book of yours and you go search for your book." -Luhan 
Luhan grab Chorong's biggest book and cover himself. Pretending to read it, without Chorong realising it's her lifetime journal. It's like a diary but she didn't write secrets in there also she didn't bother if anyone reads it. Chorong goes to the shelf and search for a book. Luhan accidentally read the first part of the book and become immersed to it. 

At 5 december 2010, 
I, Park Chorong declare myself has run away from my home. Why? My parents plan on using me and my sisters for more power. I feel like my heartwarming parents has gone and a selfish, arrogant parents has appear. Maybe god wants to help me from becoming a cheap women in the house. I goes towards a nearby bakery, I saw a lady. She looks nice, I grab some bread and plans to buy some. I didn't know that my notes has gone. It's all because of the taxi pay. The lady chuckles as soon as I grab my card and plan to buy the bread with them. The lady say that they can't scan a card since they don't have any card scanners. I put back the bread and proceed to sit a nearby bench. I start to cry and regret my decision. Then the lady came and give me a bread, I didn't accept it cause you know villains nowadays. She still give me a bread and finally I gave in. I took the bread and shove it into my mouth.

The lady introduce herself and ask me what's my problem. She brought me in her home. Current I'm inside her guest room, maybe she's sleeping. Her name is Sojin Unnie. I explain my problem with her. She give a place to stay and give me some food. Now, I'm planning on paying her back. Well, I think I have to get a job. No use if I just stay at this comfortable apartment while Unnie is working hard for her and a runaway child.


At 8 december 2010, 
Yay! I got a job and now I'm quite handy at my job. I work at Sojin Unnie's workplace. Yup, the bakery. There were a lot of customer, I think I just saw some ad bout a barista work. I plan to apply. I ask for Sojin Unnie's opnion. She say that it's up to me. Tomorrow I'll ask for the job and maybe make some white lies. 

Luhan skips the pages,

At 27 January 2010, 
I'm now a member in Apink. Bad news, I found Luhan, my elementary school's nightmare. Good gracious that he didn't remember me. Now, I have move out from Sojin Unnie's house to the campus's dorm. I meet new friends, Victoria, Sunny and Wendy. They all study at Music Course. 

Okay, I'm going to sleep!!

Skips again..

At 20 April 2014, 
Gosh! Younji & Jackson fought again! Now, my head has bleed. Huhu.. at the same time, me and Luhan has reconcile. He makes me his slave again! Why? He say that I owe him for carrying me to the campus clinic. Serves him right! Now, that witch Alice has taken my stuff and now I have to stay at Girls Day dorm. Thank god, Sojin Unnie has a space. I felt sorry for her, but she say that she's okay as long as I'm healthy. Now, I'm going to work as a barista. I seriously need to save money, because that witch stole my stuff. Goodness not the hidden bank.

Luhan feel touch and wants to continue but Chorong wakes him and signal him to eat his lunch. He eat his lunch untill finish then proceed to read more. Without knowing, the bell had rang so Chorong & Luhan leaves the library after Chorong borrows a book from the library. 

At class, the professor pairs mens & womens together for a project. Luhan & Chorong got paired up, Luhan smirk all the way. After school, Luhan catch up with Chorong. 

"When are we discussing about the project?" -Luhan 

"Let's discuss this on recess at the library. Then we can discuss at your house on Saturday & Sunday. Good?" -Chorong 

"Okay, but don't forget your utensils." -Luhan 

"Eungg.. goodbye! See ya tomorrow." -Chorong 

Luhan watch as Chorong leaves the school and walks home. Luhan proceed to the car. 

Chorong's POV~ 
I do my report on cancer. I study untill 3 o'clock. Then, I be ready for my job. I work as a barista at a cafe then as a cashier then an accountant. Lastly, I go to the cyber cafe and open my emails. Omma emailed me also both of my sis. After reporting my daily life and wishing her health for my Omma. I proceed to reply my sisters' emails. I just copy & paste my reply since I'm tired...



Yes, I miss you really!! About hanging out issue, well my schedule are full with jobs. You know me, the runaway sister. How are you doing? I hope you survive. I thought you will hate me after what I done. I'm grateful that you understand. I really miss you!! OKay, I gotta go! School & work tomorrow.

Always love you & miss you; PARK CHORONG         

I  proceed to Girls Day Dorm and sleep after packing her stuff. 

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