Chapter {4} Cleaning the Cottage

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Snufkin's POV

It has been many weeks since I've had a home-made meal by Moominmamma. I'm glad I came tonight but I was still surprised that Moominmamma invited (Y/N). I finally got to learn her name, it suits her. I suppose I should be happy that I got a second chance to properly introduce myself. I hope I made a good first impression.

After dinner Moominmamma took (Y/N) upstairs to her room. Snorkmaiden, Little My, and Sniff were starting to leave to go home for the night. I decided I should leave with the group and head back to my tent.

As we were about to leave Moomintroll runs after us and closes the front door behind him.

The sun had gone down and all of Moomin Valley was illuminated by the stars and moon of the night sky.

"(Y/N) seems nice, doesn't she?" Moomintroll asked the group as he walks alongside us.

"I like her, she reminds me of the sophisticated Duchesses' I read in my books." Snorkmaiden cheered.

"HA she's not a duchess, she's too boring!"

"Little My! That's not a kind thing to say about (Y/N). She was nice enough to let you eat her leftovers" Moomin was right. (Y/N) did let Little My eat her leftovers but I'm pretty sure she was still hungry.

"I guess your right" Little My begrudgingly said in defeat.

As our group was about to go our separate ways Moomintroll walks ahead of us.

"Moominmamma says that tomorrow she and papa are helping (Y/N) clean her cottage. I think it would be more fun if we go and help them" Moomintroll encouraged

The group seemed to unanimously agree with Moomin and were somewhat eager to take on a new project.

"Will you come Snufkin?"

"If I finish fishing early tomorrow, I'll drop by"

Moomin's eyes light up "Good, then I'll see you all tomorrow"

Everyone says their goodbyes before walking back to their homes for the night and I return to my tent.

I take off my hat and boots setting them aside as I laid down to reflect on the day. I think back to when I saw (Y/N) standing in front of her cottage, the way she presents herself, and how enchanting she looked. I know I do not have the talent of socialising with people, but my mind went blank of what to say to her. She has such a gentle smile. She has this strange effect on me and these emotions are so unfamiliar.

Am I ill?


My first night in Moominvalley was a very new experience for me. It's my first night away from my family, I miss them a little I suppose but that doesn't mean I want to go home. I've already met so many wonderful people that make me feel excited about my new life.

After a peaceful night in Moomin house, I wake up feeling well-rested and ready to go back to my cottage. I start to get ready by changing into some fresh clothes, brush my hair, and lace-up my shoes. As I leave the spare guest bedroom I hear the Moomin's talking and making breakfast downstairs. When I enter the dining room I can smell pancakes from the kitchen. Moomin, Little My, Sniff, and Snorkmaiden were all sitting at the table together.

Moomin is the first to notice me "Good Morning (Y/N), did you sleep well?"

"I slept very well, thank you," I said as I take my seat at the table next to Snorkmaiden.

She turns to face me "We were wondering if we can come help clean your cottage"

"That's very kind of you all but you don't have to if you don't want to"

Gentle Smile {Snufkin x Fem Reader}Where stories live. Discover now