if you'd let me, i would drown
in your melancholic thoughtsand lick your neck drenched with
honey,let me gaze upon the
galaxies and constellations in your
oil painted eyes.
you're face looks so ethereal under
the crescent moon,
waiting to talk to her moon child.
you weep tears of ambrosia
it drenches the acrylic painted clouds
then it would rain
i would run across the dewy grasses
with overgrown wild flowers
and i would bathe in your tears
then i thought,
boys don't cry
but pretty boys can.
sorry 4 not updating 4 so
long, its just that ive
been losing motivation recently
anD everyday i just feel like sh!t
tho thats not a valid reason 4 me
not to updatr and once again, i
am so so so so sorry !