Ch.1 || New Home ||

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A/n: (B/n look is the picture above.) I do hope you enjoy this story just a warning it's been a while since I've watched Haikyuu and I'm recently getting back into it and I took a liking to some characters like Bokuto, Kuroo, Wakatoshi, Tendou, Tobio, Akaashi and many more. Anyway, I hope you vote and leave a comment for suggestions in this story because I am all open for it!!!

~ Reader's P.O.V ~

"And that's us here," M/n said with a cheerful tone, I looked out the car window seeing it was a two-story house and didn't look so bad the neighbourhood seemed peaceful. "What do you guys think?" She asked looking back at us.

"It looks cool!" B/n said with excitement in his tone.

"It's different...I guess I kinda like it but it'll take a while to get used to since I do miss everything back at c/n" I honestly replied, earning a sad smile from my mother.

"I know sweety, its a big change but I'm sure you'll like it I've signed you up to Aobajohsai and B/n will be at the school next to it so it's easy for the both of you," She said with a sweet tone making me smile at her, she stepped out of the car while I helped B/n out of the car seat.

I took a deep breath before following into the house to come across a hallway with a staircase against the wall on the right leading upstairs to the second floor, I peeked in the door on the right side next to the staircase. I turned to look at my left which had a doorway on the wall leading into the living room and at the end of the hallway was a door towards the kitchen which was connected to the dining room which was also connected to the living room.

M/n was already carrying boxes in, I walked upstairs seeing two hallways one to my left and the other to my right. I looked at the door in front of me which seemed to show the boiler and a storage closet, I closed the door heading to the right side hallway first opening the door to the left to see a double bed with my mom's stuff already packed away inside so I assumed it was my mother's room. I closed the door looking to the door on my right opening the door seeing it led to another bathroom but this one had a bathtub and shower in it not like the one downstairs since it was too small for a bath and shower to fit in.

I closed the bathroom door heading down the other hallway that was behind me, this time it had two doors on the right and one on the left. I opened the first door that was to my right looking inside to see the room was coloured blue with and had boxes filled with my brother's stuff, I looked around the room to see a one person-sized bed, there was a toy box right in front of the window then to the right was a closet and some drawers and on the walls were some shelves.

I closed this door heading to the second door on my right, I opened it up to see the walls were already painted f/c. 'Mom must have decorated our rooms before we got here' I thought to myself while looking around it, I noticed she gave me the room that had a balcony and a sliding door window which shocked me a bit on why she didn't choose this as her room. I looked around the rest seeing the massive closet was connected to the wall, I walked over to it opening it up seeing there was a lot of room maybe to much room since I didn't have many clothes, I closed the closet seeing a desk at the corner of my room with my second f/c spinning chair and some shelves a bit above it for books.

I started to unpack my own boxes making this feel better to myself, I placed my laptop down on the desk and then my favourite books along the shelves. I walked over to my closet making sections for my clothes so I would know where everything was for later on, I closed the closet heading out of my room to check the other door I didn't see to already see it was an office with hairdresser stuff and a lot of makeup so I took a guess this was mothers office for when she comes home. I decided to go downstairs to see the mom was decorating the whole living room.

"So what do you think of the place sweetheart?" She asked turning around to me after puffing up the pillows and setting them down on the couch.

"It's not to bad I do like my room thanks for letting me have the balcony" I replied with a smile.

"No problem I thought you and B/n deserved to have the biggest rooms in the house since I won't be in my room a lot and cause I made the spare room into an office," She said with a kind smile which made me happy that she was thinking about me and B/n's opinions.

"Well I'll get on to making dinner then you can head up to bed since your first day at school is tomorrow along with B/n since it has been a long trip to get here," She said walking into the kitchen through the living room square doorway, I followed behind her feeling like she still had more things to say. "Also can you take B/n to school tomorrow since it's next to yours, I'll leave instructions on the table from where you have to go and your uniform is in your room on your bed neatly folded." She said as I took a seat down at the table.

"Sure mom, is there anything else you need me to do?" I asked watching her take out equipment from boxes setting them away before taking something out of the fridge to cook. 

"Ah I'll leave a list for stuff you could get me from the shop after you finish school and come back home," She said looking over at me which I gave her a simple nod.

I stood up from my seat deciding to take a shower first to skip some time so hopefully dinner would be done before the time I finish. I walked upstairs to my room grabbing a towel along the way with some of my f/c pyjamas before heading into the bathroom, I turned on the shower before stripping out of my clothes folding them up and setting them aside. I stepped into the shower shivering slightly from the hot water hitting my cold one, I looked at the wall while just letting the water fall down on me. I start wondering if the people at my new school were kind or if I was gonna get bullied which scared me the most. I sighed washing my hair and myself quickly before getting out of the shower.

I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my head deciding to just let the water in my hair soak up in it, I put on my PJ bottoms and long sleeve top and slipped out a pair of slippers. picking up my dirty clothes and walked out of the bathroom heading downstairs to go into the kitchen to see B/n sitting at the table while mother was almost done with dinner, I stepped into the laundry room since the other door in the kitchen led to it and I placed my dirty clothes in the washing machine and walked out.

~ Time Skip To After Dinner ~

I was tucking B/n into bed with a smile on my face humming a tune while he yawned looking up at me sleepily hugging his brown teddy bear. "Sis do you think I'll be bullied tomorrow?" He asked with a tired tone rubbing his eyes.

"Of course not bud, your a sweet boy I bet they'll love you," I said placing a kiss on his forehead. "Anyway get some rest we have a long day tomorrow," I said as he nodded in reply closing his eyes drifting off to sleep. I closed his curtains and put on the night light heading out the door without turning off the light.

I headed to my own room but turned off the hallway lights off since mom already went to bed, I closed my bedroom door behind me as soon as I stepped in. I turned off my own lights and slipped under my sheets laying down on my side closing my eyes hoping tomorrow would be a good day before falling into a dreamless sleep.

// He's A Hot-Head While She's Sweet And Shy // Kyotani Kentaro x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now