Chapter 4. Roommates

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A week has passes since Katsuki was saved. The league of villans were locked up and questioned by the police. Today was the first day for Katsuki back at the dorm. He spend last week with his family, trying to recover from his trauma. He insisted on going back to school as soon as possible. Aizawa tried talking some sense into him, but to no avail.

We were downstairs in the livingroom, everyone was helping Katsuki move back in. We are planning to throw a 'welcome back' party for him as soon as he was settled in. Shoji used his quirk so we could get the boxes up to my room. We would be sharing a room because that was the plan in the first place. Katsuki seemed different somehow, his yelling became less and his angry face was switched for a neutral one. Izuku noticed it too and told me he wasn't like that at first. 

''He would normally yell at me or challenge Todoroki to a battle'' his eyes trailed off to the now silent blonde. You could see the worry in is eyes. ''I'm sure he will be back to normal in no time, he was in there for over a year after all'' I smiled softly, hoping to calm the worry he was feeling. ''I guess, I just hope this doesn't change his performance, he was one of the best in our class'' He was still unsure wheneter he would talk to Katsuki or not. ''I will talk to him later'' I told him, walking away to get the last boxes. 

Katsuki was in our room, hanging some of his posters above his bed. ''Hey Katsuki'' I called out to him. He responded with a 'hm?' and went on with decorating. ''Are you sure that you're up for this? I mean like school and such'' He turned around, facing me. ''Yes I am, now help me with these last ones'' he waved me over, pointing at some of the boxes. I quickly got out my phone and texted the group chat, telling them that we'd be done soon. I put it away again and helped him unpack.

We were done unpacking and making our way downstairs. I let Katsuki walk infront of me, wanting to see his expression when he came downstairs. The lights were out and Katsuki seemed confused. He looked around, looking for everyone. His foot touched the floor at the end of the stairs and the lights immediatly went back on. ''Welcome back Bakugou!!'' everyone yelled in sync, coming out of their hiding spot. The music started and there were some party lights gathered around the room. The letters 'welcome back' were hanging from the ceiling. I could see Katsuki smile a little as he tried to remain his tough attitude. I pushed him a bit forward, what he didn't seem to like but he went with it. Jirou gave him something to drink and the others went to dance or talk. I smiled and didn't really knew what to do, so I sat down the stairs.

The party turned out to be pretty successful. The music was great and the overall vibe was very fun. It was around 11 p.m. and it was still going. Some people had grown tired and went back to their dorm room. I could see Katsuki in the corner of my eye, coming towards me. The room was darker than before so no one else saw us anymore. He sat down next to me and I saw his hands shaking. His breathing was faster than normal and he was sweating a lot more too, 'is he having a panic attack?'. He looked to the ground, clearly not knowing what was happening. 

''Katsuki look at me'' his eyes were wide open when they met mine. I breathed out and looked at him. ''Your having a panic attack'' I told him, trying to get him to acknowledge he was having one. He was still in shock, looking back at his shoes. ''I-I really don't fucking k-know what t-to do'' he stuttered. I grabbed his head and put it against my chest, putting my other arm around his back. ''W-what the fuck do you you're d-doing-?'' he was trying to get away from me but I held him still. ''Just shut up and focus on my heartbeat'' he listened to me and closed his eyes in the process. His breathing slowed down and he wasn't shaking that bad anymore. I let him go and he thanked me. We sat there a while until he broke the silence. ''How did you know what to do?'' He was looking at me, demanding an answer. ''I'm a healer after all, I also need to know how to treat mental things'' he nodded looking away again. ''Do you have something against flashing lights?'' Asking this perked his intrest. ''They liked to use it to get control over me, kind of mental torture I think? Fucking bastards..'' I nodded and it became silent again. ''Can we go back to the dorm again? I'm kind of getting sick of this fucking party'' Katsuki suddenly asked and I nodded. I yelled at Mina that we would be going back to our dorm. We stood up from the steps of the stairs and walked back to our dorm.

I plopped down on my bed, getting a 'what are you doing' stare from Katsuki. He grabbed a towel and walked towards the bathroom. I could hear the shower being turned on so I grabbed my phone. Scrolling through my social media, I saw photos from the party. Kaminari had posted something about him kissing Jirou and I laughed a bit, because she wasn't really doing it willingly. I also saw some group pictures from Izuku, Todoroki, Iida and Ochaco. On the background you could see me and Katsuki sitting on the stairs. I chuckled, thinking about Katsuki's expression if he would see this. 

Eventually the shower stopped and Katsuki walked out. I was sitting at my desk, working on some homework. He was leaning against my chair, trying to see what I was doing. ''I'm doing homework'' I told him, adjusting my glasses. He stayed behind me, examining my work. ''You made an error''  he pointed towards the second question, causing me to turn around. ''I did that on purpose'' not wanting to be corrected, I lied and went back to my work. ''This is also incorrect'' I gritted my teeth, I absolutely HATED being corrected by people. ''I'm going to shower'' I took off my glasses and stood up from my chair. Grabbing a towel from my closet, I walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

After finishing brushing my teeth, I walked out of the bathroom, seeing Katsuki working on my homework. ''What are you doing?'' I asked, drying my hair. He looked up and stopped moving the pen. ''I'm correcting your mistakes and giving you practice questions'' His voice sounding like a teacher. I groaned and sat down on my bed, not wanting to do any practice questions now. ''Just let me sleep'' I sounded tired, which I was. Sitting up again to look at my phone, Katsuki stood up an walked over to me. I didn't realize he was sitting before me. ''Hey Katsuki look-'' his arms suddenly wrapped around me and I stopped mid sentence. ''W-what's wrong'' I asked, panicking, 'what the fuck is he doing?!'. He tightened his grip and I could hear his breathing. I calmed down and leaned into him. ''Thank you for getting me out of that hellhole'' His voice cracking a bit. I ran my hand through his hair, letting my other hand wander around his back. 

''No problem''

Thank you for reading this new chapter of 'Healer boy'. It gets kind of sloppy at the end but I will fix that in the future, for now I hope it was good enough to read. I hope I will see you all in the next chapter.

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