Chapter 2. Morning run

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My legs felt numb from all the running I had been doing. It was a sunday, meaning we didn't have any classes to attend. I had decided to run around the city to keep my stamina up. I breathed out heavily as I looked at my watch, seeing it was 4 p.m. I catch my breath and began to run again, back to UA.

It's been a few weeks since the schooltrip, and the school wasn't allowing their students to have anymore outdoor activities with their classes. Evantually all the students started blaming our class for their misfortune. It was really a pain when they would yell at you or gossip behind your back.

On the bright side, Midoriya had recovered fairly quickly. As soon as I got back to the cabin, my classmates were waiting for me. They took over Midoriya from me and recovery girl was already on sight, as well as a few other teachers. "You did well stabalizing him, Fudomi" she smiled proudly as I akwardly told her it was nothing. Not much had happened back there. A few of the criminals we caught were questioned by the police. Unfortunatly they didn't spill any infromation about their boss.

It was somehow very peaceful attending UA after that. The villain attacks somehow stopped and the media stopped questioning the students. The gates became more and more protecting. There were even guards doing rounds around our school. For once I felt like a normal high schooler again.

Unfortunatly that peacefullness didn't last long. As soon as I stepped back into my dormbuilding, the fight began. The boys were having an eating contest, it was between Mineta and Denki. Kirishima and Tokoyami were laying on the ground, clenching their stomoach. I looked at them, irratated, and they all stopped what they were doing. ''O-Oh hey Fudomi! How was your run?'' Kaminari asked, trying to distract me form what was happening. "It was fine, what are you guys doing huh? Eating all of our food for this shitty reason?" Cracking my fingers in the process and smiled angerly at them. They hid under the table, apologizing. I didn't pay much more attention to them after that and started walking up the stairs.

Arriving at my room, I was suprised to see that my window was open. 'Did I leave this open?' Getting suispicious, I closed it again and got some clothes. I peeked out of the window to see nothing more than trees. My body took me to my bathroom, where I took a quick shower. When I was done, I took out my phone and did some games for a while.

Soon it was 6 p.m. and everyone has gathered downstairs for dinner. Denki and Mineta still seemed afraid of me, as the kept staring at my every move. Once I grabbed a knife and wanted to cut into my bread, but the boys were yelling before I could even cut it. The whole class just laughed it off and after dinner they went their seprate ways. Some decided to stay downstairs, while others went to their rooms for some alone time. 'I should do some running' not wanting to sit down and talk, I decided to go on a run.

It was quiet in the city. Lights flikkering and background noise was heard from the people talking. I stopped right before an alleyway to catch my breath, not noticing the shadow lurking behind me. It grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth with it's other hand. It hardly pushed me against the wall and put it's arm above my head.

"Why the fuck did you help me, you little shit" I looked up at the angry ash-blonde. His face was really close to mine, so I could feel his breath touch my cheek. "Because it's my duty" I replied, looking him straight in the eye. He was taken aback by the direct answer, but this soon faded. His angry look returned and he scoffed. "I'm not gonna say 'thank you' or some shit, so don't expect one" He turned his head, checking if no one saw us. I looked slightly up, irretated by the fact that this brat was shorter than me. "I didn't want one" He looked back at me as our eyes met again. His face became more and more pissed off. "Don't get all cocky with me, you dipshit" his harsh words didn't hit me at all.

We stood there for a while, not moving an inch. I examined his face, seeing he had indeed handsome features. That's when it hit me. "You're that kid that got kidnapped last year aren't you?" I looked at him as his expression changed again. He slowly nodded and gritted his teeth. "So why not go to the police? I see none of your buddies around" I stated, wanting to get out of this situation. You could see his eyes lit up a bit before they went back to being dark and scary. "I can't, they put some shitty tracker on me and I don't know where it is" he started looking around his body, trying to prove that there really wasn't anything. I sighed at his stupidness. "Then tell me where they live" Looking into his eyes, they changed from anger to hope. "I-I've never thought about that" he started to giggle in a insane matter. I looked at him, trying not to show any fear. He started to calm down and went back to his old, irratated self. "Alright" his mouth went to my ear as he whispered the adress to me. My eyes widened for a second, not expecting that that would be the loctation of their base. I nodded to him, as he backed away from me. He let me go and we parted ways.

Arriving back at the dorm, it was around 9 p.m. Most people went back to their dorms to study or hang out with their friends. I was lucky enough to see Mirodiya walking up the stairs. "Oi Midoriya! Do you know where Aizawa-sensei is?" I called out as he turned around. He started thinking and evantually came to an answer. "He is probably in the teachers lounge" his voice sounded tired. I thanked him and waved him off, telling him good night.

Entering the teachers lounge, I saw Aizawa sitting in his chair. He was typing something on his keyboard while drinking his coffee. "Sensei" I called out which makes him turn around. "Aren't you supposed to be going to bed soon?" His voice sounded raspy. Not sure how I should start, I decided to get straight to the point. "I know where Bakugou Katsuki is being kept" for the first time I saw Aizawa's eyes widen. He started looking me straight in the eye, this time serious. "I hope this isn't some kind of prank" his face was focused on mine. I shaked my head, telling him my encounter with Bakugou.

I end my explanation with the adress the ash-blonde gave me. He immediatly grabbed his phone and called someone. 'Wow that was fast' thinking this I wanted to exit the room but Aizawa stopped me. He hung up the phone and stared at me. ''I hope you realize that you can't tell your classmates about this'' He said in a cold manner. I nodded my head, letting him know I understand. ''Fudomi, will you help us with the rescue?'' my eyes widened at the request. 'Me? Helping with a rescue?' I slowly started to panic. ''I know I can't ask you this as a teacher, so I'm asking you as a hero, can you please help us'' his pleading eyes were getting to me and I looked down at my shoes. ''Why are you asking me this? Isn't this a job for the pro heroes?'' questions kept filling my head as I spilled my worries to Aizawa. He sighed and stood up from his seat. ''We have tried multiple times to save him, but all to no succes. He's too stubborn to take any help from others, even if we are standing right before him. Every time we see him, his eyes are filled with hope as if he's begging us to help him. But his actions speak otherwise, he's slowly being manipulated by the villains" he paused for a minute before he went on. "You are a smart and quickminded student, helping those around you. Bakugou must've felt that and trusted you enough with this information, so please come with us"

Here's another chapter of 'healer boy', I hope you liked it. Fun fact, writing this is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. I may be an introvert but I haven't had sunlight in over three days. I hope you are all doing well and I'm this will all be over soon. This will be all, see you in the next chapter.

Healer boy [BNHA SHORT STORY] [BAKUGOU X MALE!OC] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now