Chapter one:

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James' point of veiw:

His fists beat down on my body like I was a drum. The only noise I made were cries of pain. It was forever until he was done. He left me bleeding and severly bruised on the floor of my bedroom.

I layed there all night, beaten, broken, and hurt.


Bay's Point of Veiw:

I walked into school friday morning. I for one, was completely happy with the fact that there was no more school after today, until next week of course.

I sat in my seat and practically bounced with joy when James entered the room.

God, why does he have to be so hot?!

He sat in the chair next to me and I managed to contain my excitement. I was overjoyed by him just being there. His long black hair, his strong body, his gorgeous brown eyes. I could die right now of a heart attack! Probably not...

He sat there... as if he didn't even notice me flipping out in my seat when he walked in. I blushed. It was a foolish thing to do, but that doesn't matter, not ike he has feelings for me.

"Morning." he grumbled.

I looked over to him in shock. He spoke to me first!

Play. It. Cool.

"Morning." I reply, cheery voice. "How was your night?"

He flinched.

"Okay..." I looked back toward the front of the room.

"It was okay." He answered.

I looked back at him. Mmm... I wanted badly to kiss his snake bites, to touch him... but he looked so fragile... I wanted to wrap him up in my arms like no one has ever done to me. To protect him.

"I can make tonight even better."

His head whipped around and looked at me questiongingly.

"Okay, so I realize now that that came out wrong..."

He smirked. "Cute."


I smiled like and idiot. Not only are we in touching distance, he called me cute and I made him smirk.

"I am?" I tried to keep my cool.

"Very much so." he replied.

"I think you're hot..."

He went wide eyed.

"I MEAN CUTE!" I corrected myself.

He smirked. "I'm neither." He corrected and then faced the front of the room.

I wanted to face palm myself so bad. Instead, I faced the front of the room, and began to take notes on something the instructor wrote on the board.


I was in the middle of writing down something about Darwin's Theory of evolution when a paper, folded, landed on my notebook.

I stopped writing to open it, hoping whatever it was, was more interesting than evolution.


'Meet at the mall?'

I looked up to see who could have put it there. No one. I looked back down at the paper.



My eyes went wide, and my heart beat like a drum.

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