Chapter Four

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"Angie! You have a visitor!"

Oooh, who could it be? Justin? No. I do not even want to see his face so I'm sure he's smart enough to know not to come here. My friends? Nah, I don't even have a single friend. A relative? Couldn't be my visitor.

I guess I was too lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that person had sneaked into my room unknowingly. You know, I was probably about this close from raging when he spoke, but I managed to come myself down. In probably the dumbest method yet.

"Angie..." That familiar, husky voice began.

I mentally blocked my ears and began singing lala. Uber loudly to block his voice out. I closed my eyes and pulled my covers over my head without hesitation. Shut the hell up, jerk. Asshole. Player. Dumbass. Mothereffer.

"Angie, please listen to me―I beg you. Please." I tried harder to block it out. No, determination is all about it. I'm not gonna screw up now and be addressed as a slut to God. Even though even in hell he wouldn't ever insult his own child, but yano.

"God, damn it, Angie! What must I do to get you to listen to what I have to say?" Yeah, be frustrated. Get too frustrated and give the hell up, and  l e a v e.

I couldn't give a lesser flying F.

I pulled my blanket down, not caring if my hair was messy or not, and stared at him. Oh, wait, let me rephrase that―glared at him. It wasn't long before I flashed him a sickly sweet smile that even made me shudder internally. "Nothing. Now cut the bullshit and I welcome you to the streets."

"Angie, don't make me kiss you again," he threatened, making me go stiff. What in the actual F is his problem? Is he mental or something? Wait, no, I doubt he's better than something―since he's a player.

And players generally suck hairy legs.

"Don't you dare, jerk," I warned him, rolling my eyes at how much he was starting to get on my nerves. I underestimated him, I really did. And I was blind. And dumb. And gullible as hell.

"So listen," he growled.

I sighed again, and rolled my eyes again, before glaring at him. Again. "I am gonna waste a minute on you."

"Thanks, that's lovely," he bitterly said, flashing me an equally bitter smile. I glared at him harder. He was the one in wrong and he wants to challenge me now? A-S-S-H-O-L-E.

"Time is ticking," I smiled sweetly, dropping that smile and rolling my eyes the next second, without even turning my head. He needs to know how freaking annoyed I am. And I mean it.

"Look, Selena and I aren't together anymore. We broke up like, just last month  because we couldn't cope with a long-distance relationship so whoever I'm interested in, it wouldn't be cheating no more. So now that we're clear can you please forgive me?" He begged, pulling the puppy dog face.

Damn it, I'm a sucker for puppy faces. Craaaaaaap.

"Then why did you say 'What she doesn't know wouldn't hurt her'? That doesn't prove anything, idiot." I mentally cursed myself for giving in so quickly. Ugh. I must learn from mistakes...especially ones like this.

"Because I was kidding! I thought you've known me for a long time? I thought you knew I'm a prankster? Okay, I'm sorry I didn't tell you Jelena has broken apart but, me being a prankster should've crossed your mind!" 

"Okay, your two minutes are now over. Goodbye and have a nice day." I pulled my covers back on my head and went back to doing what I did moments before. Don't give in. Don't give in. Don't give in.

"Wait! Angie, will you please forgive me?"

I let out the most unattractive groan in the history before pulling my covers back down. "You're really hella annoying, you know that?"

He flashed me a smirk, "So I've been told."

I narrowed my eyes on him. He must be dumb, I swear. Still as egoistical as always. I am seriously frustrated. "It doesn't help with the situation."

"Okay, I'm sorry," he sighed. "So?"

"If I say yes, will you leave?"

"Oh, shit, yes! But I'll return tomorrow, that's for sure." And I could really hear the sincerity in his voice. That kind of made me smile... Though, I hid it well considering I still wasn't on the best terms as him.

"Then yes, I forgive you," I sighed, looking at him in the eyes, "but I don't care. You may still be an idol to millions, but you are no longer my idol. So you're gonna have to win back my trust."

"When I say challenge accepted, I mean I'm accepting the challenge. And I'll always win."

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