9 ~ Hogwarts

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The carriage came to a skidding halt, instantly everyone became restless as Madame Maxime exited through the door, bending down as to fit through. They could hear the chattering and murmurs of the students of Hogwarts as they watched the headmistress. Isabelle could hear their minds buzzing, each of them wondering about the students that remained in the carriage. The Hogwarts students and teachers applauded as she approached Dumbledore, Isabelle could see out the window to admire the scene. An old looking man with a long white beard and matching hair stood in the centre of two rows of students. He wore silver robes and half crescent spectacles. He kissed Madame Maxime's hand, having no need to bend down due to her large height. Even from inside the carriage his calming voice could be heard. "My dear Madame Maxime, welcome to Hogwarts." The tall woman smiled down at him and nodded.

"Dumbledore, I hope I find you doing well?" Dumbledore nodded and winked at the woman causing her to chuckle quietly. "On excellent form, I thank you." He replied. Madame Maxime turned back to the carriage, "My pupils." As she said this, the students began to emerge from the carriage. Fleur and her friends pushed towards the front and elegantly stepped out. Not until when Belle stepped out did she notice the immediate drop in temperature. Everyone began shivering as the approached the castle. They bega pulling on scarves as they followed in Madame Maximes shadow. Max chuckled at Isabelle's gentle shivering and shook his head, "Well, we can't have you shivering now, can we?" He shook off his blazer and gently hung it around Isabelle's shoulder. She smiled and thanked him, although alike the rest of the uniform, the blazer was made of fine silk, it was still providing her with warm. Clementine turned to Alex, sending him her best smile, the boy simple shook his head and chuckled. "No chance, I'm cold too." Clementine rolled her eyes and gently pushed the boy making him chuckle again. 

"Has Karkaroff arrived yet?" Madame Maxime asked, turning her attention back to Dumbledore. "He should be here any moment, would you like to wait here and greet him or would you prefer to step inside and warm up a trifle?" The headmistress looked over her shivering student and nodded as she took in their reluctant faces. "Warm up, I think. But the horses -" 

"Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher will be delighted to take care of them, the moment he has returned from dealing with a slight situation which has arisen with some of his other charges." Madame Maxime nodded and gestured the girls to follow her, she quickly turned back to Dumbledore, "My steeds require forceful handling." She looked down at him, her face showed her doubts about their teachers being able to handle their horses. "I assure you, Hagrid will be well up to the job." He replied smiling, Madame Maxime nodded and bowed slightly before peering around at the Hogwarts students. "Very well, will you inform this Hagrid that the horses drink only single malt whiskey?" Dumbledore chuckled to himself and nodded, his smile still present on his face as he bowed back to the woman. "It will be attended to." Madame Maxime turned to her students, sending a smiled towards Isabelle, "Come," The crowd of Hogwarts students parted allowing them to pass up the stone steps, only when Isabelle looked back at Dumbledore did she see his smile falter, he seemed to be looking directly at her.

"This castle is tiny, how do they live here?" Isabelle could hear one of the seventh year girl mutter as they approached a large hall. The oak doors were open exposing five long tables, four vertical and one horizontal. The four tables were decorated with coloured banners, the table on the left with green and silver. The following with yellow and black, then blue and grey. The finally table with red and gold. Isabelle recognised the colours to match that of the four houses. The table at the top had no decorations, which she assumed to be the teachers table.

"Woah, quick look at this!" A fifth year boy called from the window located at the left of the room. The rest of the students rushed over and looked out, due to the darkness it was rather hard to see. But in the evening light, they could see a giant ship beginning to emerge from the lake. Bubbles surrounded it as the ship surfaced the water. The magnificent ship glistened in the moonlight, it appeared to be strangely skeletal and having a similar appearance to the wreckage of a pirates ship. Adim and misty light shone out of the portholes, glimmering onto the dark water of the lake. The sound of an anchor splashing down into the water could be heard even inside the castle, echoing off each of the walls and around the hall. A series of muscular looking men, with a build similar to that of a muggle bodybuilder emerged from the ship. Their shadows falling deep on the grounds as they passed by the light exerted by the portholes of the ship.

They lines up in front of the castle which allowed them to get a better look at them. Some wore shaggy, fur like cloaks that couldn't be more different than the ones Isabelle and the others were wearing. Others wore fur much better looking, sleek and silver. Isabelle couldn't help but think it looked oddly similar to her wolf coat when in her animagus form. She shook her head and tried to ignore the thought as they continued watching the arrival of what they assumed to be Durmstrang. A tall, slender man walked through the middle of the two lines, he wore a fur hat on his head and his robes being more finer and cleaner than many of the other students. His hair was slicked back and of a similar silver as his robes. 

"Dumbledore! How are you, my dear fellow, how are you?" His dark, heary voice rose as he approached the headmaster pulling him into a hug. "Blooming, thank you Professor Karkaroff," Dumbledore replied. Karkaroff had a fruity, unctuous voice, only when he stepped into the light coming from within the castle, could Isabelle see the man properly. His hair was a similar shade to Dumbledore's but much shorter and he had a matching goatee, though she couldn't help think it was a rather pathetic one. With a few curls that barely covered the entirety of his chin. When they pulled away from the hug, the two professor shook hand firmly. Isabelle could see scars across the other man's hands that intrigued her despite the original uncomfortable feeling his presence brought her.

"Dear old Hogwarts," He said looking up at the castle and smiling, his teeth were clearly yellowing and his face although stretched into a smile, still remained cold and shrewd. His eyes gazing up although appearing to be distant and unwelcoming. "How good is it to be here, how good... Viktor, come along, into the warmth... you don't mind, Dumbledore? Viktor has a slight head cold..." Dumbledore shook his head and reached out his head guiding the headmaster in through the doors. Karkaroff beckoned his students forward, holding back others so one in particular could enter first. Isabelle strained her eyes to try and figure out who the boy was. She didn't need to for long because Clementine was repeatedly smacking her arm and squealing. They all turned around to look at the girl puzzled, while she sent them back a look of 'how could you not know'

"That's Viktor Krum, only the yummiest seeker of all time. And he's here, at the same time as us. I might faint. Oh my Merlin, imagine if he spoke to us, I'd die." She began jumping around the hall in excitement. The others watched her in confusion, still shivering from the cold. Max brought Isabelle to the side, a weak smile on his face. "You admiring the competition, yeah?" He chuckled, the smile not reaching his eyes. Isabelle shook her hair causing his eyes to light up. "I prefer scrawny, french boys." She winked as she wandered back over to Clementine who was now pressed against the opposite windows trying to catch a glimpse of Krum. Max rolled his eyes and smirked, "Alright, Belle. Whatever you say." He called after her, making Isabelle giggle quietly.

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