Gathering Storm

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  • Dedicated to Gwendolyn Hawkbell

                                                                        SNOW'S POV

                        I laughed as I frightened a little squirrel, who ran up the closest tree and stared at me with wide eyes. Carefully avoiding the nut that the squirrel had abandoned on the ground, I stepped around it and continued my journey home. My home was just outside of the woods, in a grassy bowl shaped valley hidden by the large hills around it. I had gone for a few days to go meet a nearby herd and give them my  greetings with their new addition to the family...a little foal named Fire. I enjoyed my journey and I was not too happy to go home. I sighed heavily as I thought of my herd, a small herd, but a herd nonetheless. There was me and Shy, the mares, and then Dark and Storm, the stallions. We had no foals, except for Sugar, who had been abandoned. We had taken the young colt in, Shy nurturing him as his real mother might have. The reason why I am dreading my journey home is because of Dark and Storm, constantly fighting for dominace of the herd. I snorted. Storm should be our leader. I didn't like Dark all that much, there was something very off about that stallion....

                        Stepping over a few sharp rocks, I began to make my way up one of the hills surrounding our valley. My ears perked as I picked up the sounds of shouting and heavy hooves hitting the ground. Hurrying up the hill, I looked down at the small valley that my herd called home. Below me, Storm and Dark were in the center of the valley, circling eachother angrily, poised in an attack position. Shy and Sugar was off to the side, worridly watching the two boys. They are probably going to argue again and make up after. That was something they did often. The two usually got into huge arguments that ended as quickly as they began. I smirked and made myself comfortable in the long grass on the hill, prepared to watch the fight, which always proved to be the most interesting entertainment for me. Dark and Storm continued to circle eachother for a moment more before they both stopped and glared at eachother. 

                                "This is my herd! I am the leader here. You are just an old, washed up nag!" I watched as Dark began yelling profanities at Storm, who stood calmly, waiting for his turn to attempt to establish his dominance. When Dark was finally finished, the older horse gave one look at the enraged grey stallion before speaking.

                                        "My father ruled every herd from here to Everwind, including this one. I have taken this herd only, and I will not give up the only thing my father left me to some hot-headed stallion!" Dark snorted and puffed out his chest. 

                                        "You will, or else you will be forced to leave." Dark shouted angrily, before stomping his foot. I looked at Shy, who had left her spot in the corner and made her way to the boys. She went to stand behind Storm, and she muttered something shyly that I couldn't hear. From where she was standing, I guessed she was on Storm's side, standing behind him like a scared soldier. Dark's face showed hurt, but his expression quickly changed back to that of anger as he launched himself at Storm, toppling both of the stallions to the ground and kicking up a cloud of dust. Panic rose in my chest as I realized that this wasn't like their normal fights, as I reliazed that this was the fight. The fight that would determine who would be the true leader of the herd. I had the urge to go help, but I couldn't move. I was terrified, and my legs froze. I could only watch helplessly as the two stallions fought in the dirt. 

                                        Dark kicked his hooves wildly into Storm's stomach, who retaliated by rearing and knocking the younger horse onto his back. Dark thrashed wildly, attempting the get back on his hooves, but he was pinned down by Storm, who then bit Dark harshly on his shoulder. The grey stallion screamed in agony before flipping over and kicking Storm in the head. I watched with horror as Sugar joined in the fight, pouncing on Dark's back and biting him. Dark reared, and the little colt fell to the ground. Sugar got back up and with speed none of the other horses could have ever guessed he had, the colt bit down on Dark's tail and pulled as hard as he could. Dark, lost in the heat of the moment, kicked his back leg, connecting his strong hoof with Sugar's chest. The colt went flying backwards, falling into some grass and lying still. 

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