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The Garrison was a completely different place now. Singing pours from the building as men and women belt songs alongside Iduna and Grace. The place had come to life with jo, something that Small Heath struggled to have.

"Give me your smile" Everyone sings.

Iduna knocks on the door of the snug as a warning of her entry. She opens the door, a bucket in hand which she places on the floor before turning to Tommy.

"Did you want whiskey as well?" Iduna asks and Tommy shakes his head.

"No. Just beer," Tommy replies.

"Why no whiskey Tommy?" Arthur asks. "Are you expecting trouble?"

"Jesus Christ Tommy," John says, rubbing his ear. "What the hell made you let them sing?"

"It's like they're strangling cats out there"

"Alright twenty is the play," Arthur says. "Come on"

The three brothers all draw cards and Tommy shows his hand to Iduna. The woman begins to rearrange his cards for him, pointing at certain parts as she whispers lowly in his ear.

"Oi Iduna" John says. "Feel like helping me out, love?"

"Can't" Iduna replies. "Duty calls"


"It's about time Tommy" John says, his eyes watching the door close.

"Time for what?" Tommy asks.

"Time you took yourself a woman," John says. "Iduna is great, you could have done worse."

"Just play the bloody hands," Tommy says.

"You stay the way you are Tommy," Arthur says with a chuckle. "Remember what Dad used to say. Fast women and slow horses-"

"Will ruin your life" John joins in.

"Besides she has a kid," Arthur says. "What if one day the father comes knocking?"

At Arthur's question, John shakes his head. His face had changed from one of joy to furrowed brows as if deep in thought.

"He won't," John's voice was low. "Not if he knows what's good for him"

"How do you know who it is, John boy?" Tommy asks.

"Iduna told me," John says with a shrug. "We're friends"

Tommy and Arthur share a look before their eyes return to John who was staring at his cards. It was clear the man wouldn't say anything else and they decide to drop the topic.


"Come Josephine in my flying machine" Everyone sings as cars pull up outside.

Grace and Iduna are once again dancing together, laughing as they serve drinks. All of a sudden everyone goes silent as the door opens.

"Holy shit," Harry says. "It's Billy Kimber" Iduna's eyes widen and the cup she was cleaning nearly slipped from her grasp.

"Is there any man here named Shelby?" Kimber asks loudly.

All of the patrons remain silent as Iduna places the cup down. The man sighs before raising his gun, sending a bullet into the ceiling. Grace's hand wraps around Iduna's wrist, pulling her down as parts of the ceiling crumble.

"I said is there any man here named Shelby?"

The door to the Snug swings open as the three brothers exit. Tommy stares at Billy Kimber, no emotion on his face.

The Shelby brothers walk out of the snug.

"Harry, get these men a drink," Tommy says. "Everyone else goes home"

"Go Grace" Iduna whispers, pushing her friend towards the door. "Go look after Seb for me"

"Of course," Grace says as Iduna hands Grace her keys. "What of you?"

"I'll be fine Grace," Iduna says, throwing her a wink before grabbing a tray with drinks on.

Iduna places the tray of drinks on the table as Tomy stares at her. The woman looks at the man, purposefully ignoring Kimber's watchful eyes.

"You go home," Tommy says, looking her directly in the eyes.

"But Harry said-"

"I said, go home," Tommy says firmly.

"I've never approved of women in pubs, but when they look like that," Kimber says as Iduna shudders walking away.


"Tell me about Ahtohallan again mum" Sebastian says as his mother sits on the edge of his bed. Iduna told the story every night and Sebastian never got bored. Grace sits next to Iduna.

"Alright then," Iduna says as Sebastian snuggles up to his mother. "Well when I was a little girl, my mother would tell me stories that were passed through our family. It was a story about a river that stored memories called Ahtohallan, it was said to hold all the answers to the past, who we are and who we once were. She told me that her mother had passed her on this song. Where the north wind meets the sea, there's a river full of memory. Sleep, my darling, safe and sound. For in this river all is found. In her waters, deep and true, lay the answers and a path for you."

Iduna strokes her little finger down Sebastian's nose softly which caused him to fall to slowly fall asleep.

"Dive down deep into her sound, but not too far or you'll be drowned. Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear, and in her song, all magic flows. But can you brave what you most fear? Can you face what the river knows? Where the north wind meets the sea, there's a mother full of memory. Come, my darling, homeward bound. When all is lost, then all is found."

Iduna carefully tucks her son into his bed, stroking his hair away from his face before she presses a soft kiss to his forehead. The boy sighs happily as little snores begin to escape his lips.

"Don't you ever grow too old for your mother" Iduna whispers to the sleeping boy.

"That was beautiful," Grace says, looking at Iduna with a smile which Iduna returns. Grace blushes slightly.

"Tea?" Iduna asks Grace as they walk down the stairs.

"Yes please," Grace says with a smile, admiring the woman in front of her.

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