Chapter seven:

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Josh shot the doorknob and barged in. I rolled off and under the bed to cover myself.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Josh roared seeing James.

"Get the hell out!" James shouted back.

"Where the hell is she?!" Jason.

"She's under the bed half naked. Get out."

"Bay, you alright?" Josh yelled to me.

"Yeah, just get out please?" I begged him.

"Fine." I could tell Josh was glaring at James. "Make her scream again and I kill you. Legit."

"Sure you will." James was smirking.

Minutes of silence passed until James said, "They left, You can come out now."

I crawled out from underneath the bed and saw him raise and eyebrow.

I sat on the bed and thought of how we could have private time.

"Let's go to the camp grounds." I suggested.

"Where is that?"

"A few yards from here, there is a large clearing, the camp grounds." I answered.

"We should get dressed first..."

"So we're going?"

"I don't see why not..."

"You get dressed, I will pack a few blankets and pillows." I put on a shirt and pajama pants and grabbed a few blankets and pillows from the closet.

I went downstairs to the car and packed them into the back seat.

I went back upstairs and Saw James was dressed and ready. "What are we waiting for?" He asked.

"Nothing, we can go now." I replied.

"Alrighty then." He followed me downstairs and into the car. Brianna didn't stop me, and Josh and Jason were in their bedrooms.

James started the engine and we were off.


James tucked a pillow beneath my head and continued to kiss me slowly.

I had one hand on his heart and one hand around his body. After about half an hour of kissing him, I got up to get a drink of water. I walked back and saw him standing there.

"You know," I sighed. "If I could give you one thing, it would be the galaxy, that way, you never have to understand wanting and yearning." I cupped his face in my hands. "Unfortunately, I think it is physically impossible."

"Don't be unbsurd." He told me pulling against my hips towards him. "See," he said pressing his lips to mine then swiftly pulling away. "I have the whole galaxy right here against me."

"Where?" I asked. Another dumb question. I always do things like this, ruin a moment by being stupid.

"Right here, in my arms."

My cheeks turned a flush pink and I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Bay," he whispered resting his forehead on mine and swaying me back and forth.

"Hm," I replied closing my eyes and leaning forward to rest against his chest.

Everything was so perfect, so content, I felt as though I didn't have to ask for anything more in my life. All I could ever need, was right infront of me.

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