sky high.

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Information : there are no quirks.

read the note at the end of the chapter, thank you.

Kai sighed in relief as he inhaled the joint resting between his fingers, blowing it around the room, as he feel relaxation washed over his body.

He wrapped an arm around the young teen next to him, he could feel the greenete leaned onto him.

Kai perked up when he heard Shigiraki coughing up, his germaphobia screaming, "Jesus Chisaki, this shit's strong," Shigiraki said as he passed it to Dabi, taking the offering water from Hari.

Dabi whistled, "am I tripping but does this smell like mint and honey?"

Kai nodded, pride swelling up in his chest, "that's right, it's a hybrid I made myself,"

Shigiraki nodded, he hated to admit but Kai did wonders with hybrids. Shigiraki's eyes landed on Izuku, "Chisaki, why did you bring this kid with us?" he said with suspicion soaked in his voice.

Kai raised his brow and smiled, a rare sight to Shigiraki and Dabi but a common one to Izuku, "I'm trying to make him feel sky high," Kai said.

Izuku merely rolled his eyes, "you said I have to wait for 3 years,"

Kai nodded and took a huge swing from the joint, blowing the smoke at the young teen's face, "that's right,"

Izuku rolled his eyes again and playfully punched the older man which he responded with a quite 'ow'.

Shigiraki blinked owly at the two, not knowing what to do or say at the situation infront of him. "What do you mean by waiting for 3 years?" Shigiraki said, not realizing he had said it out loud.

Izuku and Kai averted the gazes at Shigiraki, he could swore there was a small hint of pink on Izuku's cheeks, "I-I'm 15, Kai said I could hit one when I turn 18,"

Kai nodded and ran his fingers through green locks, the young teen leaning onto his touch, "we made a lot of deals that can only be achieved in 3 years, so be patient,"

Izuku merely nod.


Note : I don't condone harmful drug taking and I'm not romantizing drugs. If you were going to take drugs, then it's your decision I'm not stopping you.

I also do not condone pedophiles and grooming. I did this only for the plot, if you feel uncomfortable and think there's something that I can improve in this one shot, please do tell me, I accept your critism.

And if you want me to change my wordings out in this one shot, please do tell me.

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