Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Raiding the Castle

Vlad turned, clinking every time he moved a muscle, as Avron came up behind him. “You were right,” Avron heaved, as if he had been holding back the words for a while, “It’s going to be harder than I thought.”

“Death is a curious thing,” Vlad mumbled, looking towards the town before them, “You think you’re ready for it, and then the realization hits you all at once.”

“What am I going to do?” Avron groaned, pulling the hood down, “I swore I would never wish to live again, and then they came around.”

“What?” Vlad blinked, turning to Avron.

“It’s funny,” Avron chuckled to try and hide the pain and fear in his eyes, “I thought Xarra and Koran would be the only life I’d ever have. I thought I was simply a living dead once they were gone,” Avron blinked back tears, shaking his head as his smile broadened, “All the sudden I’ve never felt more alive. All because of Quinne and Dane, I’m wanting to experience what it’s like to have a life.”

Vlad was silent, watching Avron’s shaking form. “Well, say something,” Avron turned towards him, unable to connect his gaze because of the veil, “go on and say it. ‘I told you so,’ is that it? You’ve managed to stump me Vlad, something that hardly anyone has been able to do.”

“I don’t want to prove you wrong, Avron,” Vlad grumbled, “I just don’t want you to feel like you’re just an empty shell.”

There was a silence between them as Vlad turned back towards the troops. “Let’s get this over with then,” he sighed and walked off.

Avron sighed and looked up as Quinne and the Archers appeared out of the corner of his eye. “There you are,” Avron cleared his throat, keeping a vacant expression, “Vlad is getting the troops ready and then we’ll be ready to head out.”

“Avron, are you-?” Quinne took a step forward, looking worried.

“I don’t want her to pity me,” He thought, staring at her blankly before raising his hand to cut her off. He turned as Vlad approached with Dane following him. “They’re ready,” Vlad nodded.

“Let’s get a move on then,” Avron cleared his throat, “try to send everyone in in small groups so we don’t attract unwanted attention. Try to take as many back alleys as possible and avoid any human contact. We cannot let this plan fail under all costs.”


Quinne rushed through the shadows with Christopher, Justice, and Riot trailing behind her. The buildings around them were nearly all the same, beaten and worn down, making it hard to tell if they weren’t going in circles. “Stop!” Quinne hissed, nearly slamming into a pile of crates in order to slow down.

Riot collided into her but Justice and Christopher toppled to the floor beside them. She rolled her eyes and shook her head, turning her attention to what lay ahead. The castle walls were visible from where they stood, but were still a ways ahead. “Move slower,” She whispered and crept along the shadows.

They all followed her lead, avoiding the light of the full moon and remaining in the darkness. They came to their final stop among the last row of houses, the wall just a few paces before them. Quinne motioned for Justice and Riot and they removed there fire starters from the sacks and disappeared into the night. She bit her lip, hoping they’d be okay as their footsteps faded. Now all that was left was too wait for them to burn the Barracks. She looked up as a large puff of smoke arose from the other side of the wall, sooner than she thought it would. Voices began shouting and calling out orders as flames licked over the top of the wall. Justice and Riot were back in a flash, panting as they watched the fires grow higher. “That was easier than I thought,” Riot huffed, watching over half the guards leave the top of the wall.

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