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Literally not even a second after we got up, I heard a quiet moan. "Umm...Skye? Did you hear that?" I asked her. "Yep. Sounds like it came from...Marshall's house?" She said, confused. Then, I heard it again. "I think that's Everest." I said as I started to walk towards Marshall's pup house. Skye followed me close behind.

I placed my ear on his pup house and listened for a sound. There was silence. Then, I heard another loud moan from Everest and she said "Oh Yeahh." In a way that made me understand what was happening inside of there.

I lifted my head off of his pup house and started walking back to the lookout. "Okay! Skye, I think we should have lunch and let them enjoy their moment." I told her as I walked inside while moving my head from side to side. Like, what the heck dude? Why now, and why did he not tell me?

"Wait, what's happening Chase?" Skye asked. "Oh them, nothing is happening. They were just playing Chess and Everest won and Said Oh Yeah. That's probably what happened." I told her.

"Oh please. Chase, what's going on in there?" She asked, not buying it at all. Oh god. "Well, you see, they're having se-se-se- Oh god why can't I say that word?" I said. "Skye, I think you should know by now."

"Oh, so they're having S*x huh?" She said. Oww. My virgin ears. I've always tried to keep them away from hearing swear words. But you know what, it's okay.

"Yeah. I think we should leave them alone and let them have 'fun'." I said in serious air quotes. We walked back into the lookout, and joined the others for lunch.

"Hey, where's Marshall and Everest?" Rocky asked. "I don't really know for sure." I lied, because if they knew what they were doing then, Marshall would die.

Then, I saw them coming back to the lookout. "Hey Marshall. They want to know where you've been." I told him while winking at him and whispering in his ear. "I know what you did. Good luck."

He instantly realised what I said, and gulped. "Hi Ryder. We had gone for a walk, right Everest?" He said nervously. "Yep." She said. "Hmm... Okay. Here's you're lunch." Ryder said while giving them their food bowls.

While I was eating, Marshall came and sat next to me. "Thanks Chase. You're a life saver." He said. "Speaking of which, how did it go?" I asked him. "It went perfectly. We kissed, I rolled her onto her back and we (I don't know what dogs do when they have it hard)

"Umm.. Marshall, we're eating." I interrupted, as I was about to spit out my food. "Oh, yeah, so how is it going between you and Skye?" He asked. I almost Choked. How the Fuck did he know. Oh, Sorry Sorry Sorry. I forgot the language part.

"How the frick do you know?" I asked him. "Are you serious? Literally everyone knows that you like her. The way you worry for her, then try to cover it up. The way you look at her sometimes. The way you always want to hang out with her. It doesn't take a detective to find out that you like her." He said.

"Is it really that obvious?" I asked, feeling kind of scared that my lifelong secret was out. "Yup. And we saw some videos of you and Skye playing together." Marshall said. Now, I was mad. Really REALLY Mad. But I couldn't take my anger out on my brother.

"Let's you and I have a talk, Friend." I told him in an annoyed way, as I left the lookout. Soon, he followed me outside. "What's wrong Chase?" He asked me.

"Now, tell me truthfully. Did you show them the videos?" I asked him. "Ye-yes." He said, stuttering a bit. "What ELSE did you show them?" I asked him, now really annoyed. "I showed them the video if you and Skye Ki-kissing." He said.

My ears were now numb. "You did WHAT?!" "I just showed them 1 video." He said. "Yeah JUST. WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU TO TELL THEM?!" I shouted, now boiling with anger. But I realised what I was doing, and calmed down.

"Sorry for shouting at you. I was just mad." I apologize, realizing that he was curved up in a ball, probably feeling scared. "It's o-okay Chase. And I'm sorry for showing them the videos." He said. "Well, I guess my life long secret is finally out. Great." I said as I walked back inside the lookout.

"Chase, where had you gone? I was worried for a minute." Skye said. Wait, I am the one who's supposed to be worried here. My lifelong secret was not a secret anymore.

"Ryder sir, can I go hang out with Skye?" I asked him. He chuckled a bit, and agreed, and continued to talk with Katie. Wow, it's going well for those 2 lovebirds.

We both went to my pup house, and I closed the door behind me. "So Chase, what's wrong?" She asked, probably knowing from my face. "Skye, something is really Wrong."


"What?" I asked him. I looked at his face, and it wasn't his happy one. It was his 'Oh My God I'm Gonna Die' face. "So" He took a deep breath. "Everyone knows." He said. Those words struck my head like a nuke. "What? Who told them?" I asked, kind of blushing. Okay, I was blushing hard.

"Marshall told them. He showed them our pictures of us playing together, and showed them that deleted video." Chase said.

"But hadn't we deleted it?" I asked. "Yes, we did. But he may have restored it." He said. "GOD DAMMIT!" I shouted with a little bit of anger. "Sorry. My tongue slipped." I apologized for the words that I said.

"Skye, theres no need to apologize. I said something much worse to him." He said, looking at the floor. "What did you say?" I asked, because I didn't know at the time anything worse than God dammit.

He cleared his throat and said, "WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU TO TELL THEM?!" I had never heard such words from him. I could've sworn I heard him say "My secret is out."

We decided to have an evening map, because I guess screaming like Hannibal Lector makes you really tired. We both decided to hit the hay. Good thing I was sleeping with him. That time, we remembered to lock the door, so no one would see.

Now, we were half asleep. I was about to fall asleep, when I felt 2 paws wrap around me. It was Chase. He hugged me close to him. I responded by snuggling him. Now because we were half asleep, I Kissed him on the lips, only for about a second. He did the same, and before we knew it. We fully locked our lips, not even letting air escape.

It was indeed one of the best days of my life. I had locked lips with the pup of my dreams, and none of us wanted to let go. Then, sleep got the better of me, and we both fell asleep, still locked lips. Now, there was a question in my mind.

Did he love me?

Warm Blooded Love-A Chase X Skye FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now