Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Dane sat on his cot, chin rested on his knees as he rocked himself back and forth. His didn’t know how long he had been sitting there, an hour? Maybe two. He had lost track of time a while back.

He swung his legs over the side of the small bed and stood up, beginning to pace the room for the fifth time that night. He was trying to think, but nothing was actually going on through his head. Anytime something did come up, it was pushed back aside.

Dane moaned, allowing himself to slump to the floor, rubbing his head hard with both hands. “So difficult,” he mumbled to himself, “why can’t I just make up my mind?”

Because he couldn’t join King William, but he definitely couldn’t leave Quinne to join Avron. “Face it!” he cursed under his breath, “either way, she’s getting left behind!”

The decision was made. He’d leave tonight and join the Resistance, knowing that if he waited to tell Quinne, she wouldn’t let him leave. He threw his dark cloak around his shoulders, fastening the clip and throwing on the hood. Within a few moments he had the few possessions he needed in a bag tied to his waist. His weapons were hidden in the cellar so he’d grab them on the way out.

Dane opened the hatch in his floor that led out of the attic and into the hallway of the cottage. Quietly, he slid down the ladder and landed soundly on the floor below. He crept slowly along, careful of not to make any noise, until he stopped in the mid of the hall.

Dane turned, seeing Quinne’s bedroom door was wide open, showing her sleeping form curled up peacefully on her cot. Dane bit his lip, wanting so badly to take her with him, but there was just no way. He reached up, placing a hand on his head and grasping the hood, letting it fall back onto his shoulders. Let out a sigh of defeat he stepped through the open doorway and crouched down by Quinne’s bedside.

“I’m sorry, sis,” He whispered, “I can’t take you with me.”

He brushed a few loose strands of her black hair off her face and placed a kiss on her forehead, a tear streaming down his face. As quickly and quietly as he could, he threw his hood back on a slipped out of the room and through the back of the house, closing all doors behind him. He stopped, leaning against the back door and placed a hand over his mouth to muffle his sobs. Tears fell from his eyes as he stood there, wishing he could go back and forget about the world. But even if he managed to forget the world, the world wouldn’t forget him. Eventually he would have to leave anyway.

He let out a long slow breath, before stepping out into the night, leaving everything he held dear behind him.


Quinne opened he eyes slowly, sitting up sluggishly. She yawned, reaching upward with her arms, welcoming the warmth the sunshine provided through the small window above her. “Good morning,” She smiled sleepily up at the light pouring in.

She managed to crawl out of bed and head for the door. Her bare foot struck something, making her jump back slightly. She bent down and picked up the small but heavy item. It was Dane’s knife, sheath and all.

Quinne shrugged, “odd.”

She continued towards the door, rubbing her eyes. BAM! She fell backwards, grasping her forehead with both hands. “That door!” she screeched, “I left it open!”

“Quinne?” he mother’s sweet voice came from the other side of the door.

Quinne looked over herself. She was still wearing the borrowed clothes from Dane she trained in. “Just a moment!” she yelled, throwing herself against the door to keep it from opening, “I’m getting dressed!”

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