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1) Este o formatie de nu metal din Bakersfield,California 1993.

Jonathan Davis-vocal

James "Munky" Shaffer-chitara,backing vocal

Reginald  "Fieldy"Arvizu-bass

Ray Luzier-baterie,percutie
3) 11 albume
4) In 2000 au castigat Best Short Form Music Video si in 2003 Best Metal Performance.
5)Arvizu este stangaci dar canta la bass cu dreapta.
6)Au aparut in South Park.
7) In piesa "Y'all  Want a Single" (3min si 17sec) apare cuvantul "fuck" de 89 ori.
8)Inainte de Korn , numele trupei a fost L.A.P.D.(Love And Peace, Dude' sau Laughing As People Die)
9) Cel mai bun album din 1998 este Follow the Leader.
10) 8 turnee

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