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After we came back from the 'water break' quote on quote, we finally had our breakfast. It was quite hard, especially considering that I was sitting in a room with a bowl kisser. Speaking of Rubble, he continued to kiss that empty bowl. Ugh. I felt sick to my stomach. I thought that I would actually barf.

I looked at Chase, he felt the same way. But if he could hold it in, so could I. So while I was trying not to let my just eaten breakfast come out, Rubble spent his time kissing his food bowl. And, when he was done with his, he kissed the other pups' bowls. Well almost all of them. Chase pulled his away, and stopped him from coming towards me.

I looked at him, he looked at me, and we smiled at each other. "Thanks" I said. "No problem Skye." He said, with his usual smile. Oh, how I loved that grin.

"Must....Kiss....Bowl!" Rubble said, probably going insane. "Dude, what's whong with you? Why do want to kiss ouw bowls?" Zuma asked. He had a good question.

"Why do you care? It's my love." He said. Okay. He was officially insane. "Rubble snap out of it! Are you mad or what?!" I asked him, pretty annoyed. He didn't respond. Instead, he leaped forward to grab my bowl. I don't know why, but I kind of screamed because I was scared.

Fortunately, he missed my bowl. But, very unfortunately, he ended up scratching Chase's left side of his face, leaving 3 huge marks on his eye, thankfully though, he didn't lose his eye in the process. I was speetchless. He was bleeding,badly,but wasn't crying in pain at all.

"Oh." He said turning towards him. "I see how it is." He said while lowering his stance, getting his claws out, and showing his canines, while growling slightly, his ears facing the back of his head. I had never seen him so angry.

He was probably about to pounce on him, but didn't as he saw Ryder running towards us. "Hey pups, what's going on?" He asked, and then gasped, seeing Chase bleeding. I think that made Rubble snap out of it too.

"OH MY GOD CHASE!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?! WHO DID THIS?!" He asked. I really wanted Rubble to have it, but Chase spoke up before I could.

"Ryder sir, I was kind of combing my fur from top to bottom, and my Claws came out, and then, this." Chase lied. Why did he lie? Rubble was shocked too.

We rushed him to Katie's, who almost fainted when she saw him, his left face almost completely covered in blood. She took him to the emergency room. All of us saw what happened at the lookout besides Ryder, so we weren't talking to Rubble at all.

Eventually, I walked up to him. I really wanted to slap him, and put him through what Chase was going through, but I whispered in his ear, "This isn't over." In kind of an angry voice. I was really irritated by him.

"Marshall, can you help?" Katie called. "Coming." He said while dashing off into the room. I followed him inside. The room was quite big and completely white.

I saw my poor Chase, laying on the bed, facing Ryder. Katie had cleaned him up pretty good. There was hardly any blood on his face, but that made those 3 huge gashes look even bigger than they were.

Speaking of her, she walked up to Chase and told him to close his eyes. She started to apply the stitches to the gashes, which was apparently very painful. "Ow,Ow,Oww." He said, kind of in his normal voice, yelping every time she stitched one part of a gash.

Warm Blooded Love-A Chase X Skye FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now