1. The Snake

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Muffled church bells echoed around the dark streets: 12 strikes. A hooded figure crept up the moonlit lane, deliberately keeping to the shadows. As the church chimed, he walked faster, his cloak catching on the brambles to his left.

"Merlin's beard! Why don't they ever bother to tend to this side of the path?" he wondered aloud, looking to his right and seeing that the other side of the drive had manicured hedges. As his pace quickened, lavish iron gates appeared, turning the man's gaze to the top of the bars. An emerald green snake curled its way along the spiked top, it's cold eyes glimmering in the luminescence of the moon. It's body was at least a meter thick and a dozen times more in length.

The wizard pulled something out from the sleeve of his cloak: a wand. It was gnarled and curled and the splintered wood had clearly aged. His hands shook as he waved the wand and chanted under his breath. As he hummed melodically, the stone gargoyle of a snake slithered its way over the tops of the spikes and made its way to the manor, which sat several hundred meters behind the bars.

The man stood and watched, his eyes curious, as the stone creature gradually made its way back to him. The bars parted and the snake hissed faintly. The wizard nodded to the serpent, which had resumed its lifeless gargoyle form once more, and carried on through the gates to the castle ahead.

More statues lined the drive to the house and the man slowly hobbled past them, his limp worsening every step he took. No sooner had he banged on the great doors of the place; a second man opened them from inside. The first wizard spoke, "Well, well. If it isn't, Draco Malfoy."

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